How did YOU learn to LD? - Part II

i first learned about lucid dreaming when i was a sophmore in high school and i got a book on dreaming from the local library. it had a small chapter about lucid dreaming and how some people used it to conduct expirements on the dream world. then i got some more books on lucid dreaming specifically and eventually had my first lucid dream by doing a RC.

I first learnt about LD’s from a carton of file-milk (or whatever its called :razz: )

I learnt about LD’s about two years ago, when I read an article about it in a Dutch fantasy magazine. I didn’t pay much attention to it, till about one year ago, when I really got into lucid dreaming. : )

Learnt about LDing from a website and tried RCing for a little while before losing patience. Started again a year later and had my first lucid dream, induced by the realisation that I was waking up from a dream. Since then I have almost completely given up RCing and focused my efforts on Lucid Living.

I have had four DILD’s in the last month and several more dreams where I realised I was dreaming but woke up immediately. None of these came as a result of RCing and I don’t really bother with MILD or WBTB, though I’m sure these wouldn’t hurt.

i dont know about my first LD, it was strange i just knew i was in a dream. there was nothing out of the ordinary even happening. :confused:

Exactly the same here… I was eight years old at the time… I just thought, “This is going to be a nightmare!”
After that, I looked up LDs, and found RCs… since then, I’ve been climbing LD-wise! I had like… 5 just last month!

I don’t remember where I first heard about the LD phenomenon, but when I got interested enough to learn about it, I read Stephen LeBerge’s book, and followed his instructions (Dream Journal, reality checks, etc.) and they worked quite well. I was having LDs fairly quickly (within 3-6 months, I would guess).

At first, I had these “OMG!” moments where I realized I was dreaming by checking a digital clock or whatever. After awhile though, I became lucid more or less automatically.

I’m new to this site, but relatively, not new to LD.

I remember having them ever since i was little. It’d usually be because someone was chasing me and i’d fly up into the air. And i’d realise, it’s a dream!, and i’d force myself to wake up. Lol, i had no idea back then, that i could change the dream. I just knew that since it was a dream, i could get out of it.

And i’d have them every now and then. But i’d like to learn how to induce them. lol.

Been lucid dreaming as long as I can remember… before I even knew what they were called. I don’t remember my first LD, but I remember my first flying dream, and the two probably happened around each other sometime, because now I use flying as a dream sign.

I had LDs for years, but rarely until I read a castaneda book “the art of dreaming”. After that, I started recording my dreams every morning on a digital voice recorder (They are awesome for this…) and ever since, I have had about 10 in the last 3 months. Very cool.

Theres a book called “creative dreaming” that as a beginner I found awesome as well. Lays out all the basics.

Me too I found about it in Castaneda’s books but I didnt knew it was called Lding, later on I found out from the internet.

Hah, I learned from this site believe it or not.
Learned the techniques but didn’t use them much, let it come naturally.
I’m sure I have had many LD before I knew of the term tho :wink:

me and my friends found out about these supplements that would help us sleep better i did some research and found out about lucid dreaming
from then on i’ve been recording my dreams and going/triing to lucid

I already had LDs before I knew about them…but I had to develop a few strategies before I could have loads more.

Before the internet had much to say about Lucid dreaming I read Castaneda’s the art of dreaming. I’m glad i found a site that somewhat validates what I have been trying to do and understand. If you haven’t done it keep trying its attainable.

This fella I know years ago used to visit me by doing it. It made me research the whole thing and I started doing it and after a week, I pulled it off. Been doing them for 10 years now.

I had them naturally, but very rarely as a kid. When I was about 12 I did some research and discovered the MILD technique. I didn’t really put much into it at first, and as a result didn’t get any dreams. Now I keep a dream journal and use mild and wild.

I had a few more when I was little, and they came about from randomly realizing in the dream, “Oh, I’m dreaming!” I may have known about LDing in general before I had them; I can’t remember. Most or all of them have been low-level, since I’d try something lucidly then I’d slip out of it as I let things unfold on their own. I recall several times that I’d try to fly, and either I couldn’t get very high, or I’d run into a ceiling. (I found myself in my basement in the dream once.) My last low-level lucidity dreams were mostly creepy dreams in which I said, “At least this is only a dream, since I won’t have to worry about this in reality.” I had more when I kept my dream journal for a while, but I got lazy after a while, so last night I started it again in hopes of getting more. :content:

I learned how to LD by reading the Lucid Dreaming wikibook by R3mot :content: . At first, I tried MILD for a few months, without success, and then WILD, which I still haven’t had any luck with. My first LD simply happened. One night I decided that I simply couldn’t LD and gave it up on the induction techniques. Surprisingly, I had my first LD that night. It seems that I have a better chance of having a lucid dream without induction techniques. :eh: