Trying to quit smoking

I’m not smoking for 6 days…

i too am using patches (and gum) :cool_laugh: as help… and i do have excellent recall too, as was said…

i wonder if that’s 'cause of the patch or 'cause i stopped! (or both)

Haven’t quit yet. My girl is going to help me.

I do live in the states. :tongue: I am trying to quit again, though. My first step is to stop buying packs, and to just smoke my friend’s when I am offered. I will progress to not smoking at all once I get used to only smoking 3 or 4 cigs a day.

There are these bwgen deep hypnosis presets. Some of the people say their bad habits they had since their childhoods were gone in 2 days using these presets. You might want to try that.

Congratulations to everyone who is trying to quit smoking! Even smoking less is better for your health. I smoked for 5 years, with a 6 month attempted quit in the middle. I quit about a year ago, hopefully for good. Here’s some info that might help:

As was mentioned before it’s mental, not physical. The physical addiction goes away after a few days. However, it takes longer than that for your body to naturally start producing endorphins like it was before you started. Remember that the drug affects the way you feel and think, so if you think you want a cig, its the drug thinking that for you.

Apart from the terrible things smoking does, it does some annoying things as well: Reduced lung capacity, reduced blood flow/colder limbs/easier to get numb, lowered sexual drive and performance, lower job performance, lowered concentration, fatigue, lowered immune system functionality/sick more often/heal slower, lowered stamina, lowered pain tolerance, lower taste/smell sensations, and on and on.

My point is: life gets better when you quit smoking. It has been proven that people who don’t smoke are more likely to be successful, and live longer. They also enjoy the ability to smell, taste, walk, run, love, play, and think to a fuller capacity.

That’s the frame of mind that helped me quit smoking. I hope that helps all of you. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t quit right away. Because you are trying means that you have self respect, and that proves that you’re already a healthy person on a path towards a good life. Don’t let yourselves down!

If I smoked and I wanted to stop, i think that is a good way to stop…gradually take less and less cigarettes…

but be inspired… do it for your girlfriend, wife, kids or even yourself

also I would try to keep your mind of it…that should help…
and I would chew alot of gum, and I would try to pick up a new hobbie such as… dominoes… :eh: lol

but make it a health, benfitial hobby

Well, I’ve never smoked before (and never will - I have asthma and can’t breath around smoke) but nevertheless, I got some rather unusual advice for those who are trying to quit. Why not reward yourself if you don’t smoke for a certain amount of days? I mean you can make a deal with yourself - that if you don’t smoke for a certain amount of days, or if you smoke a certain amount of cigarettes/cigars for a certain amount of days, you will buy something you’ve wanted to buy for a while.

Rewards can help keep you motivated and willing to stay focused on trying to stop.

Not to smoke in order to smoke? That doesn’t sound like it would work for me.

The problem with rewards, at least for us young people who haven’t still settled in life is wage.

/me has started all over again :bored:

Not buying packs: not effective at all. Of course, it’s progress in that no one with a pack in their pockets will ever, ever stop. But the “people offering you one” factor really spoils it.

What about having a pack with you with one single sigaret. I have no idea if it will work, but it’s just a thought. Maybe I’ve heard about it before, but I’m not sure. I don’t really know why it would work, maybe because the last one is always something that we rather don’t take?

Makes sense. :yes: Hmm, could try that. :razz:

You could try alot of things, but the addict’s mindset is one of rationalization. I should know. I’ve been addicted to alot of things. You could have a pack with one cig, but unless you have alot of will, you will rationalize buying another pack, bumming a smoke from someone, and I’ve even seen people go low enough as to pick butts from the ashtry. My “stop buying packs” method didn’t work. It’s the rationalization. Unless you just suck it up and say, “I QUIT! I QUIT NOW! NO MORE CIG’S!” Smoking more is always rationalized.

I’m just saying it might be super hard to stop instantly… :tempted: you might want to consider… slowly progressing to not smoke
ex. wait a week… ahve 2 cigs… next week wait a week and have one cig…


but something and reward yourself when you do get past the end of the week…

Chocolate is so great :grin: WAY better than cigarettes :grin:

Guys, you’re not reasoning like smokers here.

It’s not a matter of “hmm chocolate… better than cigarrettes.” It’s a matter of “hmm chocolate AND cigarrettes!” :tongue:

wouldn’t doing something (a new hobby) where you need to use your hands be helpful … since if your hands aren’t available you wouldn’t be able to light up and smoke?

Yes, all of these things could help, but as stated before, an addicts mindset is one of rationalization, and people will usually find a way to rationalize a cig or two in there. I’m standing by that the best way to quit is immediate cessasion, done with no other aid than pure will. This will provide the most stable, lasting period of sobriety.

congratz on your 666 post …lol

I always think of this phrase when I’m giving up. I still smoke so obviously it doesn’t work 100% haha, but if I want to quit I can, for example in the lead up to a running event or something.

The greatest temptation to quit, comes when you are about to succeed.

Try the Elizabethan approach:

When Sir Walter Raleigh showed Queen Elizabeth how to smoke, one of her servants threw a bucket of water on him, assuming he was on fire.


Two days! :happy: Twooo days! :boogie: 8 times did people offer me a fag, and I was able to say “thanks, no” every time! Rowr! :colgate:

/me will want big party when he completes, say, ten days, or a month :yes:

O–kay?.. :eh: