How can I stop having lucid dreams?

Well, if you meant the “Ld transferring thing”, it might work. There is thing like telepathy, not proved, but propably exists. Maybe it would give something. However chanses it to work are …close to 0. And cantsleep registered 17 oct. and was showing up for three days. I wont be suprised, if he already found a solution of that problem, and this night he’s having normal, restful dream.


[size=75]So, if you are still here, not logging in, go to sleep in LD. Nothing more, it just must work.[/size]

re: the idea of transfering lucid dreams to another person, the problem there is im a rigid non spiritual type person who knows that telepathy doesn’t exist.

What i tried instead though was creating a scene whilst dreaming whereby I pick up a box with lucid dreams written on it and throw it in a trash can.

Unfortunatly it didn’t work either. I tried many different variations of this theme each night but none of them have had any effect.

I’ve been a vegetarian since Nov 30th and so far the dreams are still here. im going to give this until december the 20th then go back to eating meat. After that as a last resort I’m going to try changing my diet back to junk food.

cantsleep, here are a few ideas:

  1. while lucid create a large screen tv and just watch dream scenes
  2. my lucidity goes way down when I am tired, so try sleeping less
  3. B6 vitamins wipe out my dream recall. Try 50 milligram tablet before sleep. (some people experience B6 as giving more vivid dreams. If you get this effect, you may want to lower foods you eat that contain B6).
  4. Here is web page from somebody with similar problem and his own solution
  5. read a complicated book before you sleep. Your mind may spend more time processing the information then dreaming
  6. fly straight up in the air as high as possible. Some people claim this leads to OBE which can give you the real world to explore.
  7. in dreams continue to go to your dream bedroom and lie down. Say to yourself I won’t remember my dreams and close your eyes.

I thought about this thread yesterday. I think you should focus on your waking life in order to solve the problem. Ofcourse you could try to fidure it out while dreaming, maybe you find some new angle. From what you’ve said it appears to be the diet so that mey be the way to go. A shame though if you must go back to junk food.
I still think you should give meditation a try if you haven’t already, especially in the dreamstate, maybe it’s not your cup of tea though.

HAHAHAHAHA, Thats actaully really funny, ive been a lucid dreamer since the age of 5, my familly has a line of psychic that runs in our blood, we can comminicate amongst eachother through are thoughts, but it only works through eachother. most of my family can astral project easily, im not so great yet, my dad astral projed to the future and was in a car accident with his grandpa, when he came back to his body he wasnt sure if it was real or not, the next day he got a call form his mom, his grandad was in the hospital from a carcrash, now see since im a concecutive lucid dreamer and have lucid dreams every night, i have to wondered if its possible to stop. so I tried a few things, theres been very few times in my life where i dont have a lucid dream and ive come to find the reason, uve changed ur diet recently and that has made u start lucid dreaming, u dont need to change ur diet back but do the oppoisite of waht people to do start lucid dreaming, tell ur self, im not dreaming as u fall asleep, i wont be aware, or just get off this site, totaly leave anything that has to do with lucid, or the easier way, instead of having fun in ur lucid dream, flying, going to the moon, just go to sleep while sleeping, ur lucid and ur aware of wats going on and u have powers, so use ur powers to make urself fall asleep in ur dream, that should work. it does for me whenever i dont feel like flying or anything, like c mon ive been lucid dreaming since 5, it really does get boring so i know how u feel. but try what i said, and try changing where ur bed is, ur body mite be used to that spot. switch the matress side and move ur bed a different angle.

Illusion, you made me jelaous


And big “sorry” to cantsleep, I really was sure you
wont show up anymore. But telepathy is not spiritual thing :neutral:.

Whilst you say you’re not the spiritual type, I would implore you to use this for the benefit of your mental health, not the detriment. Let me explain.

Recall the things which have been troubling you in life, or at least recently. Manifest them in your dreams and embrace them lovingly. Doing so will make them merge with you, make them part of you. We all have shattered minds, parts of ourselves we dont like very much or even loathe, things we arent proud of. If you use this amazing opportunity to shed these bad emotions by embracing them rather than burying them (such as your contempt for constantly being lucid), I think you’ll find you become a much happier and stable human being.

I’ll even go as far as to say it could be the beginning of the rest of your life.

This is a very odd problem. I read is a bunch of books on dreams that lack of REM sleep can cause you to be very tired in the morning and just plain exausted. Could it be that maybe you’re dreaming in the NREM cycle?
I don’t know how to explain it otherwise.

My only advice would be to either change your diet, avoid anything that has to do with lucid dreams, or just see a doctor.

EDIT: I’ve read alittle bit more. So you get 10 hours of sleep. Well, it could be that you’re waking up during your deepest stage of sleep which can cause you to be very tired in the morning. The length of your REM periods would have increased by now causing longer or more dreams.
New advice, sleep less!

I saw a show once about depression. And aparently people with clinical depression have more REM sleep than normal and they wake up tired in the morning. Aften being given some pills to supress REM the person in the show said it was nice to get some deep, dreamless sleep.
There are ways to promote deep sleep. Like exercise and meditation and such things.

I haven’t really read through the whole 5 pages, but have you tried hypnosis? If there are any hypnotists in your area, you can go there and explain your problem to them
Just a suggestion :cool_laugh:

Unfortunately, I don’t really know if there is a solution to this. I consider lucid dreaming as a knowledge, so to speak. I’ve never had one yet (or what I consider to be one (I don’t think just knowing quite cuts it, I need to have control)). I feel that once I start actually doing it, then I will do it very often. So to compare this to your problem. It is like you have added the knowledge of lucid dreaming and you have the experience to back it up. And since you know it exists, you cannot just conciously (or even unconciously) forget it.

The only one idea I could see working (it was mentioned already by hyper in the post above) would be going to a hypnotist. Get them to basically make you forget about lucid dreaming, about this forum altogether, and maybe you will never lucid dream again.

I personally don’t know how you would want to stop lucid dreaming but I guess we aren’t the same person. To me, I believe knowledge is infinite, and in a world without limits (dream world), we can expand our knowlegde far beyond that of anyone who does not even achnowledge normal dreams.

Lucid dreaming? I saw a topic with the same question before, and to me personally it seemed like a dumb question. Who would want to stop lucid dreaming…right?

I merged it in the topic mentioned :sandra:

Well, now I wanna stop lucid dreaming. Why? I´ve been lucid dreaming naturally, pretty much nightly, since I was about eleven. I also started suffering from depression and a weird dreamlike feeling while awake at around that same age. Yesterday I read that excessive lucid dreaming tends to cause depression since it depletes serotonin levels. Also, when I was around sixteen, I remember a period of about two months when the depression and the dreamlike feeling were gone, during that time I don´t remember having had a single lucid dream.

So, to keep it short, does anyone know of any ways for a natural lucid dreamer to control the frequency of lucid dreams? My mental health could depend upon it…

I would suggest using autosuggestion to want to not have any LD’s before you go to sleep.

ex. repeating “I will not have a lucid dream” over and over until you fall asleep. Make sure you believe that it will happen also.

Let me know how it goes if you try it.

I’ve read that people who were experienced lucid dreamers suddenly stopped being able to lucid dream after using sleeping pills for an amount of time. And try to ignore dreams as you wake up, just don’t try to remember what your dream was about. I think the first step in not having lucid dreams is to not remember the fact that you have them each night. Since you’re used to having them it might be possible that you automaticly “sets” yourself to become lucid, so if you didn’t have (Didn’t remember) your dreams you might be able to stop having lucid dreams.

Does it make any sence at all to you?

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I think I´ll try autosuggestion and not trying to remember my dreams.

Lucid dreaming depletes seretonin levels? I never heard of it. I don’t believe in it either. It’s dreaming were talking about here, it’s natural.
Where did you read about it?
Just to flip it around a bit, Suppose the subjects in the supposed study, were already getting depressed and as a means of making up for the unsatisfactory real life start to get obsessed with lucid dreaming and do that alot. Not dealing with their problems, getting more depressed and realising this in the end, and then seeing what they do- lucid dreaming. It is blamed for something that was happening anyway…
I’m just theorising here though.

THe good thing about the whole deal is that if lucid dreaming causes excessive release of seretonin it’s probably not that much. Not like MDMA wich really causes the release of seretonin os much that scientists fear you can lose the ability to reproduce it.
I hardly think that is going to be an issue with lucid dreaming at all seeing as it’s a natural process. If there is any depletion at all it should level out if you can avoid lucid dreaming for a while. Wich is your concern now.
The only thing you can really do is to either try autosuggesting or nothing at all. And not obsessing about it.

This is the page:

I realize it might not be too reliable, but the info there just made sense to me. I started having this weird dreamlike feeling coupled with depression around the same time I started lucid dreaming (nightly). And there was a period of time when I was temporarily cured, I had no memory of lucid dreams during that time.

Actually, lucid dreaming does not deplete your seretonin level, masturbating does (Right?). And low seretonin level gives you nothing but bad recall (In this matter if speaking)which would mean it’d be nearly impossible to have lucid dreams often since you wouldn’t remember them.

Okay. I read some of that, looked through it. Interesting stuff. I’m not into magick and all that.
I still don’t believe there is any danger. The author mentions REM sleep depletes seretonin. I don’t know about that, but I think the main point is that, I don’t think lucid dreaming does anything to your REM sleep.
And the recommendation of only 2 nights per lunar month that have to be consecutve to even attempt lucdi dreaming. That may be playing it a little too safe. I have an “average” of 2 LDs a week, with much variation. I should be be progressively getting more depressed, I feel like I am progressively getting happier.
More importantly, I always feel good the day after I have a lucid dream, I should feel the worst right after it if it was draining me of seretonin, right? I think most people would say the same thing too.

I have heard that depressed people have more REM sleep.
Again with the flipping it around, perhaps those who have more REM sleep and so confronted with dreams more develope an interest in dreams more easily. I sure know my interest in dreams comes from noticing my own.

want to get rid of those dreams too…never wanted to experience that , just came out of nowhere…recently i have been dreaming about my grandmum who died 3 years ago, and who never talks but always look at me as if she wanted to say…OF COURSE I SHOULD NOT B HERE, I DIED…and its really SCARY! i dont believe in any metaphisical stuff, im very down to earth but this is really freaking me out.
I am always paralysed when waking up and i always experience the … “fake wake up”… its horrible,