The BIG Favourite thing to do in a LD, part VI

Yeah i like the idea of walking around and controlling everyone, like taking over the school completely for a day. I’d like to kind of ride through places all cool looking on a tiger, with warrior people at my side to protect me… Muhahaha

id also like to walk on water in a lucid dream
and be god (that would be awsome ) :grin: :tongue:

I bet youd like to be god renshuden! :lol:

yes ofcourse
ive always wanted to control someone :grin:

I’d love to see my characters VERY VERY clearly so I could draw them…^^~
Besides that… going with my boys to wonderland~ ^^ Something fun with my characters… (and flying! I love flying! ^^ )

Punching out Hitler.

(That was a fun dream! :cool_laugh: )

Yep I would also love to see my characters in complete full detail just to see what they look like and also have conversations with them :yes: . I think it would be alot more realistic in a dream.
I really want to fly as well and also visit my dream world I created which I havent actually seen in a dream yet :eh:

Swimming, period. Some of the most beautiful things you find in dreams are underwater. That, and the motion is just so fluid and easy.

XD Very cool!
I have flown around before, and mastered my wings-- I’m so happy!


  • Fly (That was so fun!)
  • Meet my favourite band (I allready met the guys from Linkin Park, and they made fun of my english - witch was bad in that dream. And I met Amy Lee. She was nice to me)
  • Draw something clearly (Then I can draw it when I wake up)
  • Fight with someone I hate, or a DC I don’t like (I’m not a child anymore, and I can’t just hit someone today just becaus I don’t like them)
  • Point and laugh at a DC just to see their reaction (“HAHA! Look at you!”)

I think there’s a lot more I want to do in a LD.
I have allready flown and met my favourite band. I had a lot of fun.

Well, first thing I think of is sex. :grin: After that things like flying, interviewing DC, the usual stuff.

it would be way cool to do an extreme parkour without getting hurt like jumping a 50 foot span

Squee! :cool_laugh:
I love doing magic tricks & sleights, but I never considered to practice it during LD and using it to get DCs lucid! Thanks!

lol, i was going to say… parkour. but to the extreme, like doing a wall run up a big building, and vaulting over the roof.

well, i havent had an LD yet… but heres my list of stuff to do:

  1. Be a ninja
  2. fly
  3. extreme parkour
  4. meet a SG
  5. build my own dream world from scratch, while in a dream
  6. command a pirate ship on my own dream world…
  7. be some super villan and have a crazy fight in some big city with some super hero… (id win of course) but while in the fight, end up destroying some of the city…

well, thats a list of stuff to do…

flying, breathing underwater, not having to breathe at all(such as when I’m in space).

Come on, it’s simple; I would love to be a god. Picking up people, throwing them around with ease. Shooting lightning bolts, all out wrath. YEAH!

-flying, of course!
-sex , who wouldnt!
-meeting my spirit guide / SC
-exploring my mind
-visiting beautiful , mysterious places.
-going to the lucid crossroads

I haven’t had an LD yet (I’m still trying!), but these are the things I can’t wait to try when I do have one:

-Fly (yeah, it’s cliche, but who cares? It’s still awesome!)
-Turn invisible
-Read animal minds
-Meet Mario and help him on his quest (don’t look at me like that, it would be cool!) :razz:
-Go into the TV and talk to all my favorite cartoon characters (including SpongeBob, of course!)
-Get a tattoo (I wouldn’t be terrified of needles in a dream!)
-Go to Antarctica and adopt all the penguins (Who doesn’t love those tuxedoed, waddly little guys???)
-A bunch of other stuff I’m too lazy to list

Another thing I did recently, I flew on a Tornado. It was super fun and I definitely wanna try it again sometime. :grin:

During my LD’s I have a tendency to want to jump through things. The last thing i jumped through was a huge Oak Tree.
I hesitated at first, and thought what if it doesn’t work and i smack my head against this big tree…lol Then i thought, who cares it’s only a dream. I took a running jump and whoosh…I could literally feel the insides of the tree brushing past my face. Awesome feeling. I have also done the same with house walls, I can feel the dry wall brush past my face as i jump through them. Also have stood in a room in jumped upwards through the ceiling and high above a house.

It really does amaze me how my brain even put’s together how that would feel and put it in my mind like it is actually happening.

Maybe we are inside the Matrix…lol