Harry Potter Discussion [warning: spoilers]

has anyone read the ‘what will happen in book 7’ book written by the mugglenet people? i got to see the two main authors talk at some bookstore…
it’s REALLY interesting!

We’ll understand if we never see you on the forum again, Bruno :peek:

YAY!!! I went to the pre-release party, and got my copy! :happy: Itt involved 5 hours of traversing through enormous crowds of screaming teeny-boppers while waiting for the boxes of books to be wheeled to the registers, but so be it. :razz:

i’m at page 113 right now :grin:

And i will read the things in the spoiler tags when I’ve finished :tongue:

Crap :eek: I’m halfway through and halfta tell SOMEBODY :nuu:

You too ShaggE :roll:

I finished reading it at 8am this morning. :tongue:

You lot are so slow.

I wish I could say I liked it, but I felt ripped off after the first half of the book. The first half was amazing, then it turned into a poor fanfic as far as I am concerned.

SPOILER - Click to view

Everything me and some HP fans have been talking about for a couple of years happened just as we said. There was just no real surprise who who died, how it happened etc etc. It’s like Jo finished the series by what we all said rather than her own imagination and I just feel because of that it was totally anti-climactic.

I totally freakin’ agree, Mo :grrr:

We ARE a slow lot :tongue:


all i can say :tongue:

yes, i read it now.

All I can say is, if it is all as anti-climactic as you all say…

Dune>Harry Potter

I finished it now. More in the spoiler tags.

welll I have to make 200 characters don’t I? So you don’t see it. Well I started my spoiler on purpose with something not that revealing. Actually it would only be about curiosity, so that doesn’t reveal a thing about Harry Potter. So why am I typing this then? :crazy:

[spoiler]Bruno:“I’m not gonna tell anything factual other than what I have just said, because I know many people are curious but end up regretting their own curiosity in the end”
Aah so true, in fact I already heard too much from you and mohegan, while I actually only heard you didn’t like the ending. But hearing that I feared I wouldn’t like it, because I think I have an idea of what you would have liked. Yet I could still tell myself that the leak may not be true and eventually I forgot about it.

And seriously if you’re really curious, control yourself. I’m serious, because you probably regret it.

I do not like the ending at all. Seriously, I mean, especially the Nineteen years later thing. That’s like saying “and they lived happily ever after”, come on it’s not a fairy tale.

I’m disappointed he didn’t die, although I had expected it, I’m still disappointed. I really think he should have died. When I read about the deathly hallows and which one they posses, I though, maybe just hoped, that Ron and Harry would die and Hermione would survive. As it was in the story, the one with the cloak survived…

Also characters may die, but I didn’t get attached to any of them in this book. The only ones you are really following are Harry, Ron and Hermione. And neither of them dies. Surely the other books had build up their characters, but they die in a way you, or at least I, don’t feel anything with it anymore. They’re just characters, while in the previous books, when characters died this was not.

There are certainly great pieces in it, but the ending should be the best. The ending is what you remember the best, what keeps hanging, because it’s the last. And no I don’t like it. But after all it is a children’s book isn’t it?[/spoiler]

First some filler text in case someone fetches this post in the search page: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum porttitor faucibus augue. Nulla ultrices malesuada nisi. Donec sit amet justo. Pellentesque pede elit, convallis at, venenatis sit amet, pellentesque non, nisi. Fusce quis diam. Nulla nulla est, viverra vel, congue sed, nonummy eu, nunc. Suspendisse feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Sed sed mauris vitae nibh tempus viverra. Ut urna sem, pharetra a, tincidunt sit amet, cursus nec, mauris. Phasellus ac ligula. That’s good. Now on to the spoilers.

[spoiler]And let me disclaim once again that if I were you and hadn’t read the book (and was a spoiler freak—because I’m not one, and you might not be one as well, and in this case you have no problems with reading spoilers)—if I were you, I wouldn’t give in to my curiosity, because I’d know how much I’d regret that later. So be warned.

Like I said, the Harry Potter series ended, eventually, not like an original fiction series, but like a fan fiction of itself. Some of the latest happenings were tetrical. Since Harry’s failed attempt at relating with Cho, and the further misunderstanding with Hermione, it all felt like the author was one of those teenage fic writers of fanfiction.net, not Jo herself. To my surprise, a certain series of mock versions of the books four through seven, written by a friend of mine, were more enjoyable than the official ones.

So when book six finished with that dreadful hook for a following book—Harry the hero embarking on a cliché quest for the magic enchanted items that would allow him to kill evil evil Lord of Doom—it was already decided that the Harry Potter series would assume the structure of a fairy tale, inevitably. Jo’s originality and British wit were replaced with what feels like teenage cliché. People writing in Tolkien fandom forums can be more original than that.

Harry being a horcrux would be a nice turnpoint, if it weren’t so obvious that I even made a bet with Magnus he would be one. (Magnus, check our conversation history from when we finished reading Half Blood Prince: I was right on Ravenclaw’s something, Nagini and Harry being horcruxes).

And yet, there were some things I liked about this book. Harry, Hermione and sometimes Ron running away in hiding was very nice. Reading it was very realistic, and it had the good old sense of dark humour I liked so much about Jo’s former books: sharp criticism at modernity and its heroes. The form the Ministry of Magic was easily subverted by Tom had the paint of humour in the quill of misery. Those two things were outstandingly good in a book that, to me, would be a total lost cause.

Ron could have died. Nevertheless, his argument with the other two was very bold of his, and very enriching to his mostly backgroundish character. Very good, score for Jo. The introduction of deathly hallows, which could not be predicted by the readers no matter how many essays they wrote in the Leaky Cauldron (therefore, a Deus Ex Machina) was a good point for the book: shows she cared more about the plot than about the ending.

Dumbledore being evil in the past was a pleasant surprise. It was not at all forced, it fit his character perfectly, and it was unexpected. Very, very good indeed. Snape having promised to kill him if needed: poor. It would be far more interesting if Severus had had to make this choice on his own. Some of the plot devices were among the most cliché ever.

And, honestly, Lily, James and ALBUS SEVERUS?! Either Harry or Jo (or both) are seriously mental. How sad and traumatized! I didn’t like the epilogue, it would be better left out. The only thing good in the whole bloody chapter was Harry and Draco nodding. That’s all.

Well, after all Harry Potter wasn’t supposed to be a good book series. It won’t be remembered in, say, ten years. It didn’t change anyone’s life or add to literature, or do more than entertain us for a couple of days every other year. In short, it was just a bestseller. But it was good while it lasted, fun. If not for the plot, for the sake of criticizing it.[/spoiler]

Obligatory anti-search measure: hibbity jibbity hibbity jibbityhibbity jibbity hibbity jibbityhibbity jibbity hibbity jibbityhibbity jibbity hibbity jibbitymy name is francois the cooking sheep and oh how i love to dance.my name is francois the cooking sheep and oh how i love to dance.

[spoiler]I thought this was a fantastic ending to an incredible series. I don’t get how one can read it and still call it a children’s book, though. I definitely wouldn’t allow a young child to read it. (Or any of the books following Goblet Of Fire)

To be fair, the plot did have many deus ex machinas, and the most important deaths were barely mentioned. (I hadn’t even realized that Tonks and Lupin had died until at least a chapter after the fact. In fast paced scenes, I read faster, so I miss small details.) And I did find it odd that the entire trio survived, not to mention Ginny. I thought she was wand-fodder for sure.

On the plus side, the plot revelations were stunning, and the final battle was as epic as I expected. I hve to disagree with Bruno, I think Harry Potter will be a timeless classic, if not for the actual books, then for the incredible rags-to-riches story of J.K. Rowling herself.

Sadly, there is no possible way the movie version of Deathly Hallows will be anything more than a bucket of fail.[/spoiler]

Rant with LOTS of spoilers, beware. Obligatory text: blaaah blaaaah blaaaah, I don’t know what to say in the obligatory text… blaaah blaaah blaaah. I must disagree, I enjoyed this book (but I enjoyed them all, I can’t see them objectively, I’m too attached to judge them fairly). Some more text, blaah blaaah. Blaaaaah blaaaah. Blaaaah. Anything I feel like saying here would need a spoiler tag of it’s own, so I can’t say it. I used to divide my old class into the 4 houses, making a list of who’s in what house, and then at the end of the term I bought candy for the house that won the most points (points were awarded by me, obviously, for homework done and stuff like that). I used to wear Harry Potter-like robes to school, and I had a wand too, just for fun lol. Sometimes I feel like Luna Lovegood…

Okay, here comes the spoiler text.

[spoiler]I need to rant, I’m sorry, I need to! This is not a review or opinions about the book…

goes silent… I promised myself I would finish knitting my Slytherin-colored scarf if Snape survived… I’m going to finish knitting it anyway, in his honor.

/me bursts into tears.

Snape is (was?) my favorite character, I always believed he was good (see my earlier posts in this thread, you’ll see). Even throughout the seventh book, I still believed my theory to be right - I kept thinking, the silver doe MUST be his! I knew he would prove himself in the end.

I am mourning, okay?? lol. I’m mourning. Forgive my silly and pointless rant… I’m mourning.[/spoiler]

And I just noticed smilies show up within spoiler-tag areas removes all smilies.

are you serious? :happy:

that quote put the anti spoiler text out of the way, but i’ll put some more since i’ll probably install a mod soon that removes quoted messages from search results so you see what someone actually posted instead of the quote, which can be quite confusing sometimes, especially if you are a mod and need to check on someones post history :ebil: um maybe I said too much now :grin:

Lots of spoilers below so beware.

[spoiler]hugs olesia
i’ll start with a non spoiler spoiler, are you sure you want to read this, read the book first if you haven’t done so. It’s still time to go back, it’s not too late.

ok, if you are sure then.

I’m not warning anymore. Last chance.

I decided to read it just to follow the story and not to annoy myself over things that didn’t fit or were boring or, you know, just read the story and not analyze things. But sometimes i couldn’t help myself. The duels are so boring. I find at least. Things were so easy too.

I found it not funny that snape had to die, i also always had the feeling he would be good in the end, and i’m glad that turned out to be right.

And come on… the final battle. Voldemort : i give you one hour to deliver potter. And later. You have until midnight.
Then you already know he’s going to lose. Come on, just finish the lot of, are you the lord of evil or what? /rant

But it really took a long time to take off i felt, but i felt that in the recent books too. I mean voldemort is back and such and a war is looming or whatever, and we get 50 pages of a wedding. Arg! Anyhow.

I found out lupus died only from reading ShaggE’s post, lol. can’t use smilies.
Some things were the same as usual, and i grew a bit bored of again a duel, etc. She always does that. in the first 100 or so or more pages of the book she describes one or two days, maybe a week, and then later it’s “weeks went by without anything happening” I had a feeling sometimes she had ran out of things what could happen, so she just said: nothing much happened until …

Somethings i already felt i knew while reading it, things others point out as surprise, like harry being a horcrux, it didn’t come as a surprise at all, actually i assumed that was the reason he had to die.

the thing that surprised me was that D-D already would have died and chose to die the way he did.

Furthermore there are a lot of things that annoy me, but it is a children’s book so i can’t say anything, but the adults are so stupid in those books ><. But I guess it’s supposed to be that way since the children always have to save the day.

I liked the scene in the ministry of magic building.

What i did like too was harry’s N-D-E, shall we call it that. (have to use - since otherwise the acronym mouseover thing shows up in the spoiler)

I wonder who that baby was on the floor, was that voldemort? Or was it explained somewhere and did i miss that. At the last 200 pages or so i was getting tired but i wanted to finish the book before falling asleep.

Also there was a nice quote there, if something happened inside your head, it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. (something like that). I liked that.


This turned out longer than I thought.

Beware if you reply and don’t want to read spoilers, the text shows up in the topic review below the reply.

Anti-search: Spiderpig, Spiderpig. Does whatever a Spiderpig does. Spiderpig, Spiderpig. Does whatever a Spiderpig does.Spiderpig, Spiderpig. Does whatever a Spiderpig does.Spiderpig, Spiderpig. Does whatever a Spiderpig does.Spiderpig, Spiderpig. Does whatever a Spiderpig does.

[spoiler]The baby on the floor was indeed Voldemort, I believe. His soul, at least.

Just wanted to add that Dumbledore’s line about things in your head being real would make a great slogan for this site, lol.[/spoiler]

Woo HP spoilers ahead. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. 'I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch. I wish I was a witch.
kay, this should do. :smile:

SPOILER - Click to view

Snape’s been my favorite character throughout the whole series and to see him die was devastating. I’ve always believed that Snape is one of the good guys, working for the right people and I’m glad it turned out that he really was good, indeed. However’ I would never have guessed that Snape’s motivation, the reason why Albus trusted him so, was only because of his love for Lily, no matter how obsessive. It showed that Severus really was a human being after all, even so more after I found out that Dumbledore’s plan was to lead Harry to death in the end. Snape thought it was wrong, inhuman. It was a really tragic way for him to die and absolutely unnecessary, considering it was done only because Voldemort needed the Elder Wand to work. I couldn’t believe my favorite character had died, just like that. Furthermore, asking Harry to look at him, so that he could see the eyes of the woman he loved for the last time, was very dramatic, almost like out of a poetry. The epilogue could’ve been a lot better, yet I couldn’t stop wailing when Harry told his son that he’d been named after one of the most courageous wizards he’d ever known - Severus.

Great post pasQuale :grin:

I need to say something don’t I. Well uhm… yes I read Harry Potter, that doesn’t surprise you do you? Otherwise I probably wouldn’t be posting here, or at least nothing in spoilers. And I wouldn’t read the spoilers either, I could stop myself from doing it when I hadn’t finished the book yet. But that was only leaks, so that didn’t have to be true anyway. Yup. Would this be enough? shrugs

[spoiler]Are you sure you want to read this? I know I am curious and you can still go back. If you haven’t read the book, nothing will happen if you go back now. You just read the book and you can read this spoiler later.

BTW now Olesia mentioned Luna Lovegood in the movie she was quite different from how I imagined her. She was better, she was… I liked her a lot more. I don’t know why actually, but since I had seen that movie before reading HP 7 she became a lot better character in my eyes. I’m not sure why, I suddenly really like her character =p :slight_smile:

Are you sure? You can still go back…

I have to agree with Q, the duels were quite boring. I always forget what all those spell names mean, so I’m half of the time not even aware what they’re doing, only by the context of the rest. I mean I know the ones that are the most used, but not all.

I wasn’t really fond of snape’s death either. It’s good that he turned out to be good actually. And also that Dumbledore used to be bad, and that he didn’t want to become minister because he thought he may abuse his power or something along that.

And you’re right Q. If you see I give you half an hour and then give them time to recover and give them another hour. That is so… a real evil person wouldn’t do that. Come on!

Well I read that Lupin died in the book I believe when it happened or at least when Harry knew it. Btw. pasQuale remember that he was with James, Lily and Sirius when he put them back to life? That should have given a hint that he was death too =p

I haven’t heard anyone saying it was a surprise that harry was a horcrux. I thought it was quite obvious actually. I didn’t like how the horcrux in him died, but he survived. He survived because Voldemort has used his blood and his blood was still there. At least that’s how I understood it. So your blood is still there, so what? and the protection from Lily didn’t work anymore, that was supposed to stop when he turned 17 or left the house.

It did surprise me too that Dumbledore would have died anyway. But if Snape turned out to be good there had to be more behind it. That Snape had orders from Dumbledore to kill him and such, to save Malfoy actually. But I like what Bruno said, that it would have been nice if dumbledore didn’t decide if he had to kill him, but rather that snape had to make his own choice.

Also when Harry goes away to Voldemort it’s quite obvious he wouldn’t die for real yet. I mean if he was really about to die in the book, wouldn’t Rowling would have let him say goodbye to everyone? Isn’t that what Harry would have want the others to do? That they had said goodbye to him. Maybe Harry wouldn’t do this because it would be harder to go (like he says in the book) but still he knows how hard it is to lose people.

And I also thought it was quite stupid that no one discovered Harry wasn’t dead. He opened his eyes several times!

And in my opinion was Dumbledore talking a bit too good about Harry in his N-D-E. But well he does save his enemies all the time… I mean he saved Malfoy and such…

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

I liked that sentence too :slight_smile: [/spoiler]

All i’m gonna say is this…

SPOILER - Click to view

It was an amazing series of books, but what a weak ending!

use the spoiler tags hebrewb :truit: :tongue:

I hadn’t planned to read the latest and final excursion into the world of Harry Potter so soon after buying the book (my mom usually reads it first), but after having seen the fifth movie this weekend, I figured, why not? It took me longer than it might have, but I also didn’t go crazy and read at any chance I got. Still, it would have been hard to read it any slower, as I always find this series to be a total page-turner.

The following spoiler-filled rant is much longer than I would have liked, but I don’t feel like cutting anything now…

[spoiler]I guess what I’m most surprised about are the responses in this thread. I never noticed there was an HP discussion here at the forum, though of course I should have. Still, to read through it now makes me feel rather blue. It seems as though most people who have actually followed the entire story (and who remember bits and pieces better than me, who has only ever read each book once) don’t care for it all that much, needlessly compare it to other fairy tales, haphazardly wish for a multitude of fine characters to die unnecessarily, and say that it barely makes a good story. Why the hell do you read it, then?

Grr. I’m not naive for enjoying Harry Potter or thinking it a brilliant tale with many facets of human experience and suffering. It is not just a children’s series and it should not be deemed so. And the plot is good. How else does JK manage to keep so many people enthralled (the book sold over 8.3 million copies in the US on its first day alone)? It’s not just because people are eager to delve into fantasy. This is particularly good fantasy, and it unites many different age groups in a great purpose: reading.

I was appalled to see the many mentions and wishes for certain main characters to parish. Yeah, who cares if Ron or Hermione bite the big one? Bring it on! I hope Harry dies. If he doesn’t, I’ll be so pissed. Oh, no, not Snape! I mean, he was only a total creep throughout the entire series (complex though he was)…

Okay, that may or may not be fair. I considered that either Ron or Hermione, or at least Harry would go. JK has been so cryptic in those few hints she chose to hand out to eager readers. I also did like Snape, and had a deep feeling he was good after all (my mom is going to be so happy when she gets to that part). But I just don’t understand why nobody here seems to like the characters more. It’s like you wanted more people to die, just because it was the end of a series.

I agree that Harry was lucky a great deal of the time, but he was also quite skilled. Not just as a wizard, but as a human being. He was sharp and driven, and he had a good heart. He sacrificed himself in the end, and though scared, he knew it was the only way.

So, in a way, it is like he really died. He was sort of hovering in purgatory with a clear and definite choice. Anyway, I’m getting side-tracked…

She did kill people, though none of them were all that important. I suspected part of the Weasly clan might go, and while it was sad to lose Fred (just think how his twin soul George will carry on without him?), I think it was needed. It seems an author writing this sort of tale has to kill a few semi-important people, or else it will look too implausible.

And I guess that may be one of the reasons that the people here wanted more of the main group to go. Because after all they’d been through, all those close calls, it wasn’t right that they still lived in such a cruel world. Eh. I don’t care that much for realism. I’m not your classic-loving, stories-with heart-but-all-these-horrible-things-happen-and-you-feel-like-crap-at-the-en d sort of person. Forgive me.

But getting back to the deaths, I was a little confused about Lupin and Tonks myself, as I had to read over that description a couple of times: “Harry had a clear view of the bodies lying next to Fred: Remus and Tonks, pale and still and peaceful-looking, apparently asleep beneath the dark, enchanted ceiling…”

If it were me, I would have wrote it “seemingly asleep”, as “apparently” has quite a different meaning, and may be the reason people were confused. Maybe they were just tired after all that battling? chuckles

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were some slow parts, but it always astounds me how much JK can pack into one of her novels. I agree that the movie will pale in comparison, but when you’re forced to condense a complicated, 750-page-odd book into a two-and-a-half-hour film, you have to cut like crazy. It’s sad but true.

Oh, and I actually liked the epilogue. It did seem just a wee bit hokey, but I wanted that. I wanted our heroes to have a good end: To live a normal life full of happy moments and family. Naming your children after your dead parents and two dead headmasters is a little weird (though I’ve never been into naming after greatness), but I forgive JK for that. After Harry’s crappy life (he and his friends were 17 and look at what they put up with!) there was normalcy at last. Isn’t that what we strive for? Wouldn’t it have been cheaper (and less considerate to those devoted fans) to end on an epic note with blood everywhere?

I don’t think JK ever lost her touch, or ran out of ways in which to use her rich imagination. And I certainly don’t believe the tale of Harry Potter will vanish in a mere ten years’ time. God, if books like Of Mice and Men can hover around with the status “classic”, this wonderful series better as well. Something that actually makes you “feel good” for once. That’d be a nice change. [/spoiler]

Rant over. I let your guys’ posts get to me. :wink:

Thank you for you post Sno, seriously thank you. In spoiler I’l lsay more about it.
Well personally I didn’t try to read it like a crazy and read it every chance I got. But I must agree with you sno, it is a page-turner. Once you read you can’t stop. I really had to put myself into going to bed, because I wanted to read further. My mum actually thought I read it too fast too, she said I hoped you would enjoy it a little longer than this. (I was at that point halfway I think…)

[spoiler]Warning, you can still go back if you accidently read this. It has Harry Potter spoilers.

You sound much like a friend Sno. He liked the ending because he wants to live happy too and what’s wrong with it?

I do enjoyed the story, I enjoyed it very much. I do think it’s sad that Harry Potter doesn’t die. Maybe also because if Harry Potter died, it is how it is supposed to happen in such a cruel world. It also ends the story completly. It’s finished and it would hurt probably. But it’s what makes the most sense. I do think it’s good Snape died too actually, I don’t know what made me say that I don’t like it. It was expected and I think it’s good he died. I first wrote the way he died in my previous post. But actually I think it makes a lot of sense. Especially if you want to do the ending the way it is now. (that Harry got Voldemort’s wand because of the Draco thing)

Also I love dumbledore in this part and how is actually quite cruel to Harry and Snape. Letting snape believe he did everything for Lily Potter’s son while it was actually not. Why do I love him to be cruel? I guess that gives more dimension to the character. At first I didn’t like it, just like Harry Potter didn’t like to hear anything bad about him. But that changed now. After all no one can be perfect.

But perhaps after a few weeks I realise it’s good that Harry lives. I mean perhaps if he did die we would be ranting that he died. Lol… I think that’s typical for some people. That they always complain whatever would happen. don’t know if that’s the case now

I do think the reactions in general are not as negative as the people in this thread speak.

But I must say again I really think Harry Potter is good. I never thought I was that kind of a fantasy book reading person. But I really enjoyed this book. I really did.

It’s a good book, it’s a good story. The very first time I tried to read it, I didn’t like it. (I never came further than the first few chapters.) But later somehow someone made me read it or something and look at me now. I do have a weird order in reading them. roll I started with 3 then 4 then 1 and 2 and then 5, 6 and 7 =p (and I reread some of them too, but I didn’t include that)

I do think it’s a great book, it’s written very well and I loved the last part. Only the last few chapters weren’t that great in my opinion. But maybe because I was disappointed in the ending, and was too focused on that. And because I’m not really fond of the ending that’s what you noticed the most. I remember when I was reading one of the last chapters and I thought it was great. =D

But I guess you’re right. We wanted people to die because it’s the end of a series and that’s not good on its own. I remember in part 5 and 6 that I cried because Sirius and Dumbledore had died. I guess that’s also what I wanted in part 7. That it would touch me, and it didn’t touch me as much as part 5 and 6. (Though the story on its own is I think a lot better now) Maybe it has to do with the fact that you get in the lives of Harry, Hermione and Ron and much less in those who die. And that’s why it’s not so touchy for me. But maybe it’s also because I was too “obsessed” with the ending. I don’t know if I am, but perhaps I am.

And you’re right, Harry was good at heart. He even saves his enemies and that’s really good in my opinion. Hermione was really needed for the wizard skills. And Harry survived because of his personality.

Sno: “She did kill people, though none of them were all that important”
Most people seem to forget Voldemort =p He died too, and you can’t say he’s not important… but he’s evil and that’s why people tend to forget him.

Maybe if I think about it in a few weeks, maybe months, maybe years I’ll be happy that Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny survived.

Thanks for your post Sno. It’s really good to see another reply, because people tend to influence me. When people agreed with me that the ending wasn’t great, I could only nod. But now you say it is a good ending I see your point too. And I guess you’re also right in a way. See how much influence you have =p And I don’t think either that Harry Potter will vanish in a mere ten years’ time. I think Bruno is wrong in that. [/spoiler]