The BIG Déjà Vu topic - Part II

“as the patterns become more intricate being swept along is no longer an option…”

walking ,
girl is talking
multi-colored pomeranian
i stop in my tracks
deja vu


of time and reasoning

further, prior, along-side, within this moment, deeply paying attention, and the culmiation, climax, at the peak , there is no peak, only a hole falling into it I am and then


i express, deja vu, to her, quite sure we have been here, she says "does it mean something bad is about to happen ? " (it somewhat did )
i say, perhaps this is where dreams overlap, that we were here, before we met each other we had some dreams that explained it all and foretold it, and this was where they intersected

deja vu seems to manifest for me when i am into communication with someone, usually a female, and i haven’t been for some time, and we are having a conversation and she is free-flowing her mind to me

i think it also might be, that at that moment, angels or other beings have stopped in and payed direct attention to you and what you are doing.

I have felt this…i just wanted to start a topic… :tongue:
It’s pretty odd,i have one of the yesterday and i have them pretty often.
So,i’m looking at this scene,i hear the same sounds,and i’m like…“whoa!
I have seen this before…but i have no idea where or how…”
It’s pretty odd in fact…
Could it be a preset destiny…like,if you are reborn after death,in the interval,you will be told the events of your next life?
But the life of a human is long,and remembering just that moment,is odd…

I used to get deja vu all the time, but now I tend to get jamais vu instead.

I got deja vu last night whilst on IRC. Of someone saying something and me typing back. But i only got the deja vu a few hours after.

I remember having a deja vu, I was thinking, “…hmm… should I just stop what I’m doing right now, and mess up the deja vu?” But always, I kept doing what I was doing, to let the deja vu happen.

It was odd…
I saw the sky,and a trace of cluds…moving…pretty fast
I triggered a brain debate with our school counselor…we talked about dreaming and deja vu.
And she said that the human brain is so amazingly complex,it projects all the pssibilities.Then when you see it,you remember it somehow.

I just had one,right before clicking on the Big Deja Vu topic…
I saw a pidgeon landing on a small twig.
It wasn’t the visual effect,but the feeling,the sensation.

I have heard that same explanation about the brain shutting down in relation to Deja Vu but I don’t remember where I heard it it was many years ago. Although I never think it feels like it happened a few min’s ago so I don’t buy it.

Ya about the nothingness, i get that too!! and just the way you described it, i have never been able to describe it, and it always happens when doing something random, or pointless, like driving to a friends, or folding clothes ect.

Sometimes when I’m on a walk or something, I just start being aware, as if I wasn’t even there a moment ago, or until that point.

Or at least paying attention.

Most of us do the routine without even “being aware”. It’s like you know when you’re doing a test or something, and you think “I can’t wait 'til some time in the future, when i’m looking back at this moment”.

Anybody understand me?

By the way, I have deja vu at least once a week, one good one.

I completely understand what you’re talking about. It’s usually something awkward and noticeably entertaining. Do you think deja vus derive from this? I sometimes get the feeling that it won’t turn out to be a deja vu because i’m “too” aware of the situation. I feel like if I leave it be, and not digest it with reality checks, etc etc that it will increase the probability of having a deja vu…

welcome to the forum palm leaf

hm I was actually describing a completely different feeling. I think deja vu is more like you remembering something you did already, in a past life.

Anyways, it’s a pretty ominous feeling.

I get it every now and then. Usually for something normal, like talking to a friend, or seeing somebody walk up to me. The earliest one I can remember is I got a flash of Deja Vu when I looked into my kitchen, when I was about 5. Strange how it, for me at least, only is a flash. Somebody will say something, and makes something in MY mind go “wait…”

I got on this thread expecting something different, I always thought that deja vu was where you had seen something happening (while sleeping), and then when it it’s actually happening noticing it. I can remember getting it back until I was 12-13. I would just think of like pictures of life happening ,conciously note it. Then after like a few weeks or a couple months it would be happening before my eyes, nothing majors just like still images, a girl leaning on a truck(on a route i recognized,walking to a market store),a radar on a videogame.looking at someone over a pooltable. I haven’t had it happne to me for awhile though,I hadn’t been recalling anything for a couple months until I found this site

they are precognitive dreams … we have a BIG topic on them in the beyond dreaming forum
Sticky: the BIG PreCog dreams Topic - part II

I get deja vu alot. Though, I get the normal one about 3 times a day, but then there’s this other thing which is sort of like it…

Earlier that day I just accidently randomly imagine something for no apparent reason. At the time, it’s nothing. It just slips to the back of my head. But then later on, that happens. I can clearly remember imagining it earlier on.

I walked up my stairs yesterday when it happened. Or maybe that’s just because I walk up my stairs too many times a day. :tongue:

I get Deja Vu pretty often. Sometimes when I’m in my car, other times in school. Mostly in school with my friends, and I always tell them I just had one. But what really pisses me off is when I get Deja Vu is that they just happen randomly, and never when something worth to remember happens :neutral: Except for once, when I had a mathtest in school; I saved myself a couple of mistakes then :content:

I get deja vu a lot. Its a really cool sensation. Also, A theory about deja vu ive heard is that when you have deja vu thats happened in your previous lifetime.

I get them at work alot… however i think its because i ring up about 500 people a day… for the past two years, so it really just makes sense.