Is life a dream??

I think I made a thread about this a while ago… Back when we had the cloud.

i haven’t seen the matrix.

you do make a good point but i’m just saying.
what if?

Well. I really believe in the world we see, that we exist in our universe and there’s no bigger concious controlling us than ourselves.

But how do we know? Nobody cannot know for sure.

But that’s just my belief! :woot:

it’s funny that any belief of anything can exist.
because there is never any proof.
we have to assume so much for any belief to make sense.

anyone who believes in ockham’s razor has to be a devoted atheist.

Humankind will never be able to proof life itself! So very simple said we don’t know jack shit about us and this world :smile:

If life is a dream, I fail at being lucid.

If life is a dream then I’m lucid all the time. :cool:

Or maybe true lucidity can only be attained by Zen Masters. :om:

How can you be lucid all the time?

If lucidity is knowing one is dreaming and one believes life to be real, then if life is a dream none of us are lucid.

If real life feels like it’s a dream when you sleep and the dream feels like a dream when you wake. But both feel real in when experiencing them as they happen, is it not then possible that neither is actually real and we have yet to wake unto our selves?

I’m going to bed now, perhaps to close my eyes so that I may awaken.

If life is a dream, death is when we wake up.
Maybe life is just a dream, and when we die we will awake into our “real life”. Then, when our “real” version of us goes back to sleep, we come back here, to Earth, but as a different person. Almost like reincarnation…

…If life is just a dream, death is when we wake up…What happened before we were born? What will happen to us when we die? What I just said would answer both of these questions…
Maybe before we were born was when our “real”-selfs went to sleep. And when we die our “real”-selfs wake up.

I don’t believe ALL from what I said. And I know I basicly repeated the same thing twice, but worded differently. I did that because the way I explained it, in my opinion, was very confusing. :bored:

I like what Faust said. How could be possibly define “real.”

Going off Mohegan’s logic, and if “real” can only be defined by our senses or mindset, doesn’t that make both the dream realm and this present realm real? It’s possible there is an alternate, matrix-like reality. It’s just as likely that all realities are “real.”

I would define “real” as something that we beleive is there. For instance, i have no doubts that the computer i’m typing on is there; thereofore is real. So when we’re dreaming, we beleive it’s there, so it’s real to us. Until you become lucid. But where is “there”? I don’t know. I also beleive “real” has continuity. Real things continue. When i dream, the dreams don’t start where the others left off. It’s a rare ocassion when i dream and everything looks the same in every other dream. When i’m awake, there is continuity. That’s all i have to say.

The dictionary definition of “real”
Real- being an actual thing; having objective existence; not imaginary.

My definition of real:
It matters how you look at the concept of “real”.
Just like everybody else has said.
Your computer is real
I am real
My couch is real
Are dreams real? To me…sort of…I see it, but it is not actually there. So, about half and half…
Is death real? To me, yes.
But, is anything real after you die? I don’t know…

Like I said before, life could be just a dream. And when you die, you conscious “wakes up”
Or maybe it’s the other way around…Right now could be “real”; but when you die, everything can become a dream. Like I said, dreams are real in a sense…so, is after death real?

I just sort of came up with this in about five minutes, so don’t go with this exactly. But, somebody should take what I said (along with everybody else’s) and come up with your own conclusion.

Good minds think alike. … highlight=

to answer your question

Are dreams life? when you are dreaming, is it happening for real somewhere in the universe.

I never said that I believe life to be ‘real’, besides reality is relative. :crazy:


I think it is. For example … I believe at live after death (going to astral world) so this is kind of physical dream and after you death you will “wake up” … But there are few people which can go to astral by AP. And our dream person can go to this world when it wake up. By the way Confucius was dreaming. And his dream was that he is butterfly. After he woke up he didn’t remember if he is man a he dreamed about butterfly or if he is butterfly and he is dreaming about man :smile:

//Note by hunaynay : It was Zhuangzi not Conficus :smile:

100% agreed

Actually, it was Zhuangzi (and, according to legend, some 100 years later) but good example. I keep the quote on my “about me” in my profile. :grin:

Really ? Thanks for completing me :smile:

Is life a dream? It’s an interesting question, but it always makes me think: Does it matter? Is it really that important whether it’s actually real or not? I mean it seems pretty real to me, and I’m enjoying it, so I think I’ll leave the postulating to others and just get on with it.

If when I die I wake up someplace else then I’ll know, and I’ll say: “Well, fancy that!”

Give the man a Peanut. :gni: That’s a very good point and well made. :handshake: