Guitar thread

the finger pain will go away with time…

and HurricaneAK, those are physical barriers, we all have them!! You just need to sit tight and practice the right things, exercises, etc. and you will pull through!

I have an Epiphone SG. It’s a pretty nice guitar, to tell you the truth. I used to think it sucked, but that was before I realised the horrible sound was caused by my crappy Fender starter amp.

I also play an Epiphone Thunderbird. It’s heavy and has a nose-diving problem, but it rocks.

I’m pretty decent on guitar/bass. My mom says my bro and I are great at it but I’ve noticed, once you get the hang of it, guitar is a lot easier than it looks. I looked at myself in the mirror while I played master of puppets and… holy crap.

hmm TELECASTERS ROCK!! Yeah yeah, they are Jonny Greenwood/Thom Yorke approved, RADIOHEAD = GENIUS, so TELE = GENIUS!!

lol, im a total noobiieee to guitar, im 13, started last summer, and im workin on canon rock. i have a crappy washburn guitar, but it looks cool, and its signatured, and it works. And does it matter that i got used to holding the pick with my thumb pointer, AND middle finger, it dosnt seem to make me worse, and its waaay more comftorable.

yeah, do wht works for you!

i made this fast riff on the lowest 2 strings and it’s really improved my picking speed and accuracy! I eventually expands into the next couple of strings!! It’s cool, I’m going to finalise a version and post it on soundclick.

haha, no guitar is better than your amp :wink: A mate of mine plays his fathers GIBSON les paul on a 10 watt squier :no:

I have an ephipone les paul 56 goldtop :smile:

The epiphone seris are great! (I have tried both the SG and the thunderbird, friends have them :smile: )

I want to start modding my guitar. I have a squier, but I want to change all the hardware with like, a better nut, a vintage 3-saddle tele bridge and perhaps a chrome pickguard. Oh yeah! And noiseless pickups.

Ought to be good! But I’m not gonna actually do any of this until I can write songs and stuff… good songs.

Hey if you took all the strings off (to change the bridge) and put on new ones the neck would warp wouldn’t it? Tension being relieved then applied to the neck… what do you think?


Wow, my guitar sucks compare to all of these. But I don’t know the exact model, I just know it was cheap ($75) and has the words “Harmony EST 1892”

What that mean?

Erm, dunno. I wanna sound like The Bends-era radiohead… what overdirve/distortion/fuzz pedal should I get?

(slight) Necromancy!

I just remembered a way to practice guitar to the point of playability without scales or chords (although they could help). I thought that maybe I should do the same method I did for getting good at piano (which I’m pretty good at, not awesome though). I found some midis of songs I know (to me, nintendo game music works quite well, maybe not for you), open them up in a program that can take midis and show the sheet/tabs for each track, and play off of those sheets/tabs. I practice both, but tabs a little more.

Hope this helps fellow beginners.

I’m dying to learn guitar, but before I invest, I have 2 questions…

  1. Both of my pinkie fingers are almost completely (and permanently) numb, would that affect my ability to play the guitar?

  2. What guitar would you recommend I begin with? I’m not in a very good financial situation, so I can’t plunk down the cash that quality guitars require.

If you can move your pinkie finger it should be fine but a bit hard since you might not know where your finger is freting.
As for guitars it depends how much money. Most people I Know bought a Fender copy (A guitar which looks like a Fender Stratocaster but Isn’t made by Fender and doesn’t sound as good) and after a few years got a Gibson Les Paul Copy. It really depends what you want to play and how much money you’ve got. You’ve got to buy an Amp. Starter amps come with guitars costing £80-£150/$158-$300.
Bc Rich are a very good make and are quite cheap costing £200/$395 upwards.
If you’re in the Uk good BC Rich starter Pack;
Ibanez are a good make around the same price.
Have a Look at These Sites;
Bc Rich
Wiki Articale
A Great site with Tab which is for somereason Illegal, and Great Info About Guitar

I’m in the US, but I’d assume the prices are similar here. (That’s actually MUCH cheaper than I imagined :grin:

I can move my pinkie finger, but not as well as I can move my other fingers. I could probably just find some object that’s shaped like a guitar neck, and simulate fretting. Then if that works, I’ll buy a starter kit.

How Much Money have You got?
If you’ve got $350 Upwards you should be able to get a really nice First Guitar. Buy a Guitar Mag and have a look at the prices and listen to the sound. Although if you’ve got a bit more you could get a good amp. Marshell’s are great amps.

Let’s just say a good bit of my income is from Social Security, so $350 is definitely a no-go.

I would learn a a decently cheap guitar ($75 was how much mine was, but it was my dad’s, who bought it I think around 1990, and inflation happens) that still sounds good playing the kind of music you’re going to be playing. You will be playing your first guitar for a while, so try it before you buy if you can. Just play some notes and try to find some chords and make sure it’s right for you.

Mine was my dad’s, and I just have to work with what I got.

Yup, guitars doesnt have to be expensive.

ShaggE: it sounds as the finger problem isn’t that bad :smile: Might not be great though :meh:

We’re talking about second-line brands here? :smile:

Many guitar brands have second-line brands. That is guitars that are produced cheaper than the original.Squier is for Fender, and Epiphone for Gibson for example. Even though they are produced cheaper is the sound still great ! Actually you might be getting way more guitar for your money if you buy an expensive epiphone instead of the cheapest Gibson.

You can also get guitars shaped as the famous marks even cheaper from more unknown manufactors.

All you guys say that he needs an el-guitar. An accoustic one could work too :smile: And you wont need an amp for that !

My tip: go to your nearest guitar shop and speak to them!

Yeah, the finger problem isn’t bad per se, just annoying, since I can’t type or write normally.

on topic: I’ve always wondered, what’s easier to play? Electric or acoustic? Or are they the same in that aspect?

Hmm it all depends

For solos and fast play is electric easier.

Also, at least for the sake of steel stringed acc. guitars is it more painful for them fingers.

But, accoustic guitars make less “backgroundnoise form amps” and you can take it easier with you

The accoustic also generally stay tuned longer (my experience)

I have an electric and accoustic, and here’s what I have to say.

Electric - easier on the fingers, better for solos and fast playing, only good choice if you are going to play for a band or record what you play.

Accoustic - harder on the fingers, warmer sound, better for chords, much lighter, and stays in tune longer.

I prefer the electric, but there’s pretty much what I know about the differences