Insomnia - Can't sleep!

Sounds serious… perhaps you should see a medical care professional about this - or a sleep specialist? I don’t think anyone here has the knowledge to assist properly, so it’s best you do go see a doctor right away.

2hard - first of all, i don’t like to know you’ve been overdosing medication. this might indeed be the cause of some of these symptoms you’re having — to cut, double or change your prescription without consulting a doctor can have very serious outcomes.

judging by your description, this is clearly not a simple matter of insomnia; rather, insomnia is a symptom of something else that’s affecting your brain. your suicidal behaviour also concerns me deeply. this could be some kind of hyper-stimulation of a brain area, or clinical depression. at any rate, i can’t emphasize enough how important it is that you look for a psychiatrist right now.

what you have doesn’t seem anything out of the world, by all means: that set of symptoms suggests some fairly common psychiatric disorders which are all easily treatable if diagnosed in time. but you must look for a doctor, quickly — you could be as good as new in a month, but you must look for professional help.

i have really bad insomnia. i take medication to sleep but it doesn’t work all the time. so I’m glad i found this thread… maybe it can help me.

The only time I can’t sleep well at night is when I ask this question when I’m in bed ‘How do I go to sleep?’ It seems as if I forget how to fall asleep.

I’ve found that I often dream more when I can’t sleep. Which, while being interesting because of the dream is frustrating because I have to do stuff the next day. Gonna have to look at some of the ideas in this thread to switch off : )

sometimes im to excited to fall asleep and when i do i will juss end up waking up after a non lucid dream… anyone else have sleep trouble???
have any solutions… :confused: peace

Any ideas on how to stop this? I get Insomnia really bad. One night I didn’t sleep at all. I’ve noticed that I cannot lay on my back to get to sleep, it has to be my side, but even then I have trouble…

How long have you had it?
And i know of a supplement you mix with water for a few days which is proven to stop insomnia. It has a 73% success rate. Want me to search it out?

have those problems all the time. its like my spine or my forearms just wont get tired even tho my mind is weary. and it gets me angry. anyway, its kinda been getting fixed now that i read books everynight before falling asleep. if it werent for my crazy schedule were i have to wake up at six during the week and then do an overnight on Saturday for work so i start all over again before the week starts.

moved into the insomnia topic

Sometimes I lay in bed for hours thinking or listening to music, before I finally get to sleep. I was wondering do many people here have trouble getting to sleep? What do you do to get to sleep? Does anyone have specific techniques they use to help them sleep?

Out of curiosity, I’d like to know if any other insomniacs experience this when they’re trying to get to sleep, I’ve kinda just started thinking of it as my sleep process. The whole thing happens over a period of about two hours or more on a normal night

-I lie down, try to find a comfortable position, give up and just lie still. Clear my head (Thank you meditation practice) and lie in silence for a bit.
-After some time my body starts feeling extremely heavy, like my tissues are turning into…something rather heavier than they are really. This heavyness spreads usually from distal extremities to the rest of my body.
-After that I start feeling my heartbeat grow stronger and stronger until I can feel every pump throughout my whole body. Every finger, in my arms and legs and my head too. (my old bedframe used to be a bit loose and would click whenever I moved around in bed, but it would also click in rhythm with my heartbeat when this happened)
-Next my limbs start to tingle faintly and lose definition…I start having trouble telling where my hand ends and my bed begins for example, and eventually I start getting sensations from places that I’m not touching. Like say my arm is at a 45degree angle from my torso…eventually I start feeling like I can feel from the space between my arm and torso.
-As this is happening I start getting really mild HI, and I watch very faint twisting shapes from behind my eyelids. Sometimes I’ll even experience some positive myoclonus while this is happening.

Often times I’ll end up losing my willpower after too long and the sensations become so uncomfortable that I shift position, which immediately halts all of the aforementioned effects and causes the whole process to start all over again.

The problem is that I can lie awake in this state for over an hour easy without falling asleep, and it’s getting a bit concerning considering hypnagogia and myoclonic jerks are supposed to be a sign of sleep onset, right? I’ll be going to a sleep specialist sometime in the foreseeable future, but I just would like to know if anyone else gets stuck like this, borderline asleep but still unable to bridge that last gap.

If you didn’t shift your position but stayed still, you would find yourself entering a WILD.
Have you read up on the WILD topics in here and the big SP as a gateway to WILD in the pathways forum?

I’ve had two WILDs by not shifting position actually, but I don’t like falling asleep that way (even though I haven’t got a clue as to how else to fall asleep) because it’s just so uncomfortable. I also tend to take longer to fall asleep using that method.(and that’s saying something) I mentioned in my DJ too, but yesterday I missed classes because I did that. Fell asleep at about 3 and woke up an hour and a half late…

I actually don’t know what happens when I fall asleep without WILD-ing through that process. It’s like everything in the half hour leading up to actually falling asleep is erased from my memory :tongue:

er…that was off-topic…Anyway so yeah, I’ve done WILD with that, it’s just a pain I guess.

I need help on being able to get to sleep quicker… I have to wake up at 6:30am for college almost every day, but I can never get to sleep until early hours of the morning… As a result, i’m incredibly tired all the time. I think it may be affecting my studies.

During one lesson, I remember I was extremely tired, to the point where nothing around me seemed real. I was looking at the point where the wall met the ceiling and was trying to figure out if it was real or not because it didn’t look right. I’ve been hallucinating more, and am also becoming more paranoid than usual.

This is having a major negative effect in WL… I need help to get to sleep earlier. I often try to get to sleep at a more sensible time, sometimes 10pm, but have never been able to get to sleep until 1am at the earliest. Some days i’m going in with maybe 3 hours of sleep!

As I said before, it is affecting my studies badly, and I have almost fainted or went to sleep in lessons a few times, often during something we really need to know. Can anyone help me at all?


Two words. Sleep Hygiene. ('I before ‘E’? God I can’t remember)

It has worked incredibly well for me. As long as you stick with it… I have sort of not stuck with it… that is why I am typing this now at 23:45… laughs But when I stick with it, it works brilliantly!

First things first, go to bed and wake up at the same time EVERY day. It’ll be tricky at first as your body has to get used to the new routine. After a few days, a week, you’ll find yourself getting to sleep quicker.

Secondly, avoid stodgy foods for several hours before sleep, but I’ve always found that eating milk and cheese really really helps me sleep. Bananas are also meant to be brilliant

Next up, keep electronics away from your bed. I put a blanket over my laptop to stop any ‘radiation’ leaking out.

Bed is for sleep, make sure you don’t associate it with anything else. This means no reading, going on the computer etc whilst still in bed. Get out of bed straight away in the morning, no faffing about. Again, it’ll take a while for your brain to get used to it, but the benefits are worth it.

Lastly, consider investing in a sound box? My brother got me one for Christmas and I used it last night, well, WOW. It worked brilliantly.
If you don’t want to buy one, any white noise really helps people sleep, whether you put on a fan or the radio down low (this works well for my mum, listening to voices at low volume) can really really help.

Keep your room dark and well ventilated, you can also get special sleep ‘sprays’ to put on your pillow, but bog standard lavender oil also really helps.

Hope this helps! Sweet Dreams! hugs

‘I before E except after C’…man it’s been a while since I did English

Yeah I used to have similar problems, but I go to college now and my timetable is a lot clearer, especially on mornings.
Can’t wait to start trying this out…I still get angry when I can’t sleep some nights and just go downstairs and drink :grrr:

I’ve read it also helps if you keep the room comfortable to be in (i.e. Tidy and ventilated)

I normally can fall asleep pretty fast but I an going to try a new LD techneque i get excited and cant fall asleep with usually ruins my plans for the night. :wallhit:

You might want to try clearing your head completely before going to sleep. I know I can’t sleep when I’m thinking of something interesting, and so meditating or doing any other low-thinking activity before attending bed might help you.

That is a good idea, if I have gamed much just before going to sleep I cannot sleep at all, as an example. Also a very good movie, homework or things like stress can have very bad effects on sleep. Sometimes I feel like I do not sleep at all at night, it is this state of half-aware snoozing. It is not fun that’s sure. n.n

If anyone is interested, I have occasional insomnia and found a valerian-hops-skullcap combination (found in any health food store, or grocery store) Works great for temporary conditions. I have tries everything, and some make me groggy, or forget my dreams (which sucks) But these herbs seem to enhance them. Kava works for some people as well, if anxiety is an issue. Believe me, I know anxiety!
But sometimes life just throws us a full mind, and it’s hard to get to sleep.