What Book Are You Reading? - Part VI

Not a book really but, The Unabomber’s Manifesto.

He did wrong, but he is a genius.

I a rereading Harry Potter. I believe I am on the fourth one. The only reason I am rereading it is because I’m waiting for this other book to get shipped to me(I had nothing else to read :razz: )! I have wait for TWO MONTHS! to read the 4th twilight book! I’M SO EXCITED!!!

I am reading “Haunted” by Palahniuk
That man is a genius!

Now, I’m reading the Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov. It’s really interesting. I don’t like how it skips around so much, but I suppose he does have to cover 10,000 years in three books.

Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman :smile:

Paws In The Proceedings by Deric Longden.

I just got done readin Breaking dawn!!
It wasn’t as good as the first 3 but it was still good!!


at the moment i am reading

Spephan LeBarge - Exploring the world of lucid dreaming

Great read, but i just started and am on page 2, 200 to go lol

Gah, I’m jealous, Lil-P. I’ve got EWLD on hold, but the library hasn’t gotten it back yet :grrr: . So for now, I’m stuck reading Inherit The Wind (Lawrence/Lee) and The Jungle (Upton Sinclair) for school.

I’m reading Breaking Dawn, the 4th and latest book of the Twilight series ^_______^
I don’t want to finish it too quickly, though! The series is too awesome, I hate anticipating for the next one, without a good book from Stephenie Meyer. D:

I don’t want to burst and breaking dawn fans bubble, but that was the last book of the series. You can look it up if you don’t believe me. The series is done. It is very depressing yes, but i felt it ended on the right note.

the god delusion- richard dawkins.

really important book that debates god’s existance.
i would especially recommend this if you are religious.

I might even read it some day … :yes:

The Singularity is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil.

For those of you who have never heard of Kurzweil, he is a renowned inventor and futurist known for using mathematical models to make strikingly accurate predictions about the future. In “The Singularity is Near”, Kurzweil argues that by 2050, mankind will have reached a point where by implementing themselves with artificial intelligence, technological progress will accelerate to levels so high it’s near impossible to predict.

In my opinion, the author seems a little too optimistic on the progress of technology, seemingly forgetting the political and cultural barriers preventing such rapid acceptance of controversial technologies such as genetics and nanotechnology. By 2010, he predicts that the Internet will have been mainly replaced by a visual-audio virtual reality network, which I have some serious difficulty in seeing. He also predicts that anyone born after 1970 has the potential to live forever, which is what they were saying 20 years ago about people born in the 50’s.

It’s an interesting, if likely inaccurate read and I recommend it to anyone interested in where our technology may take us in the future.

I’m reading Burmese Days by George Orwell

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II

this winter i read or finished reading:

os ratos, by Dyonelio Machado

São Bernardo, by Graciliano Ramos

sagarana, by João Guimarães Rosa (re-read)

who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?, by Edward Albee

on formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems, by Kurt Gödel

the wall jumper, by Peter Schneider

pocket guide to Germany, by the United States army service forces’ information branch

this is your brain on music: understanding a human obsession, by Daniel Levitin

Nietzsche: philosopher, psychologist, antichrist, by Walter Kaufmann

a general hiftory of the robberies and murders of the moft notorious pyrates, by Cap’n Charles Johnson

Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade

i wish everyone here could read sagarana, or at least its first and last sections (stories? novels? chapters?). who’s afraid was a pleasant surprise to me — having been already struck deeply by the movie that goes by the same name. Albee takes the reader for a walk around a society which is so radically alien to me i can barely understand how come i’m able to speak its language. Gödel is brilliant, but his paper is over rated. the brilliance of his derivation is way more interesting than the limited conclusion he arrives to (and which, ever since, has been raped and stretched into meaninglessness by people who don’t completely understand it). i’m on to Taski now, and then out of my little mathematical expedition and back to the unsteady ground of philosophy, where these mathematical results co relate to Aristotle (on rhetoric), Descartes (on methodological criticism), Kant (on the problem of judgement) and finally Nietzsche and Sloterdijk (on the problem of language, society and sanity).

the wall jumper is an absolute must. let me repeat this in bold letters: the wall jumper is an absolute must. everyone should read it. everyone; everyone who lived through the cold war should read it, everyone born after its fall (or who was too young by then to understand it) must read it. read it. read it. read it. the penguin edition (in English translation) has a fabulous introduction, get that one if you (like me) can’t read the original. after you read that, go to this page and grab a copy of the now-long in public domain “pocket guide to Germany” ellaborated by the US army back in '45 or '46. it’s a couple of hours reading, tops. read it bearing in mind the current world affairs — the invasions promoted by China, Russia and the States all over the place. rejoyce. must read these.

this is your brain on music… that was a pleasant little best-seller. if you have a lazy weekend ahead of you and absolutely no will to go out (or if you’re crossing Europe back and forth on a train), get it.

the other three i’ve talked about before, in this topic.

now i’m reading: Machiavelli’s il principe (the prince) and Peter Sloterdijk’s critique de la raison cynique (critique of cynical reason; originally in German).

Bruno, though i never read Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, i always thought it had one of the best titles for anything ever. Seriously, i giggle just thinking about it.

As for me, still on Wolves of the Calla as far as The Dark Tower goes. Gotta return that to the library soon, might just ask them if i can buy it. I have a little spare cash.

If you ever get a chance to read Run by Ann Patchett, don’t.

I think i will do it …(darn reverse psychology … :razz: )
Im into book 2452 (i started at 2400) of the german Sci-Fi series “perry Rhodan” Now … Bruno: The Prince is a really … good ? , evil ? revolutionary ? …anyways a very interresting book from what i hear … I think I’m going to get it as soon as i have the chance .

seriously, don’t. it’s rubbish.

but if you enjoy a nice boring story with nice borng twists and turns and OH WHAT DO YOU KNOW?! A racial issue that is totally super important and meaningful (we promise!), then by all means, have at it.

But if you want something engaging, by all means skip it.

not that it’s all bad.

But it leaves you with a sense that you knew it all before, and it’s a story you’ve heard so much you’re downright sick of it. At least that’s how i felt.