First Steps to MILD (for all basic MILD related Q&A)

Well you could do any previous dream I suppose, but what I’m saying is that you go to sleep normally and you have a dream and then you wake up at like 3 AM and you do the dream that you just dreamed and you do that with MILD + WBTB

Sorry about the question if there was the answer, but I tried to find it. I tried MILD 4 times, I get LD only after 2nd try. If I will be training everyday, will results be better? I think that 25% chance for the beggining is pretty good, but I expect little more than 25% in the future. Will practice make my chances higher?

Can somebody answer? :smile:

That is a brilliant result for someone just starting to use MILD. It is difficult to say what the percentage will become with practice. All i can say is that you appear to have a natural ability to LD so it looks good :grin:

LaBerge have about 21 LDs per month with his MILD technique. Can anyone master it to that level or just MILD works great for him?

I think MILD is the most powerful technique to induce LDs.
Training is very important, especially for this way of inducing LDs because everything depends on your subconscious and that doesn’t learn things from one day to another. The longer you try, the higher is your chance to get a lucid dream.


moved into first steps to MILD


Don’t know if anyone remembers me, I posted alot last winter. Just wanted to say hey, and it’s nice to be back.

Also, any tips on how i can use mild with my schedule? Getting up at 5:30 fails :neutral:

There is a welcome back thread in The Gathering part of the forums post there :content:

moved into First Steps to MILD :moogle:

Hi I am posting this because i can’t find anything on MILD ing. I know MILDing is reminding your self to remember you are dreaming before you go to sleep, but is there anything else i should know, possibaly specific techniques.

Umm, I think there is an FAQ section of MILD. So you can just post your questions there.

well , i started doing RC about 1 month ago and everytime i go to sleep i say i wanna have a LD, and every time i remember my dreams sometimes at 50% sometimes i remember them all, but i havent a LD yet…i am doing anything wrong?

P.D: sorry for my bad english, im mexican :happy:

First of all you did very well with your english, second, to answer your question based on what you said you are doing it right. I usually say "the next time I am dreaming i will realize I am dreaming. Remember sometimes this takes a couple weeks and sometimes a couple of months to work (it different for everyone…). I took me half of a month. Just keep practicing and I bet you will have your first lucid dream any day now!
Hope this helped,
The Luciddator

Thanks for your help

I have been trying MILD after three months of unsuccessful attempts at WILD. So when i try to tell myself to have an LD I end up counting my breaths. So can anyone give me help because I end up not meaning what I am imagining

im afraid it is going to take me until im like 30 till i get one i used to do it all the time when i was little but now im mature and im afraid it will be hard to do im kinda slow when it comes to getting things and horrible when it comes to mastering it do u think it will be really hard for me

I don’t think that it’ll be hard for you. This technique is quite simple and easy actually. You just have to be tired for this one.

I think MILD works for me in the long run, but doesn’t necessarily work if I try it that night. I sort of know that I should become lucid when I go to sleep now even if I don’t actually repeats a mnemonic thing in my head. When I actually do repeat it in my head I often find my thoughts have wandered and I’m not doing it any more, I guess that’s just normal falling asleep though.

I’ll have to try mild, it sounds interesting ^^ :smile:

I dont really think in words, and it feels strange when I amke my slef do so for such a wierd amount of time. I ahve very little experience with this, but I had a dild or whatever the other day, and I tried doing it artificially, by saying the words, but I dont think its really necessary. though I could be wrong.

Well, as for saying the words in your mind, it helps you to remember it in the dream. Your subconcious might pick it up at somewhere. (I think) For myself it helps a lot. But I think motivation and “knowing it will happen” are the key aspects of DILD.