How did you get here?

Searched on something to do with hypnosis I think. It was year ago. In any case I ended up at this site, and never forgot it. Although, I didn’t start posting until a couple years later.

From the Dream Theater forum. Someone said “I’ll try lucid dreaming tonight” and I asked “what’s that?” and he gave me the link to LD4all.

I had a huge break when I started and now I’m here again, and other little breaks in between. It’s my favorite forum at the moment. :smile:

I was reading an article about sleep (trying to figure exactly how little I could get away with). There was a brief mention of Lucid Dreaming. I thought it sounded cool, but forgot about it for a month or two. Then I decided to look it up, and was the first resault.

Hmmm, I’l have to think back…

Ah yes, I was messing about on the internet looking for a website about ‘dream meanings’ when I came across something about LDing. I read it and decided to do research on it. So I typed ‘lucid dreaming’ into google and eventually found ld4all.

some link in wikipedia , but I really had no idea at the Time lucid dreams aere that special since I had them about all my life maybe one every 5 other dreams I remember

I wanted to see what other people have dreamt so I signed here through the link there

I found a link in wikibook about LD. I use wiki a lot so… :content:

I was looking for how to whistle with my hands which took me to this website had a section about dreams and I saw something about lucid dreaming I thought it was fake but decided I would give it 5 days to either be proven (to me) fake or real. So I read all that I could on the site and on the third day had my first LD. I have been here ever since.

I got here by finding this website that told you how to do a bunch of cool things, such as make a cloud in a bottle. I searched for a random word, the word was dream :happy:. In the first 5 or so results was lucid dreaming. It sounded familer because I read about it years before.

Then I googled lucid dream found this site, but first ignored it because it had to load and was to colorful. But I later came back out of curiosity.

Funny story how I got here actually. :happy:
I didn’t even know control of dreams was possible.

I was doing a school project in 8th grade last year… had to find out how a VCR worked. So I went to to get my research done. After I was done there was a little link at the bottom that said ‘How Stuff Works: Dreams’ and out of curiosity (cuz I’ve always liked stuff about dreams) I clicked. :happy:

It explained stuff about REM, and sleep patterns, and something called Lucid Dreaming, where one is able to control their dreams.

So I thought to myself “I’m going to learn to do that.”

Searched google for ‘Lucid Dreaming’ and here I am. :happy:
I forgot about this site a week or so after I joined… then remembered about it today for some random reason. XD

Read about lucid dreaming in a psychology textbook which said that it was most definately real, googled it, and got this site. But the textbook is what caused the search.

Oddly enough, my new psych book doesn’t mention it.

Well I had done some research on LD’s around a year ago, and didn’t really find any great sites. Guess I wasnt looking hard enough, eh? :wink: Then I gained interest again, searched google, found this place…and voilaaa. :colgate:

Hmm, let’s see… somehow I found my way to information on astral projection on Probably through googling some random thing out of boredom. I had always had the desire to shapeshift, and even tough AP sounded far-fetched to me, it sounded like a potential means of doing the impossible, so I tried it for a while…

From there, I found my way to’s paranormal forum. Thought it was interesting to read and kept reading it for a while…

Then, I realized that GameFAQs had a paranormal/conspiracy forum, so I started lurking there as well.

Finally, I saw the link to LD4all in somebody’s signature at GameFAQs and decided to check it out for some reason. I didn’t really believe it at first, but then I remembered an LD that I had in the past, and realized that LD sounded more logical than AP anyway.

That’s the story of how I got here on October 12th, 2003, give or take a few days. I remember the date because I remember that I had my next LD about 20 days after first finding LD4all. :tongue:

I went to Wikibooks and searched for “Fly” just to see what came up. One was Lucid Dreaming. It was the best accident of my life. I read the articles, read some more, and finally decided to come here.

Spacealbin, Kenai and wikipedia :razz:

EDIT: So I voted for: “Subliminal message from aliens”.

Short answer:

Long answer:
One day something I don’t recall any longre led me to search for “Lucid dreaming” on Wikipedia. I am really not sure what was the trigger - it’s possible I was reading about sleep physiology before that or I just fortuitously invoked a derelict piece of memory, for I had once read about LD on some alt. newsgroup in the days when the Internet was a newfangled thing for most people.


i found this site from google

ah google, gotta love it =P

was browsing and looked at how dreams worked, then it linked to a wikipedia article on LDing, which had a link to here

googled LDing and this came up as like 2nd. Good thing too, because you guys ROCK :thumbs:
someone needs to make a :rockon: smiley :tongue:

Searched wikipedia for lucid dreaming,
then taking the link here :smile:

I got here from my interest in ESP, which led to me grabbing an old paperback at Barnes and Noble called Mind Games, following the link, and then actually bothering to post with this account after two years of it collecting digital dust.