Hypnagogic sounds? anyone?

Ok so this is my first post and I’m really glad there is a community for people like us, and I mean that in a good way. Well, I have tried WILD countless times which has rewarded me with tons of frustration and mystery. I almost always have the Hypnagogic imagery, you know the blurbs of color shapes and what not, I have also read about it too, but I can’t recall ever reading about Hypnagogic sounds. Now I don’t even know if that’s what they are even called so let me elaborate on what I’m talking about. During my about to dream sate(where the Hypnagogic imagery starts if you are trying to WILD) I sometimes hear peoples voices, sometimes shouting my name but mostly it’s just rubbish. It sounds so real that it’s as if they are in the room. I don’t think of these people calling to me, they just kind of happen. And on even rarer occasions I here actual music!!! Beautiful sounds that I have never heard before, my mind is making these melodies and these rich full sounds even with beats! It’s so wonderful , but…I can never remember them! it’s the most frustrating thing I have ever experienced…So I guess what I’m trying to say or ask is have any of you ever experienced what I’m talking about??? Please comment, I’m curious.

Al so I would like to know how to conjure these so called “songs”, so that in my lucid dreams i can willfully make them up…ooooooo that would be so darn cool! :content:

Yea Ive read about hypnogoic sounds before and I have heard them myself.
They can be a bit creepy if you ask me. :sad: Once I was doing WILD and I started hearing screaming and wailing. I have never heard music so your pretty lucky!

I get hypnogogic voices/conversations, radio static, knocking (that’s the most annoying because it jerks me into full waking consciousness), but never songs. That sounds neat - I hope you play an instrument :smile:

I do, I play piano and pretty much any sound making devise I can get my hands on… :content:
I have always want to know how to remember the things I hear or make( sometimes I play my piano in my dreams).

I tend to hear hypnagogic sounds when I’m not trying to WILD. Probably because I’m too aware with WILD to get into a deeper state, but when I do hear it, it usually jolts me and wakes me up. I’ve heard music before, but mostly voices I think.

I always hear this tinnitus thing, it gets louder and when I focus on it, it goes. Only real sound I’ve actually heard.

I usually hear people talking in a hall or a radio/static type of sound. The only time I succeeded at WILD, I heard a gong. I almost got up to see where it came from but then realized there was none in the appartment. That’s when I told myself ‘so that stuff DOES actually work’. lol

i hear this insanely loud buzzing noise on occassion. It wakes me up every time :tongue: scared the shit out of me last night i have been experimenting with MILD and have discovered that my body or mind one or the other has become so used to WILD that it goes into Mantra WILD lol i accidently did WILD

It’s probably not uncommon. Here are some things I have heard during WILD attempts or when waking up in SP after LDs:

a) a loud, swoohsing noise, ranging from like a heavy storm to like a jet engine
Happens quite frequently.

b) a strange voice talking gibberish, somewhat demonic sounding
Happens frequently when I attempt WILD, but doesn’t last long. I am not even sure anymore about the demonic sound to it, it’s probably just that I cannot understand what it says. I just ignore it and go on with the WILDing.

c) children’s voices and laughing
very rarely

d) pulsating noises or clicking sounds
Has happened a few times.

I also sometimes hear beautiful music in dreams (lucid or not), but I also have the problem that I cannot ever seem to remember it. :cry:

hey the tinnitus? that’s when your brain is trying to make fake noise. ie dream noise. So you’re getting somewhere basically. You can use tinnitus for WILD, by focusing on it.

It would nice to hear music :smile:

Usually I hear sounds that startle me back awake.
I have ‘heard’ someone call my name, door opening, people talking nearby, a bear growling, strange sounds.

Sometimes I get an oscillating tone (what some call tinitis sound). If I focus on it sometimes it gets slightly louder, but so far it doesn’t lead further.

Last night I heard a whispering voice saying my name, and it was loud and clear, not imagined at all.

music for me.
it has only happened a few times but from what i recall it is techno music :confused: . I wish i could remember the beat or right down the lyrics because it would be really interesting. Also, it is very strange becuase ive heard a girls voice singing, and the words just flow, like i am listening to a recording, and i cant make up and rhyme words that quick. :eek: but apparently my subconcious can…

I hear voices.
This isn’t even when I’m trying WILD or anything, just generally as I’m falling asleep, I hear chattering from voices, hundreds at once like being in a crowded room, and I can concentrate and focus on what they’re saying, and when I do actually listen to what they say, it’s a load of complete nonsense.
Also I sometimes get music, which I can also focus on, and change the way it sounds.

What I never see, is these shapes and colours that everyone talks about…
Instead I see whole dream scenes play before my eyes, getting clearer and clearer the closer I get to sleep.

But why don’t I get these colours and things :sad:

Yeh I ocassionly get screams a few times people talking. Never scared me or anything, I just instinctively knew it was in my head.

Never understood it though, not till I came here.

So do any of you know how to conjure up these sounds, because I have had them for a long time, and I miss them…

They have always been compleatly random for me sorry.

Iv’e never really heared anything mysterious… but sometimes I hear quiet tapping or clicking noises…

Ive just remembered a dream I though I had, which could have been hypnagogic sounds. I had the tinitus sound, and I could control the volume of it. Apart from this everything seemed normal, so it could of been hypnagogic.

If I manage to do it again I’ll let you know.

I thought these noises were normal when you are slipping into SP.