Mind Control over DC-s

Is it possible? To like think what you want a DC to do and he does it? For example, if you have a huge dragon DC and you want it to stay still for a couple of seconds instead of trying to eat you, can you do it by just thinking?

I’ve never really tried it, but it’d be cool to know how to do it for my next LD.

Yup it works i do it by imagining a mental connection to the DC i want to control (altough i sometimes use also dream devices)

oh ok cool, and can u also like suddenly become a DC? And if you can, does your previous body stay where it was? For instance, if I see a guy running in the streets and I become the guy, will I be able to look to where I was and see myself?

If you think it can happen… It will…

Yes, anything is possible in a dream, and for sure DC mind control (I’ve done that before to make the DCs do amusing things).


You can do the impossible in dreams.

@ Kt4all, that didn’t sound cliche :content:

Agree , but it’s absolutly true :happy:
/me wonders how the thread starter is progressing

In my dreams I can kinda control them… It is weird because I can make them say or think things but I can “control” them. It is like they have a mind of their own. Also every time I try to control them my SC messes everything up. It is as if my SC if working against me 0.o

ever read that book eragon>
well the kid can talk to the dragon just by thinking. so for instance say in your head in a normal voice… “Hello Jake”

Practical answer, they can be controlled.
Speculation, I don’t think they have minds to take control over, they only appear to think, it’s actually you who are the thinker. So to control their “mind” you must control your own mind.