2012 the end.

Nothing happened at the end of 2000. Nothing happened at the end of 2012. That my prediction, goodday.

Win! I’ve never seen any doomsday predictions turn out right though (d’oh!), but if theres a doomsday prediction for /every/ date, one has to be right…

Ehhh it says the world will end.In the bible it says the end of the world as we know it. That means all evil will be sent to hell and we all will be happy.Soo yea that is all i am saying.[/i]

How about I play the Pascal’s Gambit card?

I will essentially continue living life as I am now, generally happy. If the world does not end in the year 2012, I will prove myself right and be happy. If the world does end in the year 2012, people who have been worrying about it might be right, but in the end, I was still happy, and not worrying myself about the possibility.

It doesn’t neccessarily mean that all evil will be sent to hell. It means the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT this could mean a number of things. The world could continue just not as we know it, for instance, time may no longer apply which is what the mayan calender suggests. At the end of each cycle, there has been a flood, a great fire, a great earthquake, etc. and at the end of the coming cycle, they suggest that time will end AS WE KNOW IT, which means that we may move to 5th density where we are no longer constricted by the limits of time, that we will be able to see and move into the past or the future. Or that we will simply be able to exist without the constraits of time.

One things for sure, something will happen very soon… if you watch the videos by Greg Braden he clearly points out that the schuman resonance frequency of the earth is increasing, and that the magnetic field is decreasing. This combined with our solar system moving into alignment with the galaxy, and moving into the photon belt, a highly charged area of light particles in space, could definately cause something quite profound to happen.

Eonnn - I don’t believe that I will believe what Gregg Braden has to say. I looked up his website, and found no credentials there at all. Nothing saying he has a BS in science, or a PhD in metaphysics or anything. How am I supposed to believe what someone says if he has no credentials to back it up? What if what he’s saying is complete nonsense?

Its not complete nonsense… in his doco “awakening to zero point” he presents lots of facts and just puts all the information together. You can check all the facts yourself and they do check out, however, the conclusions he comes to from these facts may indeed be incorrect, but the evidence is very strong and factual.

I have to admit, I have yet to read anything of his save whatever excerpts are discussed here. I understand that his sources are probably from authors with degrees, but I’m wary of Braden, because, as you said, his conclusions might be faulty.

I think the reason the calender stops there went something like this:

Mayan calender guy #1:

Mayan calender guy #2: My god(s), this calender is getting too confusing!

Mayan calender guy #1: You’re right, what should we do?

Mayan calender guy #2: I know! 2012 is, like, 500 years from now, right?

Mayan calender guy#1: Yeah…

Mayan calender guy #2: Well, we just say that some cataclysmic event will happen that will destroy the world! Then we don’t have to do anymore work!

Mayan calender guy #1: Good idea!

And so the world is in panic now. :smile:

haha i like that equation

bunch of mumble jumble

The Mayan Calendar does indeed end on December 12, 2012. Also from what we deciphered it indeed seems that that is when they thought the world would end. The reason they thought this is that they calculated the position the planets would be on that day and realized the planets will be aligned in the sky. They took that as a sign that their gods would come to destroy them. Modern science has proven that the planets will be aligned in the sky at that time. Also many of the Text of the Maya we still have, mention phrophicies and the Astrological text they made have to this date not been wrong. So therefore people have blown this out of proportion saying that the Mayans have never been wrong before and that 12/12/2012 is the day we all die. However, unless the Mayan Gods were actually Aliens from another planet and said that they would return to destroy everything the world when the planets aligned in the sky, this is unlikely.

Just my 2 cents

Maybe we are just an experement by the aliens and that the Mayans somehow realized it when they came to check on us. :peek:

:nuu: :nuu: :nuu: I don’t want aliens to take over this world that they might have created! We will fight back!!! Mayans might have been aliens :wow:

Oh well, only time :clock: will tell. :twirl:

Due to my faith, I believe this is the biggest crap I’ve ever heard, but that’s just me. :content:

I just won’t let it worry me. In fact, I’ll be laughing when it happens some obscure date before then. XD Because seriously, if we worry about it, and it does happen, it’s just been a waste of our lives, anyway. Why worry about the future when you can have fun and no regrets on our last day, no matter when that is?

Does this mean I shouldn’t have applied for my new job? Maybe those who speak of 2012 are aliens… Or maybe I am… normally I keep saying “when my people will come…”

lol that last sentence suits your icon

We do not know for sure what will happen on December 12, 2012 but we do know that the planets will be aligned. Don’t worry about it and work work work.

Can I just ask what it is that you mean when you say that the planets will be aligned? Because astronomically speaking they won’t, not even close. So I can only assume that this is some obscure astrological meaning of the phrase “planetary alignment”.

Actually, I don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know if they’re going to be or not…GOOGLE TIME! :grin:


I checked it out, nearest actual planetary alignment is going to be december 24th 2011. So it’s a year early, but as I said, that’s astronomically speaking, I don’t now much about astrology but I think that astrological meaning of planetary alignment is different, having more to do with the planets energies than with their relative positions in the solar system.

I’m guessing that means they will all be in a straight line…or something :confused:
There have been tons of doomsday predictions in the past (1912, 1948, etc) so I’m not really worried about this.