The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD topic - Part V

How exactly do you do that? Its your dream so there is nothing to stop you from utterly crushing the DC.

This does bring up a cool point as well, I’ve always that that is shared dreaming is a reality that it would be really cool to have a huge battle with a fellow lucid dreamer.

Well, most people don’t have ABSOULUTE power over their LD’s so they can create something that is challenging to fight.

And as for the epic fight with another dreamer, I beleive in shared dreams as well and that has always been something I’d like to do in one. Unfortunatley it’s not like a video game where you can just send someone your IP and have them join the server :tongue:

My ultimate goal (besides having a great time) is to get something useful out of my LDs.
I want to paint,
be creative,
go on adventures and write about it when I wake up.
Take pictures from beautiful angles that nobody has ever seen before…
Invent something amazing, even if it only makes sense in the dream world :happy:
Discover a new animal unlike anything I’ve ever seen before
Taste color, feel sound, see more of the electromagnetic spectrum… etc.
Talk with people in my dreams about their creative ideas
Talk to a person in my dream and get to know them

I should go around asking a handful of dream characters to tell me I am dreaming, and how to remember my dreams :smile:

It depends on lucidicy level. When someone is high lucid, there wont be any problems with beating up evil thingys. Not olny in fighting way: Loads of possibilities, like summoning another beings that’ll fight for dreamer, fireballs, more modern kind of fighting and thousands other possibilities, but also in dream control way (like “you dont exist, vaporize”).

On low-lucid level a creation might get too powerfull, and it wont react at commands until dreamer will get more lucid, or (if everything goes wrong) wake up.

And my FAV list?

Nothing too creative. My current aims are bit hard to do, with my lucid dreams rate, that is bad comparing to LDR before my crisis. I got out of that pot, but im still in valley. ;/

A meet my SG (maybe next time, maybe i never met him), have a shared dream, and (a far away thing for me, at lest now) have a dream that will last longer in dream world than IRL points at Writerscube :tongue:


Stuff i like to do and it’s pretty easy:

Flying (a thing everyone with LDs should try);
Fireballs (unmortal dreamer’s weapon);
Interaction with DC’s (It’s way funnier when you know that you’re dreaming :tongue:);

My list :yes: :
[end of list]

Has anyone ever talked a bout a D.C.s excistance. Im afraide they might freak out. I want to ask them what they do when I wake up.

Intresting, I did this a while back… but one of my DC’s threw a fit and started rambling on about how he was not just a DC and so on and so forth… was pretty intresting though

I wonder how hard it would be to get the DC to talk about there excistance. I think there pretty sensative when it come to being told there just a character in a dream. I think if I could stay lucid long enough, I could have a pretty intence conversation with them.

ive always wanted to do gymnastics, so thats at the top of my list - just go off doing backflips and such :smile:

Attempting to overstay my welcome in the dreamworld only to see to what extent the DCs will go to wake me up :lol:

I could see it now Huey, DCs steping out of the room to talk to about you behind your back, saying… “Man weve got to wake this guy up, his so damn anoying” LOL. I think Ill try that.

one thing i really want to do, is simple spawn myself onto a very very high rock and climb it without any safety belts, etc

1.Flying of course
2.Drive a BattleMech from Mechwarrior 3 on the streets of Budapest
3.Try cool weapons like that huge cannon (it was shooting giant uranium filled cannonballs-it was stupid but fun) from Serious Sam
4.Grab my physics teacher and and use him as a club, and beat up someone with him.
5.Making the sun become a supernova and watching it from the Earth while eating popcorn.
6.Travel to other galaxies and meet intelligent aliens.
7.Entering a black hole.
8.Stopping time.
9.Making the Earth shatter into pieces, and watch it from the Moon.
10. Become Mr.47 and go on missions.
11.Become Raziel (from the Soul Reaver series) and slice and dice people with the fully charged Reaver.
12. Go on a rampage.
13.Meeting my spirit guide.
14. Making my animals capable of speaking.
15. Try to be a superhero like Magneto from X-Man
16. Go under the oceans and swim with whales.
17. Kick Klement Marci’s ass! (csak most, csak neked Marci :smile:)

  1. Flying

  2. Listen a Red Hot Chili concert from the front-row

  3. Go back in a past and see some historic events

  4. win all Body Building competitions

  5. Learning in English (perfect :grin: )

and Playing in a NBA match with Shaquille O’neal :happy:

  1. meet god, slap him
  2. kidnap bush and release him in the streets in bagdad
  3. do stuff…

i wanna get lucid cries

You won’t get lucid with those ideas… or at least not act them out good. You need a good idea everynight, like flying. Not kidnap bush then slap god and then “do stuff”. When you’ll become lucid you’ll probably end up doing nothing of them.

Why ? If he want to ‘kidnap bush and release him in the streets in bagdad’, he can do it. But it would be just stupid. I mean, that’s not a fun thing. If Geremino will get lucid, and if he will do it, he might like it. At first time. I actually dont find it funny, or anything. If he do it, bush propably will be killed in few seconds. Cool?

At second time, it wont be funny, but a boring thing. And there is nothing cool in it. Maybe he’d find god, and slap him, if it’s a funny thing for him.

Anyways, i think that stuff, like flying (you’re right) is way better thing to do in LD.

and one more thing: Doing nothing in LD mostly ends up as waking up or FA. Things on Geremino’s list wont take too much time. :neutral:

I wouldn’t go into a rpg game. I’d see how long i could last in a appocolipse,war, natural disaster or just break stuff.Oh also listen to the sweet child o mine solo so loud in the city it smashes windows, Go to the last rage against the machine concert and have a dream that will go for a year also be able to fuck with time, talk to my younger self, have like a groundhog day of the rl day that just happened.

besides flying and sex?
well… exploring the dreamworld, talking to DC and often mocking them (i love how many of them have that serious look on their faces all the time :cool_laugh: )
changing the dreamscene is also fun because i come up with new ideas on how to do that everytime.

Soul Travel=travel to other higher worlds
Remote Viewing
See my past lives
See The Future
Meet the Blue Being Who Is In The Blue Pearl( 3d eye center)
enter the sjamanic gate
learn martial art