Toilets/bathrooms in dreams

Funny! I can’t remember any toilet dreams. I’m sure I will have had them before though…

oh … I’ve just had a small fragment flashback of a dream I had last night …
there was an empty spot where the toilet was supposed to be!!

[color=darkblue]Was it a nightmare, where you needed the toilet? :lol: [/color]

Oh God… toilets in dreams are horrible for me. I remeber, one time I was trapped in this filthy, endless bathroom. The toilets werefilled with seweage :yuck:, the tile on the floor kept on cracking (a recurring dreamsign from when I was a small child), and they never ended. I kept on walking for the rest of my dream, trying to get out without barfing.

One time I had a very weird dream, and the normal part was an outhouse that was compleatly filled with crap. :crying:

I’ve been getting a few toilet dreams lately.
Always either in my old high school or one of the toilets at home.

They are usually fairly clean, although I remember once that I needed to go so badly that I pee’d in a pint glass… it over flowed :eh:

I have had toilets in my dreams.
But they are always in places they shouldn’t be,
like in my closet, or in the middle of the livingroom.

I jump into toilets to get to different places when running away from the Green Goblin >_>

I had a precogn (right?) of the toilets in school, they were new, nice and the room smelled nice, it happened the next day, there were new toilets in my real life school.

I knew it! Somewhere in this world there is
a RL Mario! hehehe j/k :wink:

One night, before going to sleep I told my parents that the toilets in dreams are always so dirty, so we wouldn’t use them, cause if we did, we’d wet our bed IWL. That night I saw a perfectly clean and normal toilet and guess what - I used it! Nothing happened IWL, thank goodness! :tongue:

Thats another thing lol. Would that really happen IWL?
I can remember when I had that closet-toilet I actually
used it too, it took me about a minute to finish doing
a nr1 hehe. I got out of bed when I woke up, made breakfast
and while eating I suddenly recalled that moment and rushed to the
bed to see if nothing had happened lol . Nothing did, what a relief! :grin:

I don’t know. I was scared it would happen IWL. I was certain it would. But my SC proved me wrong. :content:

Toilets in my dreams are usually normal. Sometimes something stange happens involving them… like one time, I had to flush some clothes down a toilet. :eh: But the toilets themselves are normal.

There was just one time where privacy was an issue… one day after waking up early, I was imagining a scenario which eventually turned into a dream. At about the time it became a dream, I went into the bathroom, and the door was brightly colored and translucent! I closed it, but when I looked away and then back, the door had vanished and there was a similar door of a different color! This repeated a few times, then I finally succeeded in closing a door that didn’t disappear… and I didn’t even use the toilet, I just went straight to washing my hands. :tongue:

Well, I remember having a dream recently where public toilets were either broken/unbearably dirty, or either the hiding panels were like… 1 foot high, so unsuitable. The worst is that I had a harem of boys following me and staring at me. No way to pee in peace…

:lol: I had VIP toilets in one of my dreams last night. They were higher than the other toilets in the toilet block and if you were sat on them you could look over the door :tongue:

I’m starting to notice a lot of my dreams contain a bathroom with a toilet! The last one I remember I was in a bathroom trying to crush tiny little vermin (mice, weird shaped) with a towel because I didn’t have any insect spray, yet alone anything that would actually work on mice haha. I even remember the feeling of crushing them with the towel in my hands. Eww… I wasn’t even lucid or anything.

I think I forgot to mention the state of that bathroom; it was so faul (piss/wee all over the ground)!

!~ ZoMG stop with the bathroom scenes, my silly dreams! ~!

EDIT: WOOT I never expected there to be a giant topic on this LOL! But i’m relieved for this to be more common than I thought.

The last dream I had about a bathroom was me using this public restroom, where there were like 6 toilets in the same room, and all the walls were seethrough! This didn’t bother me so much, though. I had to pee so I sat down and did my business.

What bothered me was when Gary Busey came in and started yelling at me. :bored: Seriosuly, of all the places to run into that guy, sitting on the can would be my last pick! :eek:

LOL … sorry if this is spam but what you wrote Mickis is just FUNNY!

Well my weird toilets got me lucid last night. I noticed the toilet seat was on the wrong way around … the hinge was at the front :tongue:

for full version … Toilets, Toilets, Toilets Part 13 :toilet:

10 year bump

In Toilets, Toilets, Toilets Part 30

I’m in a public toilets. It is PUBLIC, there are 3 or 4 toilets in a long room with no dividing walls. I don’t feel embarrassed or exposed.