New To LD and having some problems!

Hey everyone :bounce:
Iv been trying to LD for about 6month iv been able to WILD 1s, and just awoke within a dream before. :content:

First i wanna say about how amazing my first WILD was i was out having a heavy night of partying and stumbled home at about midnight and went streight to bed. after about 5minutes i was sure i was asleep then i thought to myself wait a minute if im asleep and still completely brain active this might be my chance to have a Lucid Dream. i dont know how long i was waiting after this but i suddenly sa fuzzyness inront of my eyes, i was forcing myself not to move in fear of loosing this feeling. after a while the fuzzyness turned into a sort of photograph of a park near my house, it looked normal except everyone looked like it was in the victorian age (not sure but it deffinately wasnt modern times). Anyways suddenly the image started moving and i knew it was time, i stepped forward and suddenly i was there. i decided that id try to fly and started to do so. then suddenly i fell i was afraid to hit the floor but i decided it would just be like when neo falls of the building in the matrix, and the floor was indeed really spungy so i was fine.
at this point everything went all faded so i tried to ground myself looking at the floor trying to stay lucid, but it failed and i drifted into a normal dream.

The other LD i had i was at a beach thinking of y grlfriend then realized she should be with me then realized it was a dream. so i started lying for about 5 seconds then drifted into a ND (This was my first LD)

Anyway my problem is this many times recently i have been having the idea i might be dreaming but the dream continues as normal even tho i try to become lucid i just cant seem to do so,has this happened to anyone else?

also iv been having FA alot recently like every other night. Im hoping to have a LD soon as its been about 4 months since i last had one.
I feel that iv wasted my LD’s so far. :wallhit:

Hey Josh,

Welcome to the forum :smile:.
When you’ve been false awakening alot, my only suggestion right now would be to get in the routine of doing a reality check everytime you wake up. That way you will do one if you FA and -> Voila :content:!

I hope I helped you. Sorry I couldnt tell you more.

Good luck & happy lucid dreaming


You may just be having a Dry Spell? Those can be quite annoying. Just hang in there and maybe try different methods. What H2B said is actaully a great idea. Try that. :tongue:

No LD is a wasted LD!! :crazy:

Well I’m impressed. I still haven’t been able to pull off a well-done WILD.

Besides what Nick and Tyrael have said, I suggest you look at this [How to Choose Your Technique) and try out different techniques; experiment to see what works for you. Try combining techniques too! I think there’s also a lucid living topic you may like. If this is what you want, then by all means make it part of your lifestyle. I like to keep a DJ in my bed as well as the backpack I take around with me all day. If you don’t have time to write before you go, do so later. The more you write, them higher the level of awareness. The more aware you are of your dreams, the more likely you are to lucid dream. Do RC’s! no one has to know why you are counting your fingers and you can do that kind of thing anytime. Spin, pinch your nose are good ones too. Just live it during the day, dream at night.

Hope it helps! Good luck!

yeah i agree with you guys i definately need to get in the rutine of doing RC’s i did start ages ago but i jut did them everytime i remembered!
which isnt helpfull for me i have bad memory.
or mabey its cause i day dream to much :confused:
either way soon as i wake up i will from now on.

quick question.
soon as i wake up i normally tell my girlfriend what my dream was about
this way its fresh in my memory and describing it helps it stay locked in my brain instead of forgeting it.
i know this has deffinately helped my dream reccolection.
any way heres the question
how much does a dream journal actually help?

and yeah i think ill try a WBTB tonight see if that helps!

so ill probs talk to ya then :ok:

p.s. sorry if i spelt any of that wrong

Well I think talking to someone about your dreas benefits you alot, but I think a dream journal helps the most because you can look them up later. What I usually do, that I write down my whole dream on the computer later in the day, that means I copy it.

Yes, I’d recommend talking about your dreams with friends. If you live with someone, just talk every morning about the dream you had, etc. And keep a DJ. Even if you’re lazy like me – writing in it helps alot.