What Book Are You Reading? — Part II

I’m reading Franz Kafka, by Max Brod. Brod was Kafka’s friend, and before he died Kafka asked him to destroy all his manuscripts. Luckily Brod didnt keep his word and published what came to be some of the most influential literature in the 20th century. The book is a biography of Kafka, from a close friend’s point of view, and although I’m not sure Brod’s to be completely trusted with his interpretations (he seems to be interpreting ad hoc at some places), the book is indispensable for any Kafka scholar.
I’ve started reading the book so many times, but I also stop after a while (somehow it happens that I get so many interesting books everytime I try to start this one!). The first part, dealing with Kafka’s childhood, wasn’t really interesting. But now i’m in the third part, about Kafka’s experience with institutions (he was an insurrance lawyer). It’s now interesting.

I just finished Gil’s all fright Diner By A. Lee Martinez. Great story. Very different cut on vampires and warewolves and ghost and zombies and all that good stuff.

Starting his second book now, In the Company of Ogres


I’m reading harry potter 4 for the thind time!! :razz:

Sounds like an interstesting book Nadim. I just finished:
Ricochet by Sandra Brown

Wow it’s amazing. A book all about mystery, love, betrayal, deceit, confusion,crime and law. What’s not to love about this? I seriously could not put the book down after about the 100th page.

I’m reading “Catch 22” by Joseph Heller
and I likes Yossarian.

Especially the part where he was censoring letters, by removing everything but names, or all verbs and so.

But I won’t do that to your posts, removing the verbs :tongue:-

I only read 4 chapters so far or maybe some more.

I just read “The gods themselves” By Isaac Asimov.
It wasn’t very good.
I’m also reading a Kafka collection. That’s more interesting!

I have just finished “Night Watch” by Siergiej Łukjanienko, and i’m starting “Day Watch”. Great books, the atmosphere in them is so addicting…

Next in line: the third part of “Dark Tower” by Stephen King. I’m realy looking forward to read it, finished part one and two a while ago.

I generaly read lot’s of fantasy (Terry Pratchett is my god!) and Star Wars books.

Nothing better than a warm bed, hot chocolate and a book…sooooooooo cozy :content:

I love Kafka!! I’ve practically read all his works :tongue:

what stories does this collection have?

On my europe trip i have read

The daVinchi Code
Angels and Deamons
and now am currently reading the restaurant at the end of the universe, 2nd of 5 ( hichhikers guide to the galaxy collection )

Vurt is one of the best books ive read.
and i, robot. What is with the movie, it has noting to do with the book. The book is a good read.

I’ve recently finished reading
“Consider Phlebas” by Iain M. Banks (took a couple of 100 pages before I started liking the books)

I have also read 6-7 short stories by Jorge Louis Borges, I like reading his stories they feels like dreams. It seems like they are logic and not locig at the same time.
I found a Borges quote I like and put in my sig “I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library”.

Right now I’m rereading “Don Quijote” by Cervantes, I was suprised it was better than I thought

I also reading some books by Ellis Peters, that is about the medieval monk Cadfael who solves crimes.

I’m reading Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny, a sci-fi / fantasy novel based on Hindu mythology.

Any other Zelazny fun here? I’ve also started the Penguin Island by Anatole France but the Lord of Light is more interesting so i guess i’ll return to the penguins after i finish with Zelazny.

I got some new books:

The Mind of Kierkegaard by James Collins. It’s supposed to be an explanation of Kierkegaard’s philosophy with minimum stress on his life.
The Gay Science by Friedrich Nietzsche.
Le Mur by Jean Paul Sartre.
On Religion A collection of writings by David Hume on the subject of religion.
A Brief History of Time By Stephen Hawkings, about cosmology, Big Bang, Black Holes, etc… in easy language :smile:

I started with Hume now. He seems to start by asserting things he would later deny :meh: maybe because of censorship, i dunno. But it has interesting stuff. I just need to adjust to that old language :razz:

Pride and Prejudice…even though I’ve already read it like six times…I love it so much I keep re-reading it :razz:

Nightfall by Isaac Asimov

Haven’t read this one yet. I’ve read his Foundation books (not all) and I liked it. I hope I’ll like this one too.

The Plague Dogs, Richard Adams

In this beautifully written novel, the storyline is centered around two dogs who escape a cruel animal research station and set out to survive in the wild. This book really plunges into the depths of emotion, morality, friendship, and the dark side of science. Definitely worth a read (especially if you enjoyed reading Mr. Adam’s masterpiece Watership Down). :read:

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Burning Bridge.

I am reading

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming - by stephen laberge. (
By reading I mean it’s coming in the mail and I will be reading it shortly)

Foundation’s Edge by Isaac Asimov

I haven’t read this one yet, apparently. I’m looking forward to being able to read it when I have nothing to do. I’m getting mre and more restless at times and reading helps. Oh… and Nightfall was a nice read for anyone who might be interested in that.

/me :hugs: Alvin. Hope the restlessness goes away…

I’m actually (still) also reading one of the Foundation books - Foundation and Earth, by Asimov. I’m reading it really slowly though, since lots and lots of school work keeps getting in the way. I have a Christmas break soon though, so yay! :cool_laugh: