Changing your eye color

My eye color changes with my moods, sort of like a mood ring. :lol: When I’m happy they’re dark blue, when I’m neutral it’s a lighter blue, when I’m mad or upset they turn this blue-ish steel grey color. My dad’s eyes are the same except his eyes are hazel. When he’s really mad they turn bright green with a brown ring.

With quite a lot of people the colour of their eyes change with age… And The Evil Manifestation…I can dilate my pupils too…grins just tried it…weird feeling!! laughs

My eyes have always changed colour on a day to day basis. They tend to get lighter as I feel more happy and energised (and in some cases hyperactive!! laughs)… When I am relaxed they go a very dark brown but when I am angry they can go a rich mahogany, and often in the evenings too. I’ll try and post a pic of my eyes at some point… I’m just beginning to get control over it… its like mediating but instead of focusing on your inner self, you have to focus on your forehead and eyes… I don’t tell people as the last person who found it out, told this little girl (about 7) and she wouldn’t go near me for ages! She ran away crying!! laughs awww, bless her! :tongue:

Eye color variation is common. The actual color variation is commonly called Hazel. The variations are caused by Rayleigh scattering, depending on the environment and lighting. An interesting fact, the US Military won’t let you list Hazel as your eye color, you have to choose a single color.

My eyes also change color with my mood. When I am full of zest, my eyes become a dark green color. When I am less excited or depressed, they are a dull brown color. It also depends on the lighting. Sunlight or flourescent light makes them look different than incandescent (sp?) light.

If you want to change your eye color, you might first investigate whether your eyes already change color naturally, and figure out why. If for example, your eyes change color with mood, then all that is necessary to change your eye color is to control your mood :tongue:

it might be that you are seeing that yellow ring around your pupil turning out of proportion because of a dilation
See the Ring
but if you get anywhere let me know (my eyes are some weird blueish-grey, to the point where i might be seeing them as blue because that is what i want to see)

I looked at my eyes earlier in the mirror. They had an indistinct multicolor appearance. It was kind of a greyish green that almost looked brown, with no distinct rings of color other than the pupil and a thick blackish-green ring between the Iris and Sclera.

Apparently this is how they look most of the time.

My eyes are blue on the outside, and dark green near the pupil part. But I’ve been told that I have blue (and sometimes grey) eyes. I don’t know, But changing your eye color seems really cool.

Dilation of your pupils deals with the light hitting your eye. Try this. Turn off the lights with a mirror in your hand, or in the bathroom, stay in the dark for about a minute or two, then look in your eyes and turn the lights on. Your pupils will rapidly change.

I asked a very close friend about your eye idea and heres what I got:

“I looked it up, It looks to me as though it is a common Wicca Magick spell. called a “glamour” spell. It’s just illusionary, and it probably won’t trick people who know you too well-like your parents or spouse. Because they KNOW what your eye color is, so they will see right through your illusion. I am not too sure if it’s possible to effect a phisiological change in your eye color. If you do it mentally, it’s just going to be mental, and can be ignored or believed by the onlooker as they will.”

YISM, it doesn’t sound like what happened to you, since your girlfriend should know you well enough to see through it. Does anyone know about this kind of illusion?

I’ve been working on controlling the dilation of my pupils, and I can do it when I’m trying once in a while, but I don’t know if this’ll help at all… Isn’t the dilation caused by a muscle?

(It’s been a while since someone posted here…)

I’ve known people that eyes change with there mood.

Mine can change with my mood sometimes also. I did focus on them once and I swear they changed but I’m not sure how I did it.

My biology teacher told us how some people can change eye color. It was that those with a certain eye color (forgot the right one) the light goes right through it and reflects the color of your t-shirt. It goes something along those lines.

Weird. I always wear black.

lol ? … my mom’s eyes seem to get from gray-blue to gray when she is under certain kinds of stress …

does anyone know about these Wicka Magic spells?

does anybody know how this works ? has it something to do with the iris contracting in a certain way ?

I don’t think anyone knows how it works. People guess, or make assumptions based on what they know of science. But I don’t think anyone really knows the truth.

I know of the wicca glamour spells for both eye and hair colour. Never actually tried them though.

My sisters eyes are normally a light brown, but whenever its around 2-4:00 her eyes change orange :eek:
She likes it when they are orange, and has become a daily thing.

could you get a pic of that ? :eek:
lol … yea …
btw … do NOT get glamour in your eyes it can lead to halluciantions if used the wrong way :tongue:


Could you get a digital video shot of that?

In the second grade i could change my eyes from green to blue by looking at a light for
30 seconds. finally they settled on a blue/green/grey color. I cant seem to do it any more though :sad:

By looking at a light? Hmmm, thats interesting. I guess it had to do with the dilation of the pupil that shifted the color.