First Steps to MILD (for all basic MILD related Q&A)

You can start trying to get your Dream Recall better while trying MILD at the same time.

There is a topic about remembering dreams here. Some forms of trying to get your dream recall better has a lot in common with MILD. Since MILD is a form of autosuggestion and autosuggestion can be used to remember your dreams. (tell yourself that you are dreaming)

When using MILD, you could also adjust the mantra to what you want. For example you can say “In my dream I will realise that I’m dreaming and I will remember this dream” instead of “In my dream I will realise that I’m dreaming”. You don’t have to use these, but I hope you got the point.

Ok, thanks Sandra!

I think too often MILD is confused with autosuggestion.

Autosuggestion is one dimensional - you repeat to yourself a phrase such as “tonight I will have a lucid dream”.

MILD is multidimensional it includes:
dream recall
identifying dreams signs
prospective memory - the next time X happens

The description of the technique in ETWOLD is the best instruction I have read.

When I am lazy I do use autosuggestion. But majority of my LDs result from MILD. :smile:

Does anyone here do a MILD right before they go to sleep…i mean like at your regular bedtime. Would it work if u perform MILD at your regular bet time cuz i hate waking up in the middle of the night and try a technique because im just to tired to focus on the technique. So plz answer my question because i wanna perform MILD tonight! Thanx! :smile:

Yes that’s possible :slight_smile: But often it is more effective if you do it in the middle of the night, but it can give a good result when you try it at regular bedtime too. :content:

thanx Sandra! :smile: i will give it a try tonight!

ld411, yes, I suppose you could.
Just picture yourself getting lucid in a dream you had the night before. (having good dream recall works great if your doing this type of mild)

yea thats wat i was thinking Foley. Thanx!

I’m kinda confused about MILD. I tried doing it once, but all it led to was a very long, very weird, very vivid ND. I’m not sure how to do it. I did the three steps (remember, set your intent, visualize), but I had trouble staying focused. I found my thoughts straying and I found it difficult to visualize being lucid. I also wasn’t sure which I should do more: repeating “I will realize I’m dreaming” over and over again in my head, or visualizing. Can someone explain what I did wrong?

i tried MILD about 5 nights in a row and it still didnt work! And most ppl say that MILD works like after the 2nd night! plz help me out!

Just give it some time. Stressing over it will only lessen your chances of obtaining lucidity. You may also want to try considering moving on to other techniques if after a while you’re still lucidless. You could MILD while trying to visualize something (essentially a VILD). An example:

Go to sleep and repeat “The next time I dream, I will realize I’m dreaming”. After repeating it about 5 times, start to picture yourself flying a mile high in the sky with the earth and clouds zooming by you. Keep repeating while doing this. Try to induce senses, like feeling the wind blowing on you, or smelling fresh air. Keep repeating and visualizing until you drift away, or if you can’t sleep while doing those tasks, simply stop doing them after ten minutes or so and go to sleep with a faint intention of becoming lucid.

Try it out :smile:

thanx i will try it out :smile:

Yup, especially WBTB+VILD works good.

I have one question for you, when you’re repeating your mantra, do you do it when you’re in bed and fully awake. Or do you lay there for a while and wait until you’re about to lose conciousness/drift off then do it?

merged in first steps to MILD topic ~ Q ~

I have no success in MILD but I think you would lay there for a while and wait until you’re about to lose consciousness/drift off to sleep then do it. Might be more effective.

yea i agree with kT4all

Can my MILD technique be this: i imagine myself flying and i say to myself, when i fly, ill be dreaming?

Just found some good information on Reality Checks. Some I knew, but others I did not so I thought I would post them somewhere on this site.

Breathing Can you breathe through a tightly shut nose?

If you’re swimming, can you breathe underwater?

Jumping When you jump, do you float back down?

Reading Do sentences change when you read them?

Read, turn away and repeat it to yourself, and then turn back and read it again. Do this twice.

Vision Do you have perfect vision? This only works for people who have at least slightly blurry vision in the waking world.

Hands Are your hands a strange colour, have too many fingers (sometimes they disappear and reappear when you try to count them!) or have other abnormalities?

Can you push your finger through your other hand?

Time Does your watch or clock tell a reasonable time? Are you even able to read the time off it? Sometimes clocks have the wrong number of hands or have strange symbols. Note: Digital clocks often work better for this reality check.

Powers Are you able to fly (just visualise it), unlock doors, or use other magical powers? Try to change the shape of your body, or walk through a wall, window, or mirror.

Light switches Does a light switch work?

Mirrors Do you look normal in a mirror?

Nose Can you see your nose with one eye closed?

Memory Are you able to remember how you got here, why you are here and what happened an hour ago? This is not always a reliable reality check!

Finger Stretching Are you able to elongate your finger by pulling on it? Body-image is malleable in the dream state, so this is quite reliable if you believe it will work. In the waking world you can pass it off as cracking a knuckle.

The best RC is holding your nose and trying to breath through it :grin: :grin:

Well i’ve been trying MILD and WILD for a few days now, and both give me results, not lucidity yet, but better recall than i had before.

My tech. is simply the “Im going to sleep now, im going to dream, when i wake-up i’ll remember my dream” for the MILD (i’ll go into WILD in the correct thread) and its improved my recall, but thats just about it

I was wondering if anyone has advice to improve the quality of my recall’s or to reach decent lucidity (for ex., should i think about a previous dream i had or no ?, etc)

Also, say i wanted to dream about something specific, any tips on how to achieve that ?