life changing explosions

i have one, but it wasn’t an explosion and didn’t change my life. It just left a patch of melted plastic in my carpet.

The first time I used an explosive weapon at short range in a game, getting badly wounded or dying.

Taught me to use them only on groups, other weapons are much better in every other case.

I’ll be keeping a definitive list of all posted explosions…

1.egg in microwave
2.lava lamp
3.dart gun
4.friend in RPG
5.dart gun
6.unknown thingy leaves patch of melted plastic (un-lifechanging, non explosive)
7.short range explosive, human error


as it’s included in the list I might as well tell you what it was. It was… a green plastic toy thing out of a cereal box… melted by a lamp!

I know someone, who just to show us what would happen, put an aerosol can on a campfire… It was fun.

Also, a battery. It was also put on a campfire, and this certain girl with us thought it was a shotgun, so she ducked down and started screaming. It turned out she was the one who put the battery there in the first place… It was hilarious.

I once thought for a moment that the sound a pneumatic drill was a heavy machinegun firing.

I later remembered that there were works in progress in that part of town.

ummmmm…lets see…

  1. Diet coke and mentoes

  2. A ping pong ball wrapped up in foil, I lit it and…WOOSH!

  3. Oven mit in oven, when my mom opened it…WOOSH! again

  4. My mom’s lighter in her purse went BOOM! because it
    got too hot.

5.I put a toy poke’ball in the microwave when I was 5 or 6. It didn’t explode, but it was cool.

  1. In boy scouts, we use propane stoves. The hose that hooked from the small propane tank to the stover caught on fire…not much of an explosion.

  2. I had some bad chili (you dont want to know how that explosion came)

  3. My mom’s lighter again.

  4. In boy scouts we were making bacon, it got to greesy and we got A GREESE FIRE!

I think there might be more…

I remember another one!

When we lit a campife, we put a whole bottle of lighter fluid in it…big boom.

this must be one of the top 10 threads of all time.

We tried lighting a bonfire with a half gallon of unleaded gasoline. Not really life changing, but it was one of my first “pyro” moments.

My god~ XD You have to be one of the most fire-lit people I know XD

Life changing experience: I plugged in cd-speakers into a computer in the hopes that it would play with my sister (who is 4 years older than me)-- Something exploded inside of it, and it squeaked-- We panicked, and I threw it into a purple, plastic garbade bin, and covered it-- When we opened it, after hiding and laughing histarically for 10 minutes over out concern of fire, we opened it…

The garbage bin had been holding some loose dog food-- and not smelt like burnt plastic, burnt microchips, and baked dog food! XD

Funniest. Moment. Ever.

We broke down laughing-- and still laugh just as hard these days~ XD Taught me just how beautiful and funny the world can be if you loosen up-- and not to fool with technology when you have no clue XD~

…i know there were other exposions…
but, most of the explosions were not that life changing…
dang it! what else!!!..oh well…

Haha! I’m sure you’ll remember em’ XD You’ve already postsed some really good ones at least! XD~


well one i can think of, not really life changing but gave us a good warning

so, we shake up a pop can for 30 minutes and throw it in the bonfire. Nothing happens so my brother starts to poke it with a stick

Don (a friend): “Kevin, don’t do that”
Kevin (brother): “nah it’s ok, it’s just a-”
hissing sound
Kevin: 'RUN!"

BOOM and the tent almost catches on fire, with someone still in it XD

That’s insane XD~

Very dangerous-- what’s with people testing fire these days anyways??

rofl. im gonna try that :rofl:

Don’t! :open_mouth: You could hurt yourself!

Eep! I think this thread is officially dangerous-- it’s giving you ideas! :open_mouth:

I wont be by the fire when I do it…I’ll stay back :colgate: . Or i could do it in a dream :hmmm: :sleeping: :sleep: .

XD If you do it in a dream-- you sure it would work? Device failure and all…

But it’s still dangerous! You could hurt yourself D: Don’t be too reckless!

lol, I could have a bigger exposion in my dream.