everyone can go lucid without much practice = weird!

Most of my LD’s come spontaneuous, a few are made of RC’s, just 1 of 100 are succeeded WILD’s/WBTB’s

No one ever said lucid dreaming was hard; Especially for kids.

If you check people older in your area, I believe you will find they have trouble having LDs, just like most of the people around here.

Yep, LD’ing doesn’t need any practice.

All my LD’s were induced from me lust doing an RC and realising it was a dream.

Also, other people could be lying to you about those “LD” they’ve had, just to get attention. :neutral:
But I wouldn’t know…

Most of my LD’s don’t come from any methods besides RC’s. WBTB usually works, but i live with my parents, and they don’t really like it when my alarm goes off at 6 in the morning on a saturday… I’ve tried WILD and MILD, and even some of those stranger ILD’s, but so far, none of those have done the trick. Just spontaneous RC’s.

Yep… I agree with TwilightDreamer. Kids have an easier time for sure. I used to LD as a kid, but never knew what it was or took advantage. Now in my 30’s, they still come naturally, but less frequent unless I focus on MILD or something else. In fact, I had 3 long LDs in one night, the morning of my 33d B-day, which got me back into it even more. Thank goodness I came across this site, everyone else thinks I am crazy or obsessed. They just don’t know…

It’s easier for children?
I didn’t have any lucidity until my late twenties. I hadn’t heard of lucidity when it happened I just knew I was in a dream.

If it was so natural and easy … once dreamers knew they could do it they would LD EVERY night without effort. Even master LDers can’t do that, the LD frequency goes down once they stop using techs.

actually, all of my LDs have been chance, until recently. I never knew what a RC was, other than I often would try and fly. After intense studies, I finally tried waking at 5am, meditating for a half hour, then going to sleep with strong intent. It worked!! I had a willful LD! But many things I read say that if you try too hard, it will not come to you…not true. Only intent is a surefire way to LD as far as I am concerned, either that or wait and wait…

Hah, the LD’s that I have had are when I didn’t even want them. I find the nights that I tryed any technique were just to help me remember my dream. After that the LD’s came naturally and I was having them every other night. I am still quite interested in using the WILD technique tho I have actually “never” chosen a technique to have my LD, they just happen. (I guess I’m just blessed :tongue:)

strangely i had my first one when i was only about 12 and i didnt know what it even was, it wasnt until later when id had a few more that i decided to research upon it and realised. I find that when i try certain techniques it just fails i mostly LD from RC’s , im always doing these throughout the day, my family think im crazy haha! Although WBTB does work for me too sometimes :content:


did you ever think about or tried having a LD when you were a kid?

why would I think about or try it? even when I had those first lucid moments I had never come across the term lucidity before.

What do u expect than?
As Daniel said, the kids he know have no trouble with going lucid.

And I can speak for myself about my first years with LD’s. Of course, I didn’t know anything about it and it just happened spontaneously one night.
After that night though, every time I wanted to go lucid, I did.
Not even once I didn’t.
It wasn’t any harder than walking.
find a child , and im not talking about a 15 or 13 year old
Find a 8-10 year old child and test the validity of this.
However, it is very delicate as when you talk to the child, it may impose on his mind a certain limit. Just ask a child if he was at anytime during a dream was aware of the fact that he is dreaming.
If he says yes, you can ask him if he is still doing it.
Don’t ask him questions like
Can you do it if you want to , as that suggests that there is a difficulty in achieving it. Instead , just tell him, please do it again tonight and tell me how it was, since I am bla bla bla…
Do not suggest in any way the difficulty you may be experiencing in achieving lucid dreams. For these few moments when you are talking with the child, pretend that Lucid Dreaming is easier than opening your eyes, do not tell him how easy it is either, just as you won’t tell him how easy it is to open your eyes. If you would ask him to open his eyes, you would just say:
Can you please open your eyes?
Do the exact same thing.
If the child says no, it may be harder to get some compelling evidence from him, but you can still just tell him he should do it as it is fun (while maintaining the it’s easier than opening your eyes attitude)

the thing that makes it so hard to understand for most people is that they don’t understand the delicate nature of the mind.
The implications of a sentence you heard when you were 4 years old may twisted your life completely but still most people think they’re just the way they are.

How many people can truly say that when they wake up in the morning, they choose what they do.
Do you really consider all the possibilities you have every moment of your life?
Most people, as they reach the age of 15 already have something in mind that they think they should do.
They already plan to go to college, get a job etc… or whatever it is they may think they want to do .
They never even stop to consider doing whatever they sincerely feel like.
every person can go and live in a farm, on a deserted island or recluse in a mountain, live in a snowy mountain village, go on a cruise and be a sailor, write stories, paint, whatever it is… Im not saying any of these are the ‘right’ thing to do.
Im saying that most people live their life just the way they were told to.
Not because it’s better for them, but because it is implanted on their SC mind, because they have never been told to dream of infinite possibilities, they have never been told to just go out and do as they please.

Imagine being born in a place no one tells you anything except for fun stories, jokes, beautiful writings , paintings and music.
Do you think that in this kind of world, people will behave so much alike one another? Do you think that in such a world, people will live every day like the previous one?
Do you think you will want to do what it is you want to do now?
It is not because you are different, you are still you. It’s just that the influence around you is different. You may decide to give and live in the wild with the animals, or whatever it is you will find joy in.
Why is it that most people coming from the same sociologic - economic background will generally lead a same life, eat (generally) the same food, wear (generally) the same clothes, talk (generally) the same words, and do (generally) the same deeds. It is because they (generally) think the same thoughts, and that is because their mind is exposed to (generally) the same content.

A kid to a well materialized family with a lawyer mom and a doctor dad will probably go to college, have some degree, go and apply for a certain job, make money and lead generally the same life as others born and raised in that situation.

Whereas a child born into a family that travels around the world with a circus, will probably lead a very different life, and another child born into a circus family will probably lead a very similar life to this child.

They will probably never consider going to college and having a degree.
Neither will the lawyer’s kid ever consider going and traveling with a circus.

It is not because that is what they are, nor is it because that is what they find joy in. The lawyer kid may enjoy his life 1000 times more if he was living in a circus, but he was programmed to lead a different life.
Much the same, the circus kid may enjoy a more western life while setting up a business for gas, but he will still probably not even consider the possibility of doing that.
The options are endless, yet most of us seem to settle for what we have, not because it’s the best we can have, but because we have taught and trained to believe that is what we ‘should’ do.

Much the same, a young child has barely anything programmed into his mind, he will probably just live these days making the most fun out of it as he can.

As we grow old , the programming becomes more and more precise and demanding and we being to walk further and further away from our sincere desires and just settle for what we have been taught to settle for.

That is why a child has no difficulties with lucid dreaming, because he hasn’t been taught the difficulties. Because there are no restrictions in that area to his mind and therefore no obstacles. The only obstacle is yourself.
As we grow old, we are told that we can’t do certain things, out belief in ourselves and the world around us decreases and we start to really believe in that.
It’s not that you have to be told: Lucid Dreaming is hard when you are 10 to have those limitations, general limitations are being programmed into our brains , such as having to work hard to gain anything.
People usually think they have to ‘suffer’ through something to gain from it.
But actually, the reality is quite the opposite. The more you have fun doing something, the more beneficial it will be for you.
So I can sum it up by saying:
Do you believe and consider waking up tomorrow and traveling with a circus?
If you don’t, then much the same way, you won’t consider the possibility of having a lucid dream easily.
it is not because people are bad, stupid, or anything like that.
It is simply because they are misdirected. The SC mind is a super computer sitting , recording and analyzing any experience you ever had, anything you ever saw, any feeling you ever had and every sound you ever heard. From that information, you move forward.
It then becomes easy to understand why we have so many limitations these days
Think about the world I wrote about a few lines up.
No limitations, no boundaries put into your brain. Will people still lead the same static , non fulfilling life they do nowadays?

I will now point out that everything I said is a generalization. Not all people are acting that way. Its just the way things are in modern society nowadays.
Furthermore, I wasn’t suggesting that anything people do is better than the other.
I was only suggesting that people do not stop and even think about what they can do.

Hope this helps


LD just requires a certain vigilance

for instance, say,
I had some nice chamomile
and i sat and meditated until i was in the in between states, and felt like going to sleep

then i just went on my back and slept, until i woke up
no REM,
then i could get up and meditate more
eventually I’d find myself wide awake when REM comes,

but the usual pattern is to just go with the “flow” roll over,
fidget and such and just kind of forget that you are trying to dream.
PS does chamomile cause one to have greatly longer delta waves ?

RelV I am most impressed by your words. I just know for some reason that it is the correct thing to do: never doubt anything! Anything is possible because of Subconscious and the God within. what i got out of your post: just tell all the people we meet (including ourselves) that what we want We already have. We can do anything we want any “time” we want!!! :smile:

~No limits because we are SPirits~

I used to have LDs at random, but this morning tried MILD for the first time. Holy cow! It worked! Thumbs up, I will do this every day now…and I have been writing RC on my thumb so I remember. Hope I can LD every night now instead of monthly or weekly.
Peace to all-

awww ador-able kitti cat!

once you get th e feel for lucidity its easy to be there every night, I am sure you will.

IF it is so easy, common and natural for kids to lucid dream … why don’t they mention it at school, draw pictures of their dreams during art lessons etc?

because it is so natural

just like a kid won’t go and talk to you about how he opens his eyes, he won’t tell you about how he goes to sleep knowing he’ll be lucid so he can kiss some girl (whatever…)

He doesn’t see a lucid dream as a more developed kind of dream, nor does he see it as a harder state to accomplish. It’s all the same for him.

Remember the state of mind a child has, the innocence and the purity of his mind.

I can say from my own experiences, that I have never considered telling anyone about my lucid dreams simply because I didn’t encounter them as something strange, abnormal or hard to achieve.

they came very natural to me.

You may find this hard to believe but as I said (and Daniel), I found no trouble at all at going lucid when I was a young child.

It was nothing more than a decision to make.

Besides, when a child showed you a picture from his dream, saying he was in an amusement park with his friend (just an example…), did you ever consider asking him if he knew he was dreaming?

Think about it.
He doesn’t see it as you see it.
He is not aware of the reality you are aware of.
For him, it’s just something he enjoys doing, just like drawing the picture.

Do you remember dreams you had when you were 9 years old?

Most people by the age of 16-17, already have forgotten all of these experiences,
and simply disregard them.

It comes down to this:

Do you remember the way you treated dreams as a child?


you have to change your frame of reference,
you are thinking about the child as a member of your own reality.
A reality in which LD’ing is hard etc…
You have think about his reality.
A reality in which there’s nothing abnormal about lucid dreaming.
He gives no special attention to it…
It’s just like a dream, playing a garden or anything else for him, so it is likely that he will draw a lucid dream just as likely as he will draw his friend, the sun, his house, any other dream or any other thing…

But children DO talk about dreams with siblings and parents. So it would naturally come into the conversation at some point.

I do remember some dreams i had when younger and I assure you if any HAD had any traces of lucidity I WOULD have remembered them.

Anyway, the only way it can be proved one way or another is by a nationwide survey of young school children which won’t happen.

So we have to just agree to disagree on this point.

Nothing can ever be “proved”

the only proof you have is your own experience

I have said what I know, and that is it

I am not intending to persuade you or change your mind.
Keep whatever view you find truthful.

I wish you the best.