Competition Rankings for October

2 for me!!! This is alot for me, especially right in the beggining of the month! :content:

Only one after a long dry spell :meh:

I’ve had 2 this week… two little short ones so I guess 0.5x2= 1…?

1 then? XD

I’ve had 4 since 1 october, all in the last 3 nights :happy: (I’m on a roll, and there ain’t no stopping us now woohoo)

3 since the start of October.

1 so far this month.

Another one for me, tonight!

1 more last night brings me to 4.

Getting back into the swing of things again… 1 more this month making 2 for me in October

Really weird one at that though… Okami related…with a floating head… hides

2 .5’s during a nap bring me to 5

I had my longest LD ever last night!

I cloned myself, I walked through walls and glass, I shot rockets out of a Pringles can :wink:

I even tried to have an AP, but I just found myself in a tree, sitting next to some people telling me that lucid dreaming was “spirit travel”. Well, 1.5’s the total for October :content:

weeps I can’t help feeling incredibly left out! If I didn’t limit my list to ten things I would be beyond 100 by now! Now I want to explore Atlantis, the Library of Alexandria and find buried treasure!

Ooh, count me in. This will be a good motivator

As soon as I can lucid dream (attempts are three nights away and decreasing) we can decide to meet! =0)

Actually, since you’re lucid dreaming already you might as well try on your own first sniff but tell me all about it!

Can I join? 6 for October. :smile:

One so far.

Another .5 brings me to 5.5.

One more for me. So currently 7 for October. :happy:

One more, makes a total of two this month. :cool:

One more for me bringing total to 2 :grin: