How to Lucid Dream! [With no practice!]

This is a good idea. I think any kind of focussing on an object will help us notice the differences between real and dream objects. In RL we don’t look at detail enough.

I find that very difficult too. You don’t have to visualise yourself for this method though. Just visualise things in front of your eyes, how you would see them in RL.

You could think of yourself pinching your nose xD

why do you say:
“Now run around little piggy run around”

This is awesome. I will try it with moon and sun rising.

Nice avi, duck.

that sounds like WILD…
i don’t have the patience to do that
whistles and looks guiltily around the room

I too had to deal with this, the best tip I can give to you is that the 6 hours of sleep written in every guide should work for regular people, people like us (insomniac) should cut this to 3-4 hours and then immidiatly do the methods.

Of course, my lightswitch doesn’t work anyway…

I doubt I’ll be able to keep doing that untill REM :bored:
But I’ll give it a shot, I guess

Probably because it’s funny! LOL :content:

This sounds like a very easy method! Easier than mine probably! I’ll give it a go. :wiske:

I’ll try this … probably won’t work for me though.

I don’t get it…lol…are you supposed to imagine a light switch or are you supposed to be looking at a real one?

I could really offend you and make you look stupid but for some reason I chose not to.
You are supposed to imagine a “dream lightswitch”.

I’ll look at a real lightswitch all day long! :woo:


this is definityly geared tword WILD i assume

well i try WILD a lot so yeah i’ll give this one a shot, it seems like it just might work!

great im gonna give this a try 4 sure!!! :happy:

I will try this tonight and post my results here tomorow.

this sounds a lot like WILD to me…

It didn’t work out for me :’(

oh well! LOL :wiske:

Unfortunatly this did not work for me. However I did go into what I can only describe as an advanced stage of SP. By advanced I mean I could not feel my bed. It was a very strange feeling :eek: . I will try it again tonight.

Didn’t work for me last night guess I’ll try again tonight.