Movies coming out this summer

Theres going to be some enteresting movies this summer. M. Night is coming out with a new one called “The happaning” It looks entersting its his first rated R movie. Chris Carter will be doing another X files movie. I cant wait.

I’m really super excited about the next batman movie coming out. It’s called the Dark Knight. It’ll be great!

I know that a Hellboy 2 is coming out… Does anyone know if its coming out this summer… Oh yeah btw why are we talking about this… its only february

Hellboy 2: directed by Del Toro. Can’t go wrong.

Be Kind, Rewind: ok, this is a winter movie, but still exited about it

The Happening: Mark Whalberg in a M. Night Shamalhan, again, can’t go wrong. Now, i liked all teh M. Night movies. Even Lady in the Water. In fact, i think Lady in the Water is hugely underrated.

well, that’s all i got for now

oh, and Iron Man and Batman look cool too, i guess. :shy: