Whats your favorite Power ?

Creating music.

Yeah, creating music in dreams is brilliant. As is flying.

Flying is definitely best :cool:

Flying on self-created music in the beatiful sky? :content:


hands down

i have yet to perfect it or accomplish it but it’s still my favorite


That, and being able to swim PERFECTLY.

Transforming and Telekinesis. I like both of them. :peek:

Teleporting without that damn door :happy: and producing a magical tree that drops money :happy: that i throw and DC who then hug me for giving them money :happy:

Mine is flying (i dont have often the high enaug lucidty and clearness to do more) :sad:

Tricky question, but I’d have to say either flying, spawning or telekinesis

Transforming :content:

It would be transforming… :tongue:

I don’t have to have LDs to know it…


Telekinesis :razz: can have lot of fun with it

If i had an LD it would probably be stopping time, invisitbility, flying and transforming

I love the power of making everything and everyone do as I wish. Yes I know, it’s a dream - Of course they do as I wish :happy: But I feel that if I make it a “Power”, then it is much easier to succeed with.

Time travel. :smile:

As evil as it sounds, the power to do anything :devil:
Because in a dream anythings possible so the feeling of power is overwhelming.
If I had to choose one it would be the power to create. I like to spawn random objects at times and when I need something to continue the dream.

Oh and can someone direct me to the LD Powers archive mentioned in the first post. Thanks.

Telekinesis is indeed a very amusing power!

Then another one I like is of course being able to control time! :happy:

flying :content: (still fun after you’ve done it a lot)