Lucid dreaming used to "unlock" abilitys

Call it what you like, but my memory went from poor at best to nearly photographic by lucid dreaming. It really forces you to pay attention to details and question little things. Noticing these types of things vastly enhances your memory, in my experience.

As for other abilities, I suppose it would give you massive (and I mean really massive) time to study if you could LD for large amounts of time. The amount of knowledge you could accumulate with a few extra hours a night (which could seem like days, assuming you had the ability to control time in your dreams) is quite large.

Actual physical benefits? Eh, I’m the skeptical type, I’ll believe it when I see it.

wow man i wish i could do that unlocking abilities would be awsome
how would you find it in your dream though

I think our mind and body is capable far byond our knowledge. It’s a nature thing I believe. The abilities that surface in the process of evolution- Like longer lifetime, stronger immunesystem and maybe the ability to recreate different substances in your body. If you’d force your brain to act in a certain “destress” mode (And I believe the closest you’ll ever get to full controll of your mind is through a lucid dream).

you can learn telekinesis while you are awake

how would lucid dreaming teach it to you ?

As a kid I dreamed and hoped for an ability for lack of a better term. Stumbling accross LDs. I thought that coulda been it. But once you get into the layers of brain activity required to have LDs it opens up a realm of possibility. Little fact : Nothing is going to happen in dec 2012. The change will be done according to theology. Anyone else feel the change coming. Maybe our next adaptation is now necessary . Humans are on the brink of something really good or really bad. Hopes it’s an ability.

Maybe lucid dreaming will become more generally recognised as a tool to developing ideas and learning and will become mainstream like maths, and children will start doing it from when they are young, then it may become an effortless skill for future generations, and used to solve problems which were previously unsolvable, like a perpetual motion machine.

I was wondering if an Edgar Cayce approach was possible, he used to sleep on book and in the morning wake up and known the contents of the book. Is that possible with LD’s?

Having tried this as a last resort after many failed attempts of studying the material for an exam, my test scores prove that this is just a load of crap! And the stupid thing is… I tried it more than once! :help: Best read the book.


Urg! I was hoping to master my AP World History Class…Reading that textbook bores me to death half the time.

But you could read it , than ask for a livly illustration in your LD.
With history this could get especially interresting :smile:
And if you are interrested in sumtin : you remember it better :cool:

(you could ofc also flip through the pages and than try to retrieve the knowledge from you SC … but i dont recommend that if you want a more than 30% chance to master the exam :wink: )

btw: in my book (no pun intended) history is extremly interresting :yes:

i find this rather interesting.

but what exactly is an ability :confused: i mean, i consider Lding to be an ability for me its something that i enjoy that noone else that i kow of in my area can do, people say i have the ability to play basketball well, if everybody else was just as good thay wouldnt say that.

some have the ability to dance, everyone can do it if they work hard enough, but the few who are naturals are said to have the ability. does this just mean to have a gift that few people can do?

now lets say unlocking , lets say ‘powers’
first how many have read the book Eragon, for those of you who have you know that he can touch animals with his mind, he cant talk to them but he can communicate with them stubley none the less.

So imangine you go lucid and take the elevator to the room with the big locked door. this door keeps things out of your mind and keeps you in your mind, i wonder what would happen if you unlocked this door?

just a thought…

Maybe will have to try picking the lock to the ‘ability cupboard’ next time im in a lucid dream, though Im worried mine will be empty :sad:


I have thought the EXACT same thing, going to a door in your mind labled “Memory” or something. Open it, and you have it. You’ve heard of a [color=brown]photographic memory [/color]or [color=brown]Perfect pitch[/color] (Hear any sound and know it instantly) maybe THIS could be possible?

This is EXACTLY why I wanted to LD in the first place! (well, of course do other things like flying)
I’ve always wanted a better memory and I’d really like to try and see if I can achieve some sort of improvement on my memory when I get a LD.
Someone who has frequent LD’s should defiantly try this!

Definitely. I fully believe it’s possible. Telekinesis as well. I also think you can learn how to teleport in real life. I need to try this, but first I must Lucid dream lol!

The one ability I am most interested in is flying. According to Einstein and his Theory of Relativity, he stated that gravity occurs merely because of light. Light bends around the sun keeping us in an orbit. His texts could explain it better. Maybe telekinesis as well, moving objects with the mind.

But I have a distinct feeling that “powers” or “abilities” that alter another human beings reality are without a doubt impossible. You can’t play with free will. Such as mind reading, or mind control, or changing someone into something (another person, dog, cat, w/e).

I find this most interesting. If we can use LD’s to unlock “abilities”. LD’s played a big part in my music discovery. I built the foundation for my talent in dreams, then carried my passion and talent into the real world. I don’t know if you mean stuff like that, talents of such, or “powers” like flight. But hey, maybe we’re all missing the point with this topic.

Maybe we can do all these things, but only in dreamland, thus eliminating the manipulation of others free will. I could accept that. That I can’t fly in Waking Life, but once I close my eyes light is mine to bend and alter. Thus creating an alternate reality of my own.

i’d like to think one could unlock the ability to fly. hopeful thinking.

Guys, i have discovered something unbelievable, It’s why i’ve been gone for so long, apologies to all.

I need to calm down and do a fair bit more research, because i know of no one who has done this. In no way do i think i am special, and i believe few will be able to imitate this, but could be terribly misused, I do think i am the first, Yes, out of the billions. I’m still frightened to speak of it to anyone in my life, i feel lucky beyond belief to have experienced this.

One thing i will say to you all is, there is a significant connection to the real world and our own dream world in a very real way. I am no scientist, but this is incredible. So many thoughts racing though my mind right now. How has no one spoke of, or discoverd this? Of all the scientists, dream researchers.

Edit: If anyone would like to add me to Msn to discuss this please do so, Though, i need someone ‘like me’? I don’t know, someone responsible and with lucid dreaming knowledge to discuss this with. My E-mail is

I keep editing, Sorry.

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