A bit of WILD(Or what I think I was doing) advice.

Alright, so I attempted it last night and got to a point of which I never experienced before. After 20 minutes or so, I seriously felt like my bed was flipping around the room. It felt like I was going upside down, vertical, diagonal, and all over the place. My body also felt extremely numb and heavy during this period. It was quite an interesting experience but I got bored and went to sleep normally :confused:.

Any comments/helpful advice on my experience would be appreciated :smile:

Edit: This probably belongs in Quest for Lucidity, sorry.

I would say, if this happens again try to focus on it and morph it into an LD. Try to control the feelings, or paint a picture of your bed moving around like that and control it.

You got bored! That’s the funnest, most exciting part… well, next to suddenly being in an LD. Sounds like you gotta visualize a dream though, really focus on it, and suddenly you’ll find yourself in the world you were just visualizing in your minds eyes.

Alright, thanks for the help :smile: