Suggestions on how to paint the sky

i havent tryed to paint the sky but i hear that it can be beautiful and extremely hard. i decided to make this post to help all people struggling to paint a beautiful sky. if anyone one has tips to make it better post them here.
my suggestion is look at real pictures of the sky so you can look at it and visualize it perfectly.

that is a beautiful and perfect idea

with any love, make love to it and through it every day, and it grows more and more potent and pure until it is a transcendental act of Love that is expressing itself through you gently and kindly giving freely, total bliss,

every thing you do is perfect, no matter what, simply be as you are, and work with it

yeah, just look at real pictures, and envision yourself with the colors of paint you need

wow thats a really creative and wonderful idea

just take a brush and paint it :smile:

i’ve done it several times

or maybe ,
take the brush, close your eyes, imagine yourself coloring the sky and the sky being colored and open your eyes.

Nothing in a lucid dream should be (saying should be based on psychology, not experience) easier or harder than anything else - excepting things imperceptible to the brain - and the only reason they may seem harder is because they do not fit in with the real world. (well, there’s also activities that might get you utterly exhilarated too, which might be detrimental to a dream - adrenaline)

The more detached something is from the real world, the more your mind is set that ‘this will be hard’ or ‘this will be impossible’ and so of course it will be harder because you are telling yourself it would be. . There is no physical limit causing painting the sky to be harder however. It is just as easy as walking. If, in your dream, you were certain it was easier than walking, in fact, it would be too.

Now, I can only suggest that you use the sky as a canvas. Or use your hand as a sparkler, except the imprints left are now on the sky. I’m sure you can think up plenty of ways to do so.

Mayb u can use ur fingers and imagine colors spewing out? lol

Prehaps observe the current sky, then imagine your arms or hands covered with paint. Grow them very long and gracefully sweep them across the sky overhead.
Keep Painting untill you get the sky you desire.

Or maybe you could turn around and tell yourself when your look at the sky again, it will be on a piece of paper, then you could paint it, then throw it up into the air and let it cover the existing sky.

Or you could send fireworks filled with the color paint you want, and let them explode and cover the sky with the scene you want. :content:

Just a couple ideas

I disagree :cool: I think that learning how to do different things in Lucid Dreaming is like learning to use magic. Some things are hard to learn, and even harder to master.

i found a beautiful picture of the sky and decided to show you guys … ky-4797582

wow that was really pretty

i had a LD last night and i tried painting the sky. i just shot paint out my fingers like a gun. but the paint got on the clouds not the sky so i had to move the clouds…but then it got boring.

It is not so interactive, but just looking away and back again can change the sky. Getting it the way you want might need some concentrating though. I like to let the dream do the creative work and just look at it. Once I pointed with something, either my finger or a pen or something, I could draw lines, but it wasn’t that great.
For a night sky, you could try doing like Bruce almighty, if you’ve seen it.