Quest 25: Travel through time & meet future/past self

congratulations LorDrrr! :happy: Cool experience, well done!

You can has wings at the end of the Quest time. ktxbai :wink:

/me wonders how many times she has to tell people that :tongue:

I think I maybe completed the task too… if the task is to travel through time and talk to your past self, with no specific topic or amount of time needed to talk to them then sure I did it alright.

I set my alarm for 6 hours later and then I woke up. I managed to stay awake for about 10 minutes where I was sort of thinking how I could become Lucid. Soon I find myself in my dream outside my very own backyard. I was trying to grasp how real things were - but my Lucidity levels were jumping up and down.

I quickly told myself that I am dreaming - that it was “cool” - and now I must do something!!! I remembered someone asking if anyone ever left Planet earth and so I wanted to do that - then I remembered a recent thought: How the Universe and all its planets could be made up of all “Time” - so it would be a method to traveling forward or back in time.

I decided to try and get out of the planet first - that wasn’t so hard as I thought it would be. I started floating into the sky. I looked down as I quickly floated away… I sort of a panicked for a moment there :tongue:. Then my LD went blank… so I forced my way back in my imagining my starting location of the dream. I’m back in my backyard… I try again only this time with more focus not to “fade out”. I launch myself while looking UP this time, and see all the stars around me. I am going very fast, so fast I can’t see to land on a planet. I quickly find the planet which I felt was right and landed on it.

As I was going through the planet there was a voice-over effect where I was told the history of the planet (very brief history - but it described how it was very much like Earth). I felt like I was in the right place. I landed in a small pond area, with larggeee trees around the area. I then noticed how the trees on one side were different - they were living and were sort of Tree-Monsters. The heads of the trees was a single branch in a leaf shape. It looked like a tree-eel, as one by one they started diving into the pond I was in.

They sunk into the water - I was standing back expecting them to come back up - and there you have it, they did. “BOOM-SPLASH” and they were now an even larger (combined) tree-eel that roared at me for a moment then vanished in the water again. I then decided this was boring so I flew away to a different area.

Now I was inside this building. It looked like a small-average house but the lights were dimmed inside. I found myself going to one room where I saw a little boy. I thought “is that me??”. I started talking to him but he said nonsense-childish things. He was giggling and very happy. I looked at him again and thought “he doesn’t look like me” so I gazed at his face and adjusted his looks - That’s better! Now I have the mini-me standing right next to me. I said a few things, he said a few things (but I can’t remember these things doh).

Ok… that about does it for the lucid dream. There’s more but it goes on after and not for much longer. Anyway, when I first realized the Lucid Dream I had this morning, I told myself “maybe it wasn’t good enough for the quest” - but I feel like I punish myself too much. I definitely spoke with the younger version of myself, I definitely “traveled through time” - in my own way.

Hope I didn’t bore anyone with that long LD post :razz: - you can move this to my Dream Journal but I kind of abandoned that for a while so far.

Hey Neomarine. yeha I’m in agreement with you. Meeting a younger version of yourself, is definitely a kind of travelling through time.

I thought this was a really interesting dream - especially the bit about the creation of the planet. Assuming I read your dream right, I find it interesting that you found your childhood self there on that other planet? Any ideas as to why that might be?

Anyway.Well done!

Hey explora!

I’m happy to find someone interested in my lucid dream. It was a thought I had previous to having the dream that time travel might be sort of “embed” into the universe so basically in my dream that thought came up and, because of it I remembered this task and went for it.

I was attempting at the time to meet my younger self, so because I was expecting it I assume that is why the “younger me” was in the room on that planet. At first it did not look like me (based on memory/pictures) so much, so I changed him. I felt like - maybe I had spawned the wrong body for my younger self or something. Still, I made it look more like myself after a bit of extra effort.

I guess, if you assume my dream was in any way realistic - that the reason my younger self looked different, was because he (the other I) was raised on a different planet. Anyway thanks for taking the interest in my Lucid Dream explora - was I clear in my response? :razz:

Yay! Infinintiy will defenitley help this, hopefully the next quests will be as cool as this one! I have a feeling I’ll get my wings soon,

Pasquale, just a comment, when you put the wings on people it would be cool if you speicfied WHICH ld4all quest they completed. I can’t wait for my first pair of wind :woo:

definately going to try this
need to decide between the future or the past first

congrats Neomarine! :happy:
And if you feel you have completed this Quest, you have completed it :smile: And if I read what you did, you have too, you met another you on another planet, very cool :smile:

yes, I agree it would be very cool. However I do not have the technical skills to implement that. You can always specify which Quest you earned them with in your profile :smile:

Thanks :happy:! Yea I was shocked I finished a quest… that was unexpected of myself personally, but, alas… I did it! Woooooohooo!

Perhaps you can add the name of the quest to an “Alt” tag on the wings image?

Travel through time & meet future/past self

…or perhaps have it link back to the page of the quest?

moved wing talk here

I still haven’t had a lucid dream only slightly prelucid, but I did have a dream today where I was wondering aroung my middle school which it was cool…

I HAVE to try this one… Wish me luck!

Wohoo I had a lucid dream last night (This was the first one that didint last 5 seconds!) I forgot abotu the quest though… But i flew my first try and went to sky island by teleporting :fly: :mirror:

Pas Quale,suggestion of using a mirror struck a note. Two different clear dreams,good recall, probably came from this idea.
In first I’m looking into a mirror, wondering who I’m seeing. Face not familiar. Then suddenly I’m saying “It’s me.” Great happy feeling.
In second completely the opposite. I say to a friend “I’m not really this awful,doughy faced person.” I felt surprised to be in this body.
Didn’t have a feel for time ,but don’t think that’s relevant Believe our linear time is useful just on this little planet.


I had a lucid dream and I had met my future self. But it was a ND when I saw my future self. When I became lucid I realised that I had already done the Quest. But I can´t remember what was special about the future me. There was something… I thought… ow that is what I´m going to do soon. But I can´t remember :sad:

Just a fleeting memory.

I am standing on a farm somewhere, i am lucid, i want to do the quest.

I feel my self pull throug time. I am now in the future, i am standing at a caffe, I see my self older, by about 6 years, sitting down reading the newspaper drinking coffee. the future me looks up at me.

“back again?”

There are a lot of people here, i try to talk but cant, i cant move, i cant…think. The future me just watches silently for a bt, smiles and continues to read, i awake.

PSH! fail ugh

Met my past self last night i will post the outline of the lucid later tonight

Lucid Dream.


Teaching me from step forward.

I am at a shopping centre near my house. I am walking around picking up bits bobs. I walk to the front counter and wait in line. I see a man and two small boys waiting in line next to me, one boy is bouncing up and down asking his fater for something from the snack area, his father laughs and tells him he already has enough.

I feel a strange connection to this these 3 although i just ignore it. now i pay for my gear and as i am about to leave i notice one of the boys next to me looking at me, i kneel down and ask his name but he hides behind his father. I smile stand and leave.

As i walk out of the shops lucidity tingles, i latch onto the feeling and gently raise my awareness. As i do i remember my intention of the night, just to be lucid and feel the world, baby step it again, and also the quest.

[color=blue]I streach out and feel everything with my mind, run my hand through the air and breath it in. Sighing as i feel more and more aware, and more and more relaxed, colors brighten and i walk towards where my motorbike waits, bright red and undamaged. I put down the gear i am carrying and run my hand over the bike, feeling the metal and leather. Soon ihear talking and turn to the the father and two boys walking my way.

I feel a tug, a memory of knowing these people, but my lucidity is not quite there yet. One of the boys walks up to me, the one that i asked his name and looks right at me, the father and other boy do not notice me.

I kneel down and look at him, as i look into his eyes i realisei am looking into my own, only years before, I feel the tug and realise this boy is me.

I smile and talk to me, i tell him about dreaming, investing and how the only way to be rich is to work smarter not harder and invest well, i talk about postive cash flow property and management, i give advice on a lot of subjects, the younger me waits and listens. I hear a call, the father, my father, now looks at me and expresses with out words ’ he wont understand you’

: i know dad, but one day he will, his subconscious will understand now and later it will know"

My father expressed the idea of my younger self be autistic (or how ever you spell it)

i smile at my yonger self as i run to my father and speak to my younger selfs mind, you do understand, its just everyone else needs to learn how to talk your lanuage.

I awake to the sound of my alarm, rolling over i see it is ten minutes left till it goes off, understanding this i remember the dream then fall back asleep for ten.[/color]

:clap: wow exellent! feels powerful :smile: :smile: :smile:
congratulations! :happy:

Thanks :wink:

i finished the size change quest one day after the deadline ended , i hope this won’t happen with this quest …

you have a day left sakoda! how did you go?