What's new?

Wow, just watched “El Laberinto de Faun” (have no clue what the English name for it is), and I just thought I’d check LD4all, and there’s a whole new layout! :nuu:
Guess I’m kinda slow, but whatever. This looks so nice ^^

Abut the Quest star; so you just get if for finishing one quest and then it is there for ever, and it doesn’t upgrade when you finish more quests or any of that creepy stuff?

Pan’s Labyrinth.

It would be nice if the quest star stayed with you until that moon’s quest was over. Then, you would have to complete the next quest to get the quest star back. That way people would know which quest you had completed. :shrug:

no it wouldn’t … it is difficult for some to complete a quest while it is running. What is nice about the quest star wings being taken away from you again after a few days??? :cry:
you could put a list of quests completed in the extra information part of your profile :happy:

Another “new” thing is that the [mod] tags have changed from color.


painoQus, indeed, it’s just a first reward, and after your Quest you will have a taste for more :wink: You can keep your Questlog and put a link to it somewhere in your profile. I like to see everyone with those wings.

thank you so much everyone for your kind words, it means a lot to me :happy:

Where in the profile will that star be?

And pff, 5k posts? When is spamming time? NOW IS SPAMMING TIME ! :grin:


Above the avatar, under the mod/admin/etc… sign, I think?

well, why don’t you complete this moons Quest and find out? :grin:

BAH! now all my hard-earned stars are worthless!

I spammed for so long too :razz: now what do i have to show for it? incomplete

*trjr relates the stars to Grand Theft Auto… uh oh looks like swat teams are going to come after me!

Is there a reason that the time that a post was posted doesn’t appear along with the date it was posted?

I love the layout, it looks great! :happy:
Good job!!!

yes, you probably have a different date setting in your profile. Go to your profile and select another way of displaying the time. And it’s easier now, not some weird D,Y,y, code :smile:

Wooahh! It looks so great! And all the new options! Good job!

quick question

any particular reason that my custom title was 2 characters too long as of now?

why did that change? it’s kinda irritating :razz: and i don’t want to think of another one

because basilus west broke it… but i can add some more characters if everyone promises not to make a custom title that is only MMM’s :tongue:

or make the font a bit smaller… i’ll see what i can do.

lol are you serious just think of a new one!!!

Wow this new layout looks really good! Nice job! :ok:

i like the old one the best, FYI

plus it’s fixed now anyway, so no need to be rude

i wasn’t being rude iwas being direct:)