Has this ever happened to you? (dreams affect your mood)

added (dreams affect your mood) to title :moogle:

where dreams affect your mood in rl. I had a dream that i bought expensive and tasteful marshmellows and in that dream my brother stole it and ate it. I got really mad in that dream and when i woke up i was mad at him for a while.

in another dream my house caught on fire and my mom was in the house and i managed to escape and i didnt know what happen to her and i felt what it’s like not having her around. When i woke up i felt relief and said to myself “it was all a dream”, and i was so happy i came and gave her a big hug lol. And the dream taught me a lesson is to be good to ur mom (cause i wasnt a good son). It taught me that cause i felt what it feels to lose someone.

Yes that has happened to me once. I dreamt that my brother was killed in some machinery accedent and i went through the whole dream really really sad and even cried in it. When i woke up i was so glad that it was just adream and i decided to be nicer to my brother. Well not that much anymore im back to my normal self but i was nice for like a week.

I’ve dreamt I was pregmant. In the dream I found out what to do, and I was looking forward to be a mother (even I was 14 then O.o) My relatives were around me, and supported me.
And when I woke up, I became so sad. It was like I had lost something!
That day I learned how mother’s love was like. It’s beautiful - as long as you don’t loose your baby -.-
And I was sad all day, btw.

Today I was happy, because I had a nightmare ^^ I usually don’t have nightmares. AND I’m safe from the phsycho murders with chainsaws.

ahh that happens to me all the time. too many dreams i have had that i have had fought with somone, or even dreamt of dating someone really throws me into a spin with everything. can really mess with your attitudes in life. but i wasn’t sure if it was me or not. so that is pretty cool to know.

Once i dreamt a guy from school that was two benches away from me was elastic and he punched me in the face, then the whole classroom laughed and insulted me, since then i feel weird around that guy, untrustful, he is cool in real life, but i better beware of his elastic arm :hide:

They almost always affect my mood, they kind of determine how I’ll feel during the whole day actually. Some days I’ll have a dream that makes me so blissfully happy that it’s impossible to make me mad and other days I’ll be ticked off all day and you couldn’t make me happy no matter what you did. Thankfully most of my dreams are fun because I have a bad temper. :tongue:

Yes dreams affect my mood all the time. I had a horrıble nıghtmare today and I feel like crap…

I remember my brother who ıs younger than me by 2 years also had somethıng sımılar to one_wınged_angels experience. I woke up and sat on the couch watchıng tv, and the next thıng I know, my brother runs to me cryıng and hugs me. dıdn’t understand what was goıng on untıl he explaıned that I had dıed ın hıs dream.


If there is an intense emotion in the dream then sometimes it does, strong feelings of love can leave me depressed.

But more often than not, my mood dictates the dream rather than the other way round.

Some dreams affect my mood only in the morning, for the first few hours, but other dreams can affect me for days… I love it when I have a great dream and I spend the whole morning (or even day) smiling. It happens to me on a regular basis. :content:

/me is in a good mood the second day in a row today because of a recent dream :cloud9:

But yeah, it’s strange how a dream can change the way you view someone… and even more strange that they didn’t share the experience, and they view you exactly the same way as they did before. I had a dream that I was best friends with one of my teachers (lol), and when I went to school he was acting like he always did… and I got a little offended lol, because in a part of my mind he was “my new best friend”, and he just went on ignoring me like usual! :lol:

Dreams haven’t really altered my mood…

(Except for that extremely powerful LD I had two weeks ago where I almost succeeded in doing something I’ve been dying to do for a long time… I was so happy and dancing around and singing about the dream all day.)

But many dreams have altered my diet.

French fries are always VERY disgusting in my dreams. They’re burnt and smell like grease… So my opinion on french fries (mostly the non-homemade kind) has declined. I hate pretty much all of them…

Bakery foods though… Mmmm. They’re sooooo good.

I like food. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dreams make me revive long-forgotten crushes. They also make me fall in love with people that don’t exist! And make me long for places that don’t exist.

Thanks, dreams. :razz:

Haha, story of my life.

I’ve gotten really angry at people for no reasons because of dreams, I’ve gotten really jealous when guys hit on my gf in my dreams, i’ve gotten really happy at really good dreams, i’ve gotten heaps depressed if a girl that i have a crush on ignores me in a dream, i’ve gotten extremely jumpy if i’ve had a nightmare. :cool:

As i said story of my life, i’m still jaded today and its the arvo in australia about a dream i had this morning. :sad:

sucks to be me :content:

Dreaming of something magnifies my feelings towards it. If I like it, I’ll like it more, if I hate it, I’ll hate it even more.

Dreams definitly influence my mood for the rest of the day…as long as I remember them:-P

Im pretty sure this has happened to a lot of people on here, come on, we all feel a lot better the next day if we finally got an LD after a dryspell or what not.

Its never affected my mood towards anyone, but my mood in general yes. I’ve had dreams that left me extremely light and happy the entire day after I’ve had them, and I’ve had dreams that left me annoyed, angry, tired, and confused.

Yeah, it happens to me, too. If I’m in love with somebody in my dream, I’m in love with them in RL for a few days until it wears off. If I miss somebody in my dream, I miss them for a few days in RL.

Dreams sometimes have an effect on my mood,especially if it has a lot of strong emotions tied to it.

Nightmares and sad dreams make me more irritated, sometimes depressed, but pleasant dreams\LDs usually make me feel happier.

Yeah… When I dream with something that I’d really like to happen, I spend the entire day remebering that dream and enjoying the feeling!!!

First off, in a dream if somebody is being mean to me or does something that annoys me or something, I’ll feel sort of negative around them (granted I can control it, but there is just this weird negativity I feel around them for a day or a few).

Second, which is pretty much opposite of the first, is when someone helps me or something, I feel more comfortable around them and get a slight positive feeling. Also, sometimes girls that I have absolutely no affiliation with will be with me in my dreams, we have a nice time like a boat ride and whatever blah blah, and I feel slightly attracted or even more attracted to that person for a little bit.

Third, I have been smoking weed for a little bit (maybe half a year) and in a dream, I got caught by cops and got in some serious stuff. Ever since, I have never wanted to smoke or have anything to do with it strongly.

Also, there have been many many dreams which teach me “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone” about various things.

Anything like this or something else happen to anyone?

I certainly get the girl thing a lot, it’s weird, you feel a sort of kinship with them for a while that they will never know, then it just sort of fades.

As for being busted, I myself have never had that dream (It happened a couple of times in real life when I was a bit younger) but I still know what you mean, how the negative or positive effects of a dream can have an impact on your state of mind for some time afterwards.