Does Age Matter in LD

Yea but when you get older your imagination can get pretty poor… like, if you watch tv it will rot your mind!

The tieing to reality is also one of the main reasons why the imagination gets poorer over time.

And I still have to find out how tv-rots your mind it seems.
I spose my view is distorted but I learned more from TV than school. (English for one, while my class was doing Winnieh the Pooh I enjoyed Brave New World)

lol… well, my class was doing Brave New World while i’m at home enjoying Winnie the Pooh… well not Winnie the Pooh, more like Warcraft 3… haha but still you get the point.

I don’t know what you mean by “Tieing to Reality”, but I assume you mean getting more used to things? There is no physical, mental or spirital “tie” to my knowledge…

Well, I suppose you could call it taking reality for granted, babies for instance at first won’t realise the difference between reality and dream, I suppose you could call it “getting accustomed to reality”.

And you would’nt by any chance enjoy a game of Frozen Throne as well? ^^

lol… I went ahead and uninstalled Warcraft 3: TFT recently because I played it too much…

I have a map that I made called Tag You’re It!.. version 2.2 is the latest, you can try it if you like:

you will need lots of players to make it fun, heh…

heh… I went off topic! oops :peek:

Heheh… I know that map yeah, I used to host it alot.
Great work on the coding of the map, even though the point system gives you too long passwords to type in ^^.

More a fan of TD’s and such these days though.

I think age would probably make a difference in how easy it is to learn lucid dreaming - younger kids would be able to learn it easier than teenagers or adults because that’s when we retain the most information, etc.

There’s also more instances of children getting LD’s because the younger you are, the more REM sleep you get. And LD’s happen mainly in REM.

My friend told his little sister about LDing and then she took a nap. She woke up and told us “she had one of those dream thingys” apparently she saw a unicorn and she realized those don’t exist so she decided she wanted to slide down a rainbow. Yeah whenever i hear “ive been LDing since…” its always “since i was 5” so i would go with a yes on that.

I see what you mean and can definitely agree with that. And yet, couldn’t one argue that it’s easier for those older people to pursue lucid dreaming simply because they’re usually more dedicated and have longer attention spans? I think it really depends on the person. :smile:

Well mt first LD was when i was like 6.It was messed up.These life size legos,covered in alluminum foil were chasing me and some kid when i said “hey im dreaming”,I closed my eyes,opened them and i was awake.

For a beginner i’d say mostly the younger you are the easier it is. But as you progress, perhaps age won’t matter as much.

Hmm, you make a good point there :smile:

In any case, there seem to be other factors which appear to matter a lot more than age. I see that frequency of LDs and time between first attempt to first successful LD vary greatly between people and there does not seem to be an obvious connection to age (or is there? :eh:).

I have not yet made my mind up as to what the most important factors might be, though. Is motivation everything? Or is there some other thing which makes people more “susceptible” to LDs?

Motivation is very important. Staying positive can give you a DILD. But there also some another factors. Age could be one of them, but it’s definitively not most important of them. Childs seems to have more REM sleep, but this does not makes all of them have LD.

Motivation is my problem.

Not like in this moment, but try getting me up to dj at 4 o’ klock :sad:

:bored: I’m usually highly motivated, but it’d be impossible to make me write down dream at 4 am :whistle:

Eh, luckly, motivation to write DJ’s at 4am and motivation to get LD is two another things, I guess. :eh:

If I am too tired, I usually cannot bring myself to write down dreams in detail. But I write down some keywords anyway. Often keywords are all I need to remember a dream later on.

Then again, if you are too tired to write down dreams, you might be too tired to actively pursue some LD induction technique as well… :neutral:

well let’s see I’ve had one LD for an hour, and another for about 15 minutes. i’m only a couple years younger than you neo, and they were both recently. All my LD’s as a kid were extremely short so I’m not sure about the age thing. Good luck on a long one, they’re pretty amazing, but I prefer my epic dreams :smile:

I naturally have LD’S, I always have too.
But Age may matter, but LD’S just come natural so IDK.
Just curious, what stuff can you guys pull off in LD’S? I just wanted to see if since I LD naturally LD if it would be easier for me. Like, what’s one of the hardest things to do in LD’S?