The left-handed topic

Hey, I’m left handed too :happy: ! And indeed, writing in a binder is a pain but using a pen is worse since you get the ink spread everywhere if you don’t place your hand in a certain way. I never had problems with scissors though (lefty scissors for the win! :wink: )

I was left-handed at first few years of my life. Later i came to a preschool, where a bossy teacher were teaching me to use right hand. I was ambidextrous then. Later i became a right-handed, for writing, etc. but i’ve still got some habits, like using mostly left hand to eat things.

It looks like Bruno got a bit too excited and wrote an essay on being left-handed for us. :tongue:

As I pointed out earlier, there are some things that I do with my right hand as opposed to my left; cutting food is one of them :grin: When it comes to eating, I stick with the left.

I once thought of becoming somewhat ambidextrous by learning to write with my right hand, but then I never had the will power to really bother with that. Bottom line? I know that I can’t write for beans with my right hand. I also wondered if the handwriting for each hand would be slightly different (but still equal) if I became skilled with my right hand. I still never bothered. :roll:

Once again, I didn’t feel like taking the time to become fluent, but I did once try to write backwards, and with both my left and right hand.

This topic is making me want to practice all kinds of things such as becoming fluent with my right hand and writing backwards. :tongue: Why not?

I am right handed but people think I’m a lefty, even when I’m writing xD

When I write I curl my hand around so that the pencil is held coming downward.

Normal right handed:

Left handed trying to look like right handed:

Me :

So I get all the disadvantages of being left handed when it comes to writing, like getting graphite all over my hand :happy:
Also notice the slant. Most people would think I’m left handed from reading it haha. To tell the truth I kind of like it though, it makes me somehow unique :tongue:

3 ring binders are a pain for right-handed people too when you need to write on the back of the page. I always remove the page I am working on, or else I will have to reach across the rings when I get to the back.

I’m ambidextrous. Well, sort of. I print and power throw with my right, and write cursive and throw for accuracy with my left. Other than that, they’re pretty equal. As a little kid I always switched because I couldn’t decide and I’m now (almost) ambidextous because of that.

I’m lefty. I don’t really have writing problems, though. I wonder why…

I always have problems with graphite they get in my hand and then on my paper it makes it look really old.With pen i never really have a problem with :tongue:

Im a right handed that really cant use his left for any much more than a jab-hit :wink:

I understand how you feel with scissors. In class (especially in the younger schools) they had class sets with scissors and pensils and well, you get the idea. And those sets always contained 2-3 left handed scissors, but they werent the most used, though they were there in case if some left handed fellows needed em (mainly they would just use the scissor they found). After some time lots of scissors disappeard/got destryd and we had to use 2 sets to be able to fill one class and such. But guess what scissors that suvived ?

The left handed :shy:

And using a left handed scissor with right aint easy, so yeah, i understand the problems hehe.

What about mental abilitys I have heard about left handed being able reach a smarter level of intelectual capacity that right handed people is this true?

I figured that might be true; the right brain controls the left hand and vice versa, so ambidextrous people might, in theory, be smarter than left- and right-handed people.

I was born right-handed. I’m trying to become ambidextrous, and my writing has improved immensely with my left hand after just a week’s practice.

I’ve also been training not only to “unlock both parts of the brain”, but I also find it faster to be able to write with both hands at times. It’s not as neat, but it’s a good way to practice and a good alternative to shorthand. :wink:

I might try writing with both hands. My writting is allready the worst everyone , even me , has a hard time reading it. I dont think it could acctually get worse.

i’m right handed i cant do anything with my left hand :open_mouth:

I’m a lefty too! :cool: :cool:

I write like that as well :grin:


Although Sonia made it sounded funny, i still found Bruno’s “essay” interesting. Bruno! You must have been amazed when you switched and played beautifully! I wish i could have seen your face when you did that!

Sadly, i suck so bad when it comes to using my right hand and/or leg. I cannot do anything with my right leg in football (soccer) except tricks involving me putting my leg around the ball as though i were to go to the left or right. I can do kick-ups in football too. I just realised…i can’t even pass the ball with my right foot :eek:

*wissam suddenly feels like playing football :cool_laugh:

A little bit of fun for everyone. Get a piece of plain paper and two pens.

Write your name with your main hand, then write your name with your weak hand. Naturally your main hand will be clearer.

Now write your name with both hands at the same time, focusing on your main hand not your weak hand. Both should look pretty much the same :eek:

What great timing for this topic to be revived! :cool_laugh: Just last night I had a dream in which I was ambidextrous. For whatever reason I had decided to practice writing with my right hand, and I was surprised at how well I was writing; it was nearly as good as the writing done with my left hand, with a few minor imperfections. Now if only it were like that in real life. :tongue:

/me wonders if that extra bit of dream practice has improved the writing of her right hand in real life.

There’s only one way to find out. :grin:

i’m not exactly sure what handed i am, i mean i write with my right hand but my handwriting SUCKS, and for the rest i can use both hands for a lot of sports, and as crazy stick figure said, for power i often use my left hand and for accuracy i use my right hand, also, i’m gonna try and see which hand writes better(even though i now find writing with left extremely awkward:S)

Then you’re most likely righty, Tycho, and the fact that you use your left for force seems to make that even more plausible :yes: But I don’t know what would happen if you tried to change or expand your handedness;

Hehe about handwriting, with my right arm others have hard to read it (sometimes myself). With my left one others can barely read it (sometimes even i cant read it). :wink:

Im trying to use both hands to write by the pc atm, not easy :confused:

I got bored in school today, so I switched hands writing…
My left is horrible! I got it to the point that its atleast comfortable (sorta) to hold the pen in my left hand.

I’m going to keep working on it until I become ambidexterous. :yes:

I would love to do that…
If only I had enough time :sigh: