Lucid Dream Powers you have achieved - Part II

hey that’s a cool one!

we should make a list of all the powers we can use/try in lucid dreams.

I made a Objection! for that one :razz:

Ah! That was funny!

But I mean, a list to help people get creative with their powers. I would have never thought of running super fast!

I haven’t tested any of this stuff to it’s fullest, but I did it pretty good…

2.Levitating stuff
3.changing objects
4.add objects

omg, my speakers were up loud and that objection scared the sh*t out of me :tongue: “OBJECTION!”

I finally got wall crawling down, i did it successfully last night :smile:

so uh, thats something

I’m not very creative in my lucid dreams and i normally do always the same stuff :sad: but some powers i used are quite cool

-go through walls, mirrors, whatever
-one of the funniest things i did: i took a brick out of a wall to scare a friend of me
-create rooms in my head before i enter the room and then they look the way i have imagined them

Let’s see what I can from memory:

-fly (don’t succeed always)
-transform into animals or the wind (once)
-when I want to have something I reach out with my right hand and an invisible force “sucks” it to my hand. (been doing that since i was little, and always disappointed i can’t do it IRL :tongue: (not quite sure if this is a LD power, i think I do this mostly in FLD’s / ND’s )

  • control DC’s
  • run very fast
  • ‘linejump’ (sort of ultrafast way of teleporting)
  • step through windows/mirrors/walls
  • make things grow (flowers/plants)

I have to say that over the years my attitude in LD’s has changed from trying to control, and ‘owning’ the dream into more of a respectful attitude towards everything around me, and if i’d like something I rather ask for it instead of wanting or demanding it.

that is so crazy, thats something i’ve been doing for the past coupla years too :smile: if i see my schoolbag or something i call it to me. One extra thing i do though, is even if i don’t see the object, or im aware that the object is far away, i put my hand out and call the object to me. one time i was at school, and i managed to call my wallet all the way from home, it got there in about 2 seconds :content:

Almost on-topic:

After 10 hours of Skeleton bashing on God of War 2, it was time for us to go to sleep. It was also about 5 AM :eek: . So we go to sleep. A little later my friend’s mom wakes us up for god knows why, and turns on the light. She forgets to turn it off. In a state of delusion due to lack of sleep, imagines having Athena’s blades (swords with magic chains so you can throw them and latch onto things), throwing them and latching onto the light switch, and actually yanking it down :razz:

I can fly. But that’s all I really got to do in my LD so far.

I wish I had time to do more things. I really would like to get prolonging down. Feels like I am still preparing for a time to really get into doing stuff in LDs. Get better at flying. Actually getting to places when I walk through mirrors.
Having a drought.

good luck krakatoa!

I really want to go out with someone in a lucid dream. Could help get over shyness. Besides it’d be good. and also, interview someone I know in a dream and interview the same person in real life, see if they give the same answers.

But for my first couple I’m gonna fly around alot. Become a master flyer!! That would be cool.

I have always had lucid dreams…started as a child to control nightmares…
I do not fly any more. I used to
My lucid dreams are more like going through huge haunted homes and actually looking through drawers…reading…and being in total awe over the detail! I have been able to have the extact same dream as my mother once (same night) that was weird. My clue to trigger my lucid dreams are when I realize I can’t find my shoes…then I know I am dreaming and take control
many times I can control ghosts to scare people in my dreams…but usually I snoop. I have to wonder if I am returning to a past life with these old victorian homes and usually I am looking for clues. I also have taught myself to remember addresses in my dreams to try to prove to my waking self these are real places (but I cannot prove this???)
any ideals why I dream about old haunted homes?
once it was an antique shop too… at times I stroll through old villages much like the ones in Harry Potter
I am not a teen into Harry potter either… I am 40 years old and can almost plan my lucid dreams. Like I said…I thought everyone dreamt like this

After you have a few or thousand LD you will be able to actually think in the dreams and do what you want. I completely control my dreams… like if I dream about a house I can think hmmmm… I want to walk over to the living room and look through a desk to see what is in it…on to see a clock on the wall and take it down to look at it closer

I’ve only had 3 LDs, and I have been able to do anything I wanted to do. Probably because I have the realization that, since the dream is mine, my brain creates it, and I control my brain, I can do anything, and I expect it to work. I will have to try some of things people mentioned on here though, here’s what I’ve done:

Manifest Objects
Force (I used the force to open a door as a flew out the room)
Fireballs (Plural, because I took out 50 guys each with their own personal fireball lol)

Want to try:

Changing (enlarging) different parts of the body
summonig fire on my hand (it looks very weak and transperant tough )
yep thats all I’ve done :sad:

Fly… That’s it so far

Wow, I can’t even fly…I can only control vehicles in the immediate vicinity. (e.g. made a 747-400 smash into an airport terminal because someone I particularly do not enjoy the company of was inside)

Well, lessee i could fly right off the bat. First thing i tried when i started achieving lucidity. One of the most liberating sensations in my life was when i first soared to the sky. I dreamed(wished) of doing that for years :smile:

What else? I have this sort of natural telekinesis, even in my low lucids or NDs i manipulate objects around me without much thought. This has encouraged me to try TK in real life. I’ll keep you guys posted if i achieve anything :razz:.

I’ve been able to perform massive manipulation of my environ, like transform its structure almost totally(although this is more instinctive than anything else). It’s not that big of a deal actually, most LDs are our own private little world, realise that and you can do anything. I haven’t tried to mess around with DCs, just seemed… immoral somehow. But i’ll try summoning some next time i Dream :razz:

What i want to do is control my lucid state a bit more. I have difficulty remaining lucid some times, and false awakenings trick me.

!hey wanna say my achievments in my Ld!!! hihihi :

There is the list (won’t say the dirty one!!) :

-Fly (normal)
-pic nic!
-Make a party on a roof of a sky scraper with food, music, swimming pool and all my buddy!!
-Being a super heroe!
-Create a perfume that makes all the guys looking after me :wink:
-kill mean people (really really really mean only!)
-try kind of close to see it the style fits me
-Being a actress in hollywood and create artificial effect!
-practicing my english with english DC (didn’t work, they were speaking a mix betwin my native language french and english!!)