First Steps to MILD (for all basic MILD related Q&A)

Does anyone know if it’s possible to get SP using MILD, how common it is, and how bad it is? Since wanting to try Lucid Dreaming, I have been too scared to try it because of SP. MILD seems the safest method for avoiding SP but I just wanted to make sure. Also, does anyone know if using an alarm to wake up would instantly stop or prevent SP?


SP is a natural phenomenon that happens every night when you sleep. Its what stops your body from moving when you dream. There is nothing to fear.

Techniques like WILD where you try to stay awake during the transition may give you more opportunity to consciously experience SP.

MILD has no relationship to SP.

Can you do MILD at regular bedtime or do you have to wake up in the middle of the night and then do it?

You don’t have to, but it helps greatly, but you can use a previous dream which you recall well.
You are supposed to wake up from a dream, and then use that dream to kind of get in to it again, but if you have another dream which you can recall well (What it felt like being in that dream, the tastes, the sounds and the smells), then you can use that too.

I’m going to concentrate on MILD in April. I’ll report back every now and then if I get successful or not.

Exactly. A successful MILD would have you asleep and in ‘dreamstate’ before you realise you are; and then the goal is exactly that: to realise you are. If you experience SP while trying MILD, then your MILD attempt has simply evolved into a possible WILD; and if so, keep at it, once you’ve reached SP, lucid dreaming is merely a stepping stone away.

I think MILD is definitely the technique for me. I’ve figured out that remembering the intention to do an RC is what gets me lucid, so I use the mantra: “In my dreams, I will do a reality check.” One night about a week ago, I used that mantra before going to sleep. My thoughts didn’t wander at all. Then I did a WBTB about 5 hours after I fell asleep. Again I said my mantra without thinking about anything else and I’m sure I fell asleep saying it. That caused me to have a LD :happy:

But my thoughts seem to wonder a lot now… Does anyone have any tips for keeping your mind clear? :help:

It’s quite normal and it happens to everybody in such circumstances. When you notice your thoughts wandering, just don’t worry and go back to your practice. :smile:

MILD is pretty much the way to go for me. When I set my intention before going to bed, I used to tell myself “I will remember to realize I’m dreaming.” But, that hasn’t been working lately. From now on, the mantra is “I will remember to question everything around me.” That’s been my mistake in my dreams lately so they’ve just been normal even though dreamsigns have been everywhere. If I had questioned them, I would have reached lucidity.

My question is, when setting your intention, what’s the best time to do it? Just before bed or some other time? I’ve been just setting my intention sporadically all day and that’s been getting me normal dreams for the most part. But, by changing my intention, I might get what I need.

The best time to set your intention is just before falling asleep, it must be your last thought before dozing off.
I know it’s hard to get it but you must focus your mind on this thought and this thought alone.
If you find it hard to focus on this thought, then try another day when you’re more motivated or try during a WBTB.

hey ther everybody!

at the moment im trying a lot of different techniques, i restartetd my LD attempts some weeks ago… now i am ill and have to prepare for my exams, but nevertheless im trying as hard as possible to proceed :smile:

over the past few days i tried MILD and did some RCs during the day but it never really worked out for me. last night i had a really weird dream with a lot of old friends of mine in it(which seems to be a dreamsign) and at some point i was talking to my best friend, whom i have once told about LDing. back then he had made fun of me because he thought RCs would be silly and in this dream (he was drunk btw) he asked me if i had already checked my hand today to see if its a dream. i laughed (i was drunk too^^)and said :“yeah man, i guess i could do that” but i just looked at my hand for a moment, being already sure that this meeting was taking place in reality. :bored: this was effing close! :content:

Oh wow, strange for me to be posting here… :grin:

I’ve been wondering… what exactly should I visualise when I’m MILD’ing?

Does it have to be after several hours of sleep or can it be done when you first go to bed? Also do you have to visualze because it seems to keep me awake.

If you want to use visualising to set your intention, then using a visualisation which helps you remember what you intend to do, is best. So maybe visualise a dream you had recently, best if it’s a common dream-sign for you, but see yourself get lucid when you see it.

It doesn’t have to be done in conjunction with WBTB but it helps.
You don’t have to visualise, you can also use a mantra and skip visualisation if it causes problems. A good guide to developing you mantra is here.

Most of my LDs have come from MILD, so it works pretty well for me. But, it hasn’t been working the past couple of weeks, and I think it might have something to do with the time it takes for me to fall asleep. I have always had a problem of not being able to sleep early in the night, but it has been getting much worse and I’m up to a bed time of 2:00+ AM (it’s 4 AM now…), regardless of what time I wake up. Even when I go to bed extremely tired it still takes quite a long time to actually fall asleep. Do you think it matters how long it takes to fall asleep as long as I continue repeating the mantra with meaning or is it more effective falling asleep quickly? WBTB is almost impossiblle with my sleep schedual and I usually can only do it once every week or two so I’m out of luck there.

Hello. I’m rather new to the MILD method, and I was wondering on what the majority of my focus should be placed. I’ve read that one must repeat a mantra, concentrate on the mantra’s meaning, and visualize success; I find that I can’t hold my focus on all of these things at once, so I switch between repeating the mantra and visualizing.

The specifics of my question are:
-when visualizing, should I continue with the mantra?
-how vivid or long should the visualized thing be?
-is it more important to focus on one thing than the other?

I appreciate the help.

Hey! Welcome to LD4all. I suggest that besides MILD you try FILD and WILD first. They are better for beginners. I am a beginner to. But don’t just listen to my opinion cause i’m new here to

You picked a good tech to start with as WILD can be quite a bit harder for beginners :content:. Here’s the answers to your questions:

-Yes, the most important part is the mantra. Basically, you are trying to pound your intention into your brain so that when you are dreaming it, you will remember it.

-That changes from person to person. I usually don’t visualize too much. When I do, it’s a replay of times when I have become lucid, or picturing myself become lucid when I didn’t in previous dreams.

-Really, neither the mantra or the visualization is more important. It’s all a matter of what gets the intention across to you. You have to intend to have an LD. Not want to have one, or wish to have one, but know you are going to have one.

Hi, im relatively new to LDing, and i have had 2 LDs. Ive been using the MILD method, but my dreams are usually so interesting that I end up forgetting that I’m dreaming. Then they usually end up turning into non-lucid dreams where I can control the dream just like when i’m lucid, but i forget that i am in a dream. :eh:

Hi Ninja :happy:. Ah yes, FLD’s. The trick is that once you are lucid you have to get yourself engaged in an activity that will keep you aware of the dreamstate. It would also help a bunch if you kept repeating “I’m dreaming” either out loud or in your head. Also, try to have a goal in mind for when you become lucid, like going to visit a location or flying. As long as you have a goal in mind, you can stay lucid.