are lucid dreams against my religion?

As said, Lucid dreaming is not heathonistic, and does not run(or certainly does not need to run) contrary to any popular modern religion. If you feel uncomfortable doing certain things in a lucid dream, then by all means do not do them! Happy dreaming.

-To SLINGER: I am personally an Athiest, and do not understand how slinger can advise lordrr to ask God. Speaking objectively, should god exist, he has obviously taken on a custom of non-interference, presumeably to leave free will intact. How then can a person ask God anything and expect an answer, as you seem to? If you ask god and find the answer within yourself, you are asking yourself. I wish for an explanation, not an offense, though I realise christians are often offended by athiests and vice versa. This is not the topic for that, although i’d never back down from a debate, as long as my opponent is armed :wink:

I agree with everybody else but we all have to realize that in certain circumstances everything can be considered evil.
For example, if I used my lucid dreams to see someone I like naked this would not only be very creepy but it would also be very evil. On the other hand, if you believe that you can extend your awareness with this then you could use it to win the lottery and donate a large sum of money to a church (i’m trying to get this idea across to everyone haha).
And then the sun would come out and it would be the day that little orphan Annie referred to as “Tomorrow!”
(sorry got a little carried away at the end)
Oh and to that Athiest guy (i’m cool with the Athiest part btw and no offense; just can’t seem to remember your name) I believe that even if “lordoftherings” is just asking himself if the thing is a sin there could still be divine intervention/karma/whatever you want to call it.
Darn I sound childish.

What I am going to say is based on my beliefs. We share a different perspective, so you may see it differently than I do, but this is what I meant:

While God gives us free will, he does not set us loose in the world with no direction. He warns us of certain situations, and if it is necessary, he answers questions. I had the same worries as our fried lordrr here when I first wanted to lucid dream. So, I asked God to bring the truth to me about whether is good, or bad, or if I could use it in a way that embraces my beliefs.

So you were asking how we can get an explicit answer from God? Well, I think its different for everyone, and since you are an Athiest, I’m not sure you could understand it the same way I do. I obviously don’t hear clear words, but I get certain feelings and certain events happen. What I mean is, during a day, something will happen and I will just “understand” what to do. Or sometimes, I actually get a physical feeling, usually in the back of my neck :content: . Yea, I know thats a little weird. But everyone recieves answeres differently in my opinion. When I first asked about LDing, the feeling I got was bad, and rightfully so. It wasn’t lDing that was bad, but the way I was approaching it. I was becoming obsessed and my motivation was looking more like using LDing as an “escape mechanism” rather than that for creativity/exploration. So, I stopped for a while and I came back with a clear mind. And…I got good “answers.” I appologize if my reply to lordrr was unclear or unfeasable to you. However, since lordrr shares the same religion as I, I assumed he would be able to interpret it as advice from a Christian to a Christian.


That really clears it up, slinger, thank you. The way alot of people speak about it, it simply seems unfeasable. Our beliefs are obiously contrary, to me it seems like you’re just more in tune with your natural feelings. Still, i suppose nothing is more natural than God, no? I think partly my confusion may be that there are alot of fundamentalists at my school. Not to mention how the current U.S. president tells the world about how god spoke to him and told him do “rid the world of fear” or something. That sort of conviction can be good of course, but to a heathen like me, it seems a little misplaced.

And Raethin, you seem quite far from childish. That sort of thing seems to thrive on this forum.

Sorry If I drove this too far off topic.

If you look closely, there are people dreaming lucidly in the Bible…

I was gonna say that because I read it somewhere on the wikipedia… but I couldn’t find where…

That’s very interesting Donoteat, please can you give me the verse or chapter and book? I’d like to read and interpret it that way.

I’m also a christian, and Slinger that’s the best way I’ve ever seen it put, and I’ve been trying to put that in words for a long time. I also agree with you when you say, “From a Christian to a Christian.” Because when I read your first post I knew excactly what you were saying. I get answers the pretty much excact way, so you were right that he would know what you were saying at the time.

As far as I know lucid dreaming is allowed by any religion, but that’s just what I know. But what can stop you? I don’t think God is gonna smite you down cause you happen to have a LD.

I might have gone too far, sorry if anyone is offended. But i’m rather like an athiest.

I don’t remember exactly where, I think it was David or someone with a name starting with a “D” who wrote “I had a dream, and my heart was awakened during the dream” or something very similar, which almost certainly means something like LDing.

I just wanted to know why you are ‘totally against’ stuff like tarot cards? No offense, it just pisses me off when people consider things they know hardly anything about ‘evil’. Not that I know a lot about tarot cards, either.

Btw, you probably did see a topic about tarot cards on this site. One example would be ‘The Tarot Topic’.

I also highly doubt any religion is against lucid dreaming. One reason I believe this is because hardly anybody even believes it’s possible.

first, let me say that my take on religion is that it’s a crock. theology i can get behind, and understand, but religion is IMHO just stupid. that said, if you want to believe in a religion, that’s your call, and i won’t say anything bad about it. unless you try to convert me. then it’s open hunting season.

but more to the point. christians, and indeed any religious person who says LDing is a sin, is essentially saying that because of fear. fear and weakness. lucid dreaming can’t be a sin because, by definition, a sin is only commited when you do something that goes against the teachings of your faith. to the best of my knowledge, none of the major religions have done more than mention in some small passage the very existence of lucid dreaming, much less decried it as a sin. no, the reason for why someone would call lucid dreaming a sin is nothing more than fear.

the reason, you ask? simple. place a person in a world where he/she can do anything. literally anything. no laws, no boundaries, no nothing. the world is what you make of it. you could do whatever you wanted here. if you want, you could play god. or, you could just stand somewhere and pretend that everything is just normal. most people though, will do something that they want to do. eventually, they will be tempted to do something that goes against their faith. everyone has at one point or another wanted to do something that mommy or daddy told them not to, and this is the exact same thing. lucid dreaming is the ultimate temptation, the ultimate lure to commit any sin you want. those who know that they could never resist such a temptation will be quick to cry sin, in the hopes that the temptation will no longer exist. the weak shy away from their fears. the strong face them.

the point is, that only choices can be a sin. temptations are not. being tempted to kill someone is a temptation, but actually killing is the sin. temptations are neither sins nor virtues, and lucid dreaming is the strongest temptation in existence.

so in short, lucid dreaming is NOT a sin. period. end of discussion. what you do inside of a lucid dream though, is open to interpretation. personally i believe that no action in a lucid dream could be considered a sin, because to me at least, a sin requires something negative to happen to someone. it needs a victim, so to speak. and since there is no victim to anything you do in a lucid dream, i can’t see a reason for why any choice you make in an LD to be considered a sin. but that, however, is an entirely different discussion.

That being said, only the really hardcore christians / muslims/ whatever would call it a sin in the first place.

And on the topic of playing God, i think that would be a good thing for faith and religion. It’s in a controlled environment that doesn’t harm anyone in waking life, and i think it would actually bring you closer to god (if you are a theist of course).

That’s my two cents :wink:

Agreed 100%. That was my initial goal and I tried praying in one of my lucid dreams. I just saw light and a feeling of inner peace. Since then I keep forgetting to do that in my LDs. :neutral:

While it is a controlled environment that does not harm anyone, you have to think about yourself. I’m sure there are things you could do that could be positive or negative to yourself

Like Kimius said, the fact of whether or not what you do in your lucid dream is a sin is open to interpretation depending on your beliefs/morals/faiths. Personally, I think that strong morals should be maintained even in the dreaming world because temptation would exist all around you. Then again, its also a place to sit back and relax and maybe experience things you can’t in real life.

Just think about what you want to do, and let your gut feelings tell you if its right :smile:


Eeer please, I know you may not like Tarot and such, but do not call it “that crap” just because you don’t like it :smile: Other people may feel insulted by this.

I, for example, am quite fond of it… But really, no hard feelings, just giving you a tip.

By the way, you might have seen a topic I posted about Tarot once in the “Beyond Dreaming” forum. Dreaming (or LDing, for that matter) doesn’t really have anything to do with it.

I’m pretty sure that was Saint Augustine. I have remembered hearing about that too. I’m surprised that they didn’t burn him for heresy because of it :wink:

I’m pretty sure that was Saint Augustine. I have remembered hearing about that too. I’m surprised that they didn’t burn him for heresy because of it :wink:[/quote

Don’t call other peoples beliefs/opinions crap. Other people believe in the power of tarrot cards, etc. Would you like it if I called Christianity crap? I don’t think so.

A time ago a small test: I asked many people from Pentecostal/Baptist churches if they dreamt lucidly (I asked: “have you been aware while you dream that you are dreaming”,“Could you control your dreams while you knew that are you dreaming” or something like this) , and about 80% said “yes”.
Also, Solomon (Kings 3:5-10) while he was dreaming was asked by God to chose something from Him. Even if if that dream doesn’t qualify as a “lucid dream” according to LaBerge definition, because it’s not written if Solomon was aware or not that was dreaming, it is sure that he had a lucid mind. From having a lucid mind to a lucid dream, is a small step (just ask if you are dreaming).
So, go ahead. Dream lucidly.


I’m sorry, but he called tarot cards crap because it’s against the christian religion. Although, I do not call it crap, but I am a christian. I just don’t do it, but I’m not going to hate it or the people who do it, because that’s not what my God says. He says to love everyone, but discourage it from yourselve, and if someone wants help to help them.

Now then, Lucid Dreams, to my knowledge, are not against any religion I’ve ever heard of.

I’m atheist, but I don’t go around calling God crap. Maybe I should, judging from the attitudes of most Christians towards other beliefs.