Is Lucid dreaming safe or can it mess you up?

That can’t happen, because demons out of hell are nonsense. And the only thing a bad natured spirit can do is scare you, you have nothing to worry about. But since I don’t know all that much about OBE’s themselves I’m not going to suggest trying them.

a lot of scary things happen just because you expect them to, so you probably won’t meet your ghosts (and if you do, just tell em yo p*ss off)

Def, why are you double and (in Dreamer’s other topic) QUAD posting?

And these ghosts are more real than you’ll know, they threw my moniter off of my desk.

That means you’re on the verge of a WILD.

Beware portegist are among us.

lol. OBEs. Not a big believer in the spiritual world, seeing w/o eyes nonsense. demons, god, hell, ghosts, seeing the future and all that nonsense doesn’t exist in my world. same with spirits and souls. PK, mind reading, and psiballs are as far as I’ll believe, and those are just maybes. However I seem to have gotten off topic. LD’s are completely safe. As long as you keep aware of yourself, and are sane, you shouldn’t become addicted. Though you may just start looking more forward to sleeping :wink: as far as OBEs go it is probly just a lucid dream by people who believe in it, though you are entitled to your own opinions, and if you believe in any of those things then it is your choice, and you may have experienced something I haven’t that proves it for you.

Thanks everyone. OBE and LD sound so similar. I know my dream body rolled out of my real body, I had buzzing and noises plus a real intense feeling like I was gonna explode or something but it felt good in a weird way too. People tell me its a WILD, others say its OBE. Im so confused. Lucid dreaming wont make me a diffrent person will it? Like I wont become emotionless or anything? I dont wanna change my personality.

It is not just similar, it is the same!

Lucid dreaming is just realizing you’re dreaming while having a dream. Sometimes that happens even when you’re not ‘trying’ to lucid dream. You just realize that you’re having a dream. There is nothing mystical about it, they will do you no harm themselves.

In fact, you spend most of your day not being aware. We go through our daily routines kind of ‘automatically’. Rarely do we stop and just become aware of reality, and aware that we are aware.

There is no such thing as an out of body experience. You’re body is part of you. You’re arm, for example, is not some external object stuck to you, it is a vital part of you and who you are (assuming you have arms!)

You won’t lose any emotions, nor go through some vast, sudden personality change just because you had a dream where you are driving a car, and realize ‘hey! I dont have a car!/dont know how to drive!’ etc.

Lucid dreaming is something fun and interesting. You wake up from one, usually happy, excited, often feeling refreshed, and reflect on it. Enjoy!

thanks logicgate, time to go try to get that buzzing and go into a lucid dream,lol.

I wouldn’t say Lucid Dreaming CAN’T change your personality. But It’s not the lucid dream that changes it, It’s just YOU changing. Lucid dreaming is about becoming more aware and having positive experiences. And that could change you, into a happier person. You will change anyway like everything else so you might as well be happy.

Look around the forum…when people experience Lucid Dreams, what are their reactions? Excitement, happiness, amazement…the list goes on. Im sure that these reactions have a positive effect on them, much less likely than negative ones. No need to worry. :smile:

Lucidity/Lucid dreaming is just the awareness that your in a dream, how is knowing that you’re dreaming going to have an impact on your feelings, emotions etc. Normal dreams don’t do that and neither will being lucid.

Oh and btw an OBE is a lucid dream.

thanks all, yea I guess it all makes sense.

“Demons” won’t change you. LD won’t change you. If anything, they’ll make you more open minded :happy:

But really, where did you get those ideas from O_o;?

And about OBEs being LDs… I don’t agree with that. Mainly, in a OBE you actually leave your body for a while, which isn’t true in an LD. If it was the same, I’d have already done crazy things to people in other planes of reality.

I just wanna lucid dream, not a OBE.

My WILDs are exactly the same and I tell ya what. It aint no OBE.

It has never been proven that anyone can actually leave their body. The main reason for people calling them oobe, is because they found it so vivid that they thought it could not have been a dream. Is all about what your own belief here… 70% of my WILDs start just like how people describe an oobe. I lay in bed, slip into SP with the so called vibrations and all and then either walk or float out of my body. But i know this is not real and that i was infact entering a dream without losing consciousness.

If you believe in OBEs but don’t want to have them, Maybe you should to something other than WILD.

I think OBE are kinda strange, I don’t think I would try one of these.
Anyway, if you are LDing, it’s just an LD, and not a OBE, maybe OBE do not exist, if they exist, most are false ones.

If you believe that there are sort of demons in LD’s that can make you die, LD’ing is not entirely safe and it can even make you get slightly paranoid. This happened many times (though not on this forum in my knowledge) and the cure is not to believe that there are demons and evil entities. Once people who believed that they were attacked by evil entities in LD’s were told that it was just a dream, they experienced no more problems.

Apart from that, LD’ing is safe.