The Wolfgame Dream Collection

I cannot wait till I get my first WG-dream. I will trie to get one as soon as possibly, or maybe make on myself in a LD.

Blue Resonant Eagle, Rhythmic 22, kin 215Thursday January 3

8.40 am Hall of Mirrors VVG
We are playing VVG. Everyone is in a great hall that has mirrors all along every wall. They look like the mirror on the index page of LD4all. Each mirror has someone facing it. I just watch and tell everyone to walk through the mirror. I tell them, “When you enter a mirror … you will immediately exit through a different one. But you will become invisible if a vampire: transparent if you are a :wolf: werewolf”.
Some of them become aware :eek: as they approach their mirror and say, “I am dreaming!” I hear multiple 'I am dreaming’s coming from all over the room but especially on my left-hand side.

:lol: I find it funny that ferret won VVG1 and was the priest wolf since I had this fragment about him when the game was starting :tongue:

Yellow Self-Existing Human, Rhythmic 19, kin 212Monday December 31

Rabidly Ferret (fragment)

First dream of the night that I remember. It featured slinking ferret and was probably incubated due to us messing around in chat earlier. :razz: I can hardly remember any content now.

Not Wolfgame but Vampiregame (no I’m not an addict that I dream of it though I haven’t played one for a month)

It was at school in my best friend’s English curse that they played a real-life VG and I free period so I accidently was in that class, too. Since I already knew the game I begged for playing with them and I was allowed to.
I don’t remember any more details because it was one of the first dreams that night but I’m quite sure that I was a vill again (haha who wonders) and that it was actually quite easy to play against first-timers :happy:

Vampiregame dream :cool:
During a wolfgame :razz:

GM of Vampiregame
I am GMing Vampiregame 11. We use a new rule. There is no priets. Instead true villagers can vote for who should be blessed. The vote is secret and the results are kept secret. (But I do send the blessed person a pm.) The game is balanced and villagers love it :content:

NOTE: I have NEVER played Wolfgame and such, haven’t even really read it…

I was on this forum and this person told me that it expanded past Wolfgame and Vampiregame to stuff like Mummygame and Farmergame with some other ones too. He told me that Mummygame is the new Wolfgame type thing. (NOTE: my spell check is going wild right now) He convinced me to play it, but I told him that Wolfgame was far more interesting. Then I saw that there were different groups on the forum too, farmers and Japanese were new along with the first Samuraigame being set up. I was very confused. I hated the “new layout” that LD4all took, and basically, it was like the end of LD4all for some reason…

I had one where i got a PM off Magnus telling me i’d misinterpreted his suspect list on the OOC post.

And i replied to him, lol. So an LD4all AND a WG dream :razz:


I had this one back in WG 34… :tongue:

I hope this isnt a precog :scared:

The orange is the WG-part :cool:

3 March

I was looking forward to continue with VG and RP but when I visited the forum, I saw that I had been lynchmobbed to death. “Reserved for Magnus deathscene”.
A long post from the GM where it stood He was a villager, I think it might even had said he was a blessed villager in bold blue text. I hoped the villagers would regret voting me now. I wanted more time to RP.

11th March
IRC-chat #wolfgame
I’m in #wolfgame with BaYoNeTTe, Qu and some other people among them
Muse. VG was over. Muse is a friend of BaYo and is going to join the next WG that is starting soon.
Qu can’t join unfortunately since she has exams.
Muse changed her nick to Muse(something).
I was thinking about needing to do some sort of intro UlcandilRP
I was the GM for this WG.
In chat we were talking about mead.
Muse said something like that is mead but she also said something like mead short word long word, as if that was the german term for it.

Just because I have dreams that may be posted here doesnt mean Im an addict to that game :wink:

VVG two Real Time GM: pasQuale

  1. Quuipo
  2. Ysim
  3. moogle
  4. Siiw
  5. Wolb
  6. Bruno
  7. TheRealJollyRoger (Win-Laik-Pya)
  8. Sandra
  9. Ansie
  10. Dragon(GreenDragon)
  11. BaYoNeTTe
  12. Magnus
  13. Himebanana
  14. PhoenixMaenad

Will take place in Chat :wink:

Quuipo was good, Q was ebil, I was a village idiot, and I lost The Game! Oh why did I not do a RC?

Quuipo Innocent? Q GM VVG? Ha April Fools Dream!

I had a dream about WG 38 :smile:


There was a new special role in WG 38. Just like in the real game I was voted out first day. But I wasn’t a wolf. The special role someone had made me return into the game. Teh download hadn’t realised (neither had I) that it was possible for a dead player to come back to life. So he had told me that he was a wolf. It was voting time and I wanted to vote download (ofcourse) but I knew that I couldn’t tell anyone. I received the information in an illegal way. I knew that a lot of players would vote for Wulf. I figured that I should withdraw from the game.

The Results

Im in a village and see the mayor putting down the board of which the results are shown, it says the MV was voted out and the mayor doesnt seem happy :uh: I notice a few names and celebrate the MV is dead

Note: I dont remember who the MV was, and I wont ruin the Game just because of this dream :tongue:

A day before VVG2 started, I had a dream about it. I forgot it, and remembered it when VVG2 just began.

I was a werewolf in the shape of a wolf, and I was protecting a ‘nest’ and held something precious between my front paws. Some sort of ball of energy. I sat in the nest myself. The nest stood in a field of grass, while there was a small forest at the left of me. A few people tried to get closer, and I growled at them. Though, one or two got at range and meant harm. I attacked them while biting at their arms and legs.

Then, more came closer and I had to flee my nest and the precious item I protected. It seemed they did not want the treasure, and came after me! I had to run really fast :razz:. I am not sure if I got caught, but it felt like I failed because I could not protect my precious item.

I remembered it when I saw I was a wolf :happy:. I do not know what the precious item and nest was for, but I like to think they were my Wolf Pack which I failed to protect :razz:.

I dreamt that my fellow vampire voted out Ansie twice. First time Ansie was a blessed villager, second time she was a Priest and finally died :tongue:

I had a dream the day after the first day vote. Bayo was so caught up in counting votes and the such that he accidentally messed up and let out the names of all the wolves in rp, due to a copypaste accident! The game was kind of ruined and all the wolves kind of had to come forward and stuff… Kinda sucked and I was paranoid for Bayo’s mental health after that dream… All those votes… /me shudders

Witches and Wolves
Here’s just the relevant part:
My girlfriend and I were in a witch city that was being plagued by werewolves to report that they had been seen in the mundane world at night, too. We told this to Luna Lovegood, who at one point was Eilatan. I pretended not to notice when she leaned outside the carriage we were in to pass the information onto Satu-d-2 and say things like “This will help the wolf team”.

From this I gleaned, of course, that Eil was a wolf spy reporting back to Satu! (and I was right!)

OK… last night I dreamt that VG20 started without me and many other people. In fact, only ZRVera, Rhewin and Magnus were playing. On the first night, ZRVera bit Magnus and the game was over (Magnus was the priest and blessed Rhewin). I remember being really angry at my laptop and started throwing it around everywhere, until it hit me in the face and I woke up.