What's the longest lucid dream you ever had?

not if the universe is on your side

30 to 45 minutes. Im surprised at how easy it is to stay lucid the longer you practice

I suppose my longest is actually one of my shortest. My longest in the dream felt as though it lasted an hour to an hour and a half, but I looked at the clock just before and after falling asleep and it had only been about 10 minutes. :eh:

The rest of my LDs generally feel like they last between 5 and 30 minutes, and they actually do last that long. How odd that the one that feels longest was actually one of the shortest.

O good heavens no, I have no desire, or patience, to sit there in an LD and count one-one thousand, two-one thousand etc. for 45 min to an hour. I’d probably go nuts from the boredom.

I couldnt believe how long this lucid dream lasted. It was so weird. First I was being drug across a floor, and was lucid after that. I talked to alot of DC, and one of them was telling me something that sounded very importent,but I have trouble remmbering dialog, and it was sooo vivid. I even tried to wake up from it, but couldnt. I never thought I could ever stay lucid that long. If it wasnt two hours it was atleast an hour, and a half. It was one of the coolest LDs Ive ever had. Has anyone else ever stayed lucid this long? I know I shattred my record of 30 to 45 minutes. I never thought it possible to stay lucid that long.


I have often found that lucid dreams that seemed quite long while i was dreaming, seem alot shorter when I write them down. We humans are not very good at keeping track of long time spans. A few seconds we can do quite well, but a couple of minutes is hopeless. It’s good though, if our dreams seem to last longer than they actually last, even if it is by tricks, it feels like it lasted a long time and that’s what matters.

My longest Lucid Dream lasted for 3 months dreamtime/12 hours real time. However, it’ll be a while before I attempt another Extended-LD like THAT again :tongue:
Normally, at most I’ll extend it to 1-week-dreamtime if I feel like having a “dream vacation”.
I know some of you already know how I do this, but for the rest of you–I use a dream object called a Dream Clock to achieve this extension of dreamtime.

hi u think you could give me a link (or explain) to me on how u do the dream extension in detail. PM or just post here. THANKS :smile:

With or without dream clock (you may explain it to me too if you want :grin: ) - is it really possible to have a 12h REM? :eek:
Cuz I thought, dream time is different from the real time because of the ‘fake’ dream memory…? :eh:

No it’s just impossible. The REM phases come every 90 minutes of sleep, the REM period of the first sleep cycle is 5 minutes long, the latest may last 50 minutes. But since two years Writerscube has made us accustomed to him being able to do lots of things that are impossible to normal human beings. You could have a look at his first posts or DJ to make your mind about his incredible realizations.

yes do please write about

edit : i made the dream clock today

it helped me prolong lucidity many times, when i’d drift to being almost awake, i’d focus on the numbers and the clock which i held in my hands,

i would love to hear WC’s instructions on how to make a dream even an hour long!

it seems like it might be easier to use hypnosis
“I am now in a very very long lucid dream, every ticking second i am more solid here, and i can do whatever I please, it is MY decision as to when I will awaken, and…”
to keep narrating to yourself!

also it did not run perfectly in sensible numerical order.

I understand what the study means, but if you think about it the study itself could be flawed in a way. For example, think about the time right before you go to sleep, how sometimes you’ll sit there thinking for what seems like half an hour, then look at the clock and it’s only been a couple of minutes. Then, when you’re thinking “Wow, did that really just happen? I’m gonna try that again!”… it doesn’t work. A simpler analogy would be the phrase “a watched pot never boils.” When you are thinking about time, you are defining time and keeping your thoughts in time with that definition. For instance, thoughts only advance as fast as you can talk for most people because this is their definition of the speed at which thinking can go. When you completely ignore time and let your mind wander, you don’t have a reference point to keep your mind to, and so it can go slower or faster.

In this experiment, the same effect may be occurring. As the person is counting, they are blinking, which is an action which ties the person to the physical rhythms of the body, such as breathing, heart beating, and, of course, blinking, and so it ties them to the that time, making their counting speed fall into that rhythm.

Maybe when the mind and dreams are untethered to any physical movement, the speed of thought, and therefore the dream, can vary dramatically from what would be considered ‘normal’ speed.

Then again, I don’t have a doctorate, so I’m probably wrong.

I think you are absolutely right! I don’t think anyone could have said it better. Hear that Eyelids? You’ve got competition! hehe :content:

Oh, and do a :rc:

Hey, its been awhile (2 years actually) since I’ve posted on this forum. Had two kids since then and had to put pursuing my ultimate goal of “Perpetual Lucidity” on the back burner while I tended to the needs of my “mini me’s”.

Speaking of kids, newborns get you up at all hours, especially around 4 or 5 am, after you’ve usually had enough sleep to pop you back into REM again after giving a bottle to the young’en (WBTB). I I’ve got to say thay I’ve actually started having LDs again on my own recently, somewhat spontaneously and without some pre-set intention. Now for the reason of this new thread.

What is the longest (to the best of your ability, since time is somewhat altered in our dream state) period of time you have remained asleep and maintained at least a tacit state of lucidity, if not full dream control?

I ask, because until last night/this morning, my personal best was 3 or 4 minutes, before the dream managed to wrangle control back from me and I returned to being a pawn of my subconsicous. However, my most recent LD lasted (what I estimate would be) nearly 45 minutes! I actually have vivid memories of myself in the dream doubting my lucid state again and again, thinking “surely I have woken up by now…the dream state usually destabalizes within a few mintues”. But each and every time I continued to do the nasal reality check (breathing in through my dream nose while holding it pinched shut with my dream fingers), I could still draw breath! So I kept on exploring, and got to really practice my flying skills with different approaches and stratagies, and it was truly great.

But I digress…I was shocked at how much longer this LD was than any one I had previous to date, so got to thinking…How long do some of your lucid dreams last (on average) and what is your longest that you have managed?

Wow. Just found this thread. I just posted a new one in the wrong place (Pathways to Lucidity) about the same question. Ooops! Mods, move or merge or whatever…[What's the longest lucid dream you ever had?)

But I don’t understand claims about LDs that last more than a few hours. I’m wondering about time as it occurs in waking live…ie the Sun rising and setting. I know time is wacko in dreams and it can seem like a long or short time and upon waking you are surprised to find it doesn’t synchronize.

But we only have a limited amout of REM each night as adult dreamers, and even if you can manage to jump back into your current LD when one of the REM sequences ends and then begins agian (not easy for me), that would still only be a few hour total for that one sleep cycle.

I suppose there could be those who can dream in a serial fashion, like some neverending script that picks up where it left off each night. But I was primarily interested in maintaining the Lucid state and making it persist. Not neccessarily being able to regain it across multiple sleep cycles.

probably about 15 to 20 minutes. it was the best LD i’ve ever had :happy:

As for me, I’ve had about 6 LD’s which lasted around 20 to 30 minutes. The longest LD recorded in laboratory by LaBerge was a full REM phase, i.e. 50 minutes.

No one can know how much his dreams last, cause you cannot always remember the whole dream, and the time in the dream is much different than the real time.

I remember having a dream (not a LD though) about two years back that seemed to last a full year. I was in some strange city for a year and afterwards i had the feeling that an actual year had passed, but when i really thought about all i could remember, i only got together about a few minutes of stuff. I think it is pretty easy to create the illusion of time inside a LD, but to have a dream actually last longer than the REM phase, you’d have to pick the LD up the next night and the night after that and so on.