The lucidity challenge - LC1, LC2 and LC3

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks

Yes count me in!This seems like a really good way to get the motivation pumping! :content:
So if you dont do anything involving the task that night do you not post at all? What if you get Lucid or realise you are dreaming do you post that?
Oooooo this is so exciting I really cant wait! :yes: :boogie:

I don’t know if you are to “blame :tongue:” ian1, but it got lucid shorlty this morning. I am pretty sure that “lucidity challenge” had something to do with that :smile:

This game WILL be fun and helpful to improve LD, pretty sure about that!

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina

Count me in. My dream recall has been appalling recently, but I’m sure it’s going to improve soon - this might motivate me.

This seems like a very good idea^^.
I’ll be happy to join.

Count me in, please. Maybe, I’ll have my first LD.

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73

Edit: sefarina, you may post a dream even if you don’t complete the task, as long as you at least have lucid points. You may only earn lucid points from one dream a night, although you can get task points from multiple dreams, but only if you complete a different task each dream. You can also complete more than one task in the same dream and get points for each one.

Wonderful. Something else to do in my dreams. Count me in.

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73
7: Wyvern

why not, im down, good idea

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73
7: Wyvern
8: TimeLess

so the task is flying to tahiti?

No. That was an example.

ill join!!! :tongue:

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73
7: Wyvern
8: TimeLess

Woo! Just one more!

ok another question…
the game starts after ten people have signed up. what if the game starts but someone doesnt know because for some reason they havent checked if there are ten people signed up what happens then? Oh and also is there a specific time the game starts?

Yeah. Once everyone has signed up, I will PM everyone who has to tell them the game has officially started, and then wait until next time it is 4:00 PM, then assign the task.

Hey, Count me in :content: . should be fun

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 0 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 0 points
4: KingMikeII) 0 points
5: Magnus) 0 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 0 points

Well, that’s everyone. I will post the task at 4:00 PM PST today.

If you miss the last sign up (BY ONE!!! argh) can you have different people sign up for a different task…(like every month or something…) maybe,perhaps,hopefully… :content: batseyelids