How can exhaustion help with WILD?

Is WILD easier when extremely tired? How can I use it to my advantage?

I find myself getting LD’s when I’m tired.

Usually, it is said that the less exhausted you are, the more likely you will be able to LD.

Since WILD entails staying aware while entering a dream, I would think you’d have to be somewhat awake. If you’re exhausted you will probably fall asleep.

Afternoon naps are the easiest time to wild since you have probably been awake for a while

Trying to WILD while excruciatingly tired is not always the best course i always get fed up and tired and go to sleep…

Yeah, it’s right, you must nap in the afternoon or late in the afternoon.
One day, I went to bed at 7 or 8 PM, and I was very close to lucidity. I became lucid but didn’t get to prolonge my dream. So, I was paralysed in my bed (SP).

The only time I can really WILD is if I am exhausted, I would stay up all night or I work the night shift thru morning time and sleep in the morning. But I am always tired and all probably cause of health but it makes me WILD so easy.

If I am so dead tired from being up all night and past when I should be sleeping I can feel my body be tingly all over and I know that if I goto bed I’ll start vibrations cause I am already half asleep.

Most of the time, my body will vibrate on its own when I laydown or i’ll just wake up vibrating from dosing off.