The BIG Déjà Vu topic

[If they’re moving this they might as well move my post too?]

I believe the deja vu feeling is actually from a dream. We have about 6 dreams a night and do not remember all of them. Now, if you do something IRL that you did in one of those dreams you might have a deja vu feeling.

i would say they are definately related.

i talked about this with my girlfriend once, she said she has dejavu quite often. I have it every now and then but we both agreed on and came to the same conclusion that it happens in a dream first, but you forget the dream and then when it happens in RL, you experience the dejavu. So having dejavu would mean that you had a precognitive dream earlier on, but you just forgot about the dream. If you were to remember the dream, then i doubt it would happen because sometimes by simply knowing whats going to happen, it changes what really would happen.

I had a Deja Vu today, at my friends house. And i was so certain that i had been there before that my heart stopped for a second and i almost came to my knees.

I think the reason why people get the déjà vu feeling, is that the memory-part for your brain stops for a little while. And while it is stopped, you get this strange feeling. I often get the feeling when I am hungry or thirsty (the brain can’t work with an empty stomach, huh?)
I used to think that I had dreamt things, and experienced them later. But when I get that feeling, I really can’t tell what will happend next.

Anyways, I just got that déjà vu-feeling while I ate food, and thought about something, for some minutes ago. Now you know that.

My classmates also get this feeling once in a while:
“I’m having a déjà vu!”
"Hey, do you remember this? :truit: "
“No, it’s gone now…”

but if your memory stopped, that would just mean you forgot where you are, you would experience temporary amnesia not a feeling of re-experiencing something.

If you believe in the theory of a multiverse where every possible situation/outcome has been played out on different timelines, then it could be explained that these deja vu moments, are moments that have happened before… exactly the same except on a different timeline/fateline. It’s like an overlapping or something, and we feel like we’ve experienced this moment before because we have except on a different timeline/alternate dimension. It would explain why when it happens we feel like we’ve done it before, yet dont know whats going to happen next. Would also explain why they only happen for a short period of time.

The nothingness you talk about, I have felt to. I havnt felt it sence I was about 8 or 9, but it was a void… Its hard to explain, but I dont like it. I wonder what it is, I thought I was the only one who felt it.

I wonder what would happen if you expiranced the feeling of Dajivu for like an hour streight. You know how you get the feeling that you can allmost predict what will happen next, but the feeling only last for a few secounds.

I used to get deja vu all the time so i learnt to prolong the experience… instead of every time it happens saying “woah! deja vu” i would keep quiet and just let it all play out. Even with longer dejavu experiences it was still very hard to predict what would happen next… it was more just the feeling of having done it before exactly the same.

I am quite familiar with the void myself and it is an unpleasant place, however it is a wonderful place for meditating because you can be still much easier.

Whenever I experience deja vu it’s usually surrounding some mundane conversation or unimportant event.

I’ll have a dream about it 2-3 weeks beforehand, then when the event actually takes place in WL I get this ominous feeling, like I have to be careful to avoid a certain outcome for whatever reason. It’s pretty strange. I generally don’t say anything because I’m trying to think back to what happened next in the dream, but then it passes and it no longer feels familiar… perhaps because I didn’t play my part.

When it ‘clicks’ that I’m experiencing a deja vu, my mind feels like the sensation you get when biting down on tinfoil. That’s the best way I can describe it :tongue:

ahh great thanks Troober… so you actually remember experiencing it in a dream? this is the same conclusion me and my gf came to about dejavu. Most of the time it is really mundane stuff which is probably why we forget the dream we had about it earlier. This must mean that precognitive dreams are indeed real… wow!

Heres my craziest Deja Vu. I was sitting on a barstool with my friend and he started saying something and before he had finished talking i had said everything he was going to say and the reply that my parents and my brother were going to say. I got so freaked out! I had to go upstairs and meditate right away. nobody else understood, because i mumbled the words under my breath, but to this day I still freak out having to think about it.

well i recently had a couple of dreams which i think were precognitive. I made a special note to remember them even though normally i wouldn’t have bothered because they were quite mundane. Next year i will be starting a college degree and I had a dream about being in my first class, so it shall be interesting to see if i experience the same thing… have to wait till next year to find out.

To begin with, i’d like to confess that i’m being a bit of a hippocrite. I moderate several programming forums, and tend to yell at anyone who doesn’t read through t least MOST of the topic before posting. I didnt have much time tonight, but wanted tog et this out there. My friend and I, while discussing possibilities for time travel, rationalized that for every change (even on the atomic level) the universe splits, leaving an infinite number of universes (in the multiverse). Now, at first we used this to say that certain quantum changes caused other universes to e further behind, and that they were cosntantly flowing forma single source (which defrays the paradox theory).

NOW, the place this ties into de ja vu, is that i believe its actually a form of rudimentary telepathy with our counterparts in like-universes. basically, you enter a certain zoned out frame of mind (or at least, i usually do), and during this time, a connection is made with universe similar to yours. the more different the universe from yours, the less likely you are to connect to it, because the differences accumulate as a sort of interference. With this considered, I can now account for the fact that De Ja Vu’s

  1. Tend to last a short time (you are startled out of them by there usually precog-like nature)
  2. havnt always happened (sometimes yu will make a rare connection to a far different universe), and
  3. arent usually exactly correct. In nearly every de ja vu i’ve had, ive noticed exceedingly minor flaws in the memory, such as a word that was changed, or a persons stance, or even something so simple as the words on a note.

If anyone has any thoughts ont his theory, im all ears! :happy:

Heck yeah, this happens to me every couple of days. I’ll just be doing something, and all of a sudden an instance will hit me as something I did or saw before in a dream. FINALLY someone knows what I’m talking about :happy:

I had one of these couple of nights ago. I just thought that I had that dream before and it was just continuing from that one before. But I don’t think I had that dream before after I think about it. The dream probably lasted for a couple of days it seemed.

CerealKlr, are you suggesting that one can induce Deja Vu? And in addition to your theory, which I see the logic of though I haven’t dedicated myself to the quantum mechanics of it just yet, suppose “our” universe, the one our conscience is usually limited to, is just behind another one. This could, in theory, explain both the shortness of Deja Vu activity (because we immediately catch up) and precog phenomenon. (Of course, assuming there’s some link between us and “us” in a different reality)

Well, that could well be it - that we’re one of the very first universes. Even odder however, is that by the laws of probability, were more likely somewhere near the middle! The reason our precogs are so short could then be explained as “the further in time, space, physical state, emotion, or thought you are from another universe, the less likely you are to link to it.” In tandem with that is the fact that it is usually such a shocking experience that its likely you would lose the link by rapid change in emotion! So, simply by cycling through all of the different requirements for uplink, I suppose you could induce it. I’m also leaving open the possibility that some people have more inborn talent then others. Also, you could probably teach yourself by learning to guess what your emotional state will be in a few seconds or minutes…

Very interesting… I’ll be sure to meditate on this soon… :om:

And yes, I believe some people are naturals at precog, and I have my suspicions about a few. (rather socially awkward to talk about, but oh well)

I think this thread goes here.

I have had a huge Deja Vu. I was watching a movie called I-Robot with Will Smith. In the intro there were the 3 rules of robbotics. I instantly reconized them and named them before the movie pointed them out. However a book I thought I had gotten the 3 rules of robbotics did not have them. I searched online and could only find things that where posted after I-Robot came out. So I have a little bit of reason to believe that it was a kind of pre-dejavu, since I predicted the rules of robotics before they were revealed using what I thought was prior knowledge.

Any other weird Deja Vu stories???

you are mistaken the three laws of robotics appeared in Isaac Asimov’s novel in 1942!
link to wiki with the information

ok I knew I saw them somewhere. I thought they were not fiction though hmmm.