LD4all Quest 36 ~ October ~ Listen!

I wonder what a rock would have to tell :uh: me…
I’d like to try it, is there some kind of a time limit for this?

until the end of october :content:

A good quest :thumbs: always something interesting :cool_laugh:

Im going to try this. I usually dream of places IRL. Maybe i could pick up a DC and see what they sound like?

i might give this a try

Tried it. I was at school again and someone in Year 11 dropped their guitar case so i picked it up and listened. No sound whatsoever. I’ll try again tonight.

well done UltimaDreama! :clap:

I’m new to these quests lol. Well, I’m new to lucid dreaming. I’ve had them since i was young but only recently have i had them reguarly (spelling?). Hmm, should I try and again with the same object or try something different? The dream was kinda strange, it was very fregmented. I can only remember bits.

you can try again if you wish, see if you actually get to hear something :smile: But you have already done the objective of this Quest, technically. but it is up to you if you are satisfied with the dream (for your wings) :smile:

I think I’ll give it another try. The dream was very fragmented and can only remember that part of it. To be quite honest I dont actually remember if it made a sound or not, i just remember putting it to my ear and then blank. No sound. Then awakening when i somehow “drop” it.

ND/LD – Fishies

I was in a pet store buying a replacement fish for mine that just died. :sad: I found a plump one with googly eyes and was going to buy him. Then, I suddenly became lucid for no apparent reason. Remembering the quest to Listen, I summoned my old fishy in his barrel pond. He spoke to me and said not to worry, that he was very happy where he was. :smile:

RIP Popcorn

awwww :hugs:
what a great message to get :smile:

oooohhhh… I wish I was lucid last night! I dreamt about a music box! I just read about this quest now…so I’m going to try!

I finally did it!! I was in a random dream. I became lucid when my friend for some reason had 3 hands. I instantly recreated the area outside the library at school and found Breadley there. I asked him “Can I use your guitar case for something? It’s a lucid quest.”
He said: “So long as you dont break my guitar.”
I picked it up and listened. I heard a far off guitar chord, very very quiet and had an echo. I think it was G but i dont play guitar so im going by Piano on this.

What do you think? Have I succeeded?

you have definately succeeded :clap: (but i always leave it up to the dreamer to decide if they feel it’s enough to be awarded their wings for - since you can only be awarded your wings one time and they stay with you for always)

Love that dialogue though :smile:

Can I use your guitar case for something? It’s a lucid quest."
“So long as you dont break my guitar.”

lol :content:

Good one. :grin:

Hey, does it still count if I did this…before knowing about this quest? :shy:

I worked really hard at that. I must have used the WILD method about 8 times for me to finally get into a dream. I think I should have my wings now.

Last night I had my third Lucid dream :smile: and I was flying to the ocean and on my way I flew through a forest and all of the trees were rotten, And I landed on one to take in the whole scenery and the tree I was sitting on said to me: “Don’t break me, earwig.”, I jumped off, even though my name isn’t earwig :content: And then I decided To listen to it, and not break it. So I flew away.
I don’t think I should get wings though because I didn’t know about this quest when it happened, I just learned about it today. I want to try it on my own. :content:

awesome dream winter depths!