The lucidity challenge - LC1, LC2 and LC3

why not, im down, good idea

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73
7: Wyvern
8: TimeLess

so the task is flying to tahiti?

No. That was an example.

ill join!!! :tongue:

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: sefarina
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73
7: Wyvern
8: TimeLess

Woo! Just one more!

ok another question…
the game starts after ten people have signed up. what if the game starts but someone doesnt know because for some reason they havent checked if there are ten people signed up what happens then? Oh and also is there a specific time the game starts?

Yeah. Once everyone has signed up, I will PM everyone who has to tell them the game has officially started, and then wait until next time it is 4:00 PM, then assign the task.

Hey, Count me in :content: . should be fun

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 0 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 0 points
4: KingMikeII) 0 points
5: Magnus) 0 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 0 points

Well, that’s everyone. I will post the task at 4:00 PM PST today.

If you miss the last sign up (BY ONE!!! argh) can you have different people sign up for a different task…(like every month or something…) maybe,perhaps,hopefully… :content: batseyelids

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 0 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 0 points
4: KingMikeII) 0 points
5: Magnus) 0 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 0 points

Okay. Time for us to begin.

I will start off with something easy. Your first task is to find something with text on it, and memorize what it says, then post it here after waking up. Try to remember at least a sentence of the text.
Read the text, but forget what it says = 5 points
Read the text and remember the basic idea of what it says, but not word-for-word = 20 points
Remember word-for-word less than a sentence = 25 points
Remember word-for-word a sentence or more = 30 points

The text can be on anything, from a book, to a news paper, to a roadsign, to anything else. This shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Good luck!

:wink: done and done . what time have you got now bro?

Wait. What? You say you’ve already done the task? But it isn’t even the next day yet! And even if you did do it, you would have to actually post the dream in this thread.

Edit: Oops. Just read your PM. Well, timezones seem to present a problem. I still need to think of how we can figure this out.

no i havent done it yet, done and done is slang term here for ummm… too easy like its already done… does that make sense.

Oops. Sorry about that. I have heard that before, and would have recognized it better if you didn’t put the word easy after it. Oh well. I guess that is insignificant anyway.

ok removed easy from it :content:

what made you choose reading btw? i have always found recalling text a rather difficult thing to do

Well, I thought text would be easy to find in the dream. Remembering it will be a challenge, though. I guess I didn’t want it to be too hard, or too easy.

Anyway, if you find today’s task boring, don’t worry. Tomorrow’s will be a lot better. :content:

no actually i find it quite interesting and it is also a good way to improve recall and lucidity ability. every skill gets better with practice and this is a good way to practice it.

But i still think that you should let it run for more then one night, otherwise the cause of time differences may be rather difficult

yes, concerning time-differencies, I had to stay up to 2:00 in the night before I went to sleep so I could know what to do

but atleast I got a relevant dream:

The classparty
I remember Arshia and Tobbe,(probably some more persons from my old class), I remember a deck of cards too, I don’t remember at who’s house we where in, but In the dream, it was like I had 2 dreams that was exactly the same, at the same time, it felt like this dream had 2 layers. I suddenly, remembered that this second classparty was exactly like my first classparty in real life and that got me lucid.
I was in my room now, and I felt I didn’t have much Lucid-time left, but I remembered the lucidity challenge, and looked at a line on the June-month in my Donald duck-almanack but then I decided that was to hard to remember, so I looked at the back of a book instead and tried to remember some sentences
But now when I’m awake I don’t remember the text.

This challenge was a very good idea, I got a LD when I hadn’t had a LD for a long time. :content: