Who is going to watch the sky tonight?

Cloudy here as well :cry:

The peak metor hours for the Western US and Canada should start at 11pm.

In that case, I’ll keep an eye out until midnight for them. I haven’t been stargazing in a long time…

i don’t think I’ll be able to see it either way.

Since i live so close to chicago it can be very hard to make out stars sometimes

but i’ll look anyway

Still cloudy here. No meteors for me tonight. :sad:

Cloudy here as well… Damnit!

I can see it! :wow: The sky is cloudy in Brazil too, but there’s a huge chunk of it shining a sinister green shine, it’s absolutely breathtaking! Apparently, it’s not even peak yet, it’ll only peak much later today.

I’m going to! :grin: There were some last night and my sister and I stayed up until 2am watching them. I live in the country so lights won’t be a problem…but the trees will be. :grrr: We live in the woods so if you want to see anything you have to walk to the road and lay in the middle of it. No cars go by but you can still see very little. :sad: Stupid trees…

I decided to take some pictures. :hyper:

i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … teoro1.jpg
i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … teoro2.jpg
i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … teoro3.jpg
i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … teoro4.jpg
i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … teoro5.jpg ← low exposure etc, to compare with the others

It was a pain in the arse to tweak my grandpa’s camera so as to even manage to grasp the green. In real life, it looks way more spooky and vivid. I’m still hoping to see the actual meteor shower from here, but the clouds don’t seem to be that into moving away for heaven’s sake. :tongue: Anyway. I hope everyone remembered to look out the window tonight, because this is seriously stunning.

This is awesome, it supposedly hasn’t started yet here in Florida. Ill definitely be checking the skies tonight. It is a good thing I’m on the forums so much lately or I never would have known!

Those are some cool pictures, Bruno. So you can see it even WITH the clouds. Thats good to know :happy:

Some image tweaking for your viewing pleasure (as I can’t believe how much of that cool sinisterness is lost when uploading the image):

i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … ro2foo.jpg

This is an edition made by me to the second picture, enhancing the greens. You can now see a big mass of light above the buildings. This is where the green shine is.

i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … ro3foo.jpg

Picture #3, edited by Chris (Mohegan) to enhance the brightness.

i135.photobucket.com/albums/q160 … ro3bar.jpg

Another edit on picture #3. I don’t know what tool I used on this one, but it managed to emphasize the fact that there’s a bloody green thing in me sky! :nuu:

(Copied from chat, with permission.)

Dang. Very cool pictures, Bruno. I want to take my camera out too, but I doubt that I’ll be able to get nice pics. Oh well… worth a shot!

Today’s APOD picture features a composite image of loads of meteors from the 2004 Perseids, if anyone is interested. :content:

I went out to the forest on saturday and saw a grand total of one shooting star :happy: It was nice stargazing at the top of a hill though.

Isn’t it continuing tonight as well? That’s what one of my friends told me…

Yes, although yesterday was the peak, there should be quite a few meteors the next couple of days as well. :content:

'Twas very lackluster. There were no ominous greens as Bruno had described. Only simple shooting stars. They were cool, but most of them weren’t worth the neck pain I got from craning my neck to see them.

i was disappointed last night i didn’t get to see anything only a few tricks of the eyes and a red glow that was kinda odd.

Aw, darn it. I read about this yesterday, but I forgot. Oh well, I doubt I would’ve been able to see it anyway even if it does continue for a couple more days. I live smack in the middle of a big city. I only can see maybe 4 or 5 stars sometimes. Maybe I should go look for that telescope and still try. Hmm.

All I saw was a few shooting stars. My little brother was very disappointed in me because of it, lol. It really is too bad…