If you were to have a full-lucidity LD tonight...

i Would find my spirit guide and talkto her about some personal stuff. Then Id jump out my window and fly into space and up onto a red planet with canyons and the sky is amazing
i have a picture of it actually
and then id go find a bridge and jump off

I would find this certain girl and tell her how I feel because in reality I’m a wuss and she has a boyfriend.

First off, I’d totally stabilize myself/increase lucidity and put on my trench coat :cool: . Then I’d use the aforementioned jet pack and head off to Sky Island, to see about getting the Chroniclers together. After that, I’d defeat a few nightmares of mine, then spend the rest of the dream discussing spiritual matters with my guardian angel.

I would love to kill myself over and over and see what the effect would be! That would be interesting.

Go into a city and fuck. shit. up.

I stepped out into the rain. The the normal colors and rain were annoying me, so I teleported down to Rapture (I want to see what it would be like if Bioshock were real) I would probably use my awesome telekinetic powers to screw things up, then come back up and fly. Next, I would throw fireballs everywhere, and have some fun blowing stuff up. Finally, I would ask my DG a few questions.

I’m still waiting for my 1st lucid dream…

I would have Astral Prjection and view my chakras and other people’s chakras so i can help heal them ~ :content:

I will Have A LD Tonight!!! :grin:

Here’s how this will happen…

I somehow become lucid, and i take to the sky. i look through the clouds, and find i’m flying over a vast desert. there, below me, is the Lucid Crossroads. I swoop down, right onto one of the couches. the blue people come over to me and ask me to sign my name in the guest book. i do, then i walk through one of the dream doors, and i end up in a huge city, probably NYC. I begin shooting lazers from my eyes and hands, burning the place to the ground. then I conjure huge spiders to kill any survivers.

i hope it works!! :happy: :woo: :cool: :content: :smile: :wink: :wiske: :woo:

I would use it to do a great deal of things that I would be afraid to do in real life, like just jump off a cliff things like that.

I would also like to be the general in a huge battle. I’m sure i’ll think of more :cool:

  1. Stabilize myself.
  2. Materialize a Ferrari
  3. Go back in time to a castle siege and have to sneak out and kill people hehe
  4. Fly (sorry)
  5. Sing with Vince Neil and Axl Rose and Eddie Vedder and Steven Tyler
  6. SEX
  7. Tell a DC to make me lucid every night
  8. Conquer my fear of cockroaches
  1. Experimenting with the periodic tables elements :tongue:

  2. Exploring the land of Ceeia.

  3. Finding secrets about myself :tongue:

  4. Learning telekinesis.

  5. Induce SD’s with people :tongue:

  6. Spawn a helicopter and fly it :fly:

And enter the secret forums Ghostie11?? :puh:

-I still want the answers to my questions for the quest. I don’t understand anything about ‘‘Life is a catalyst’’ so I want another answer too! :grin:
So I really hope some DC will answer me the next LD.
Oh and visit Banne, wherever he is! :peek:

And a travel to the future would be sooooo nice! :fly:

Leave the jokes to playground please :truit:

But now when you mention it Ill try to enter that forum from a dream :tongue:

What do you know, I did have my first ‘real’ LD last night! I did number
and 6.

I plan on completing the rest tonight.

so basicaly you did the 2 best ones :cool:

This is genius, I’m glad someone decided to share this idea!

All of a sudden, I wonder just why the lion was facing backwards the whole time. Out of habit I plug my nose, startled to find that I can breathe. I try to fly to another place, but as usual I’m sluggish and unbalanced. I sink into the dusty sand instead, expecting another dreamscape to meet me. I find myself in the curious Lucid Control Room see: The Lost LD and approach the Xbox 360. It’s power button is different than a normal console, reminding me a little of HAL from 2001: a space odyssey. I remember the quest for this month and ask it my question. Images are projected onto the wall above it in response (Whatever that response may be)
I stabilize myself a bit by rubbing my hands and repeating a little chant to help me focus and ask it to display an image of CjaKeu. see: CONworld
I am shown a real-time image of the planet. I spot Kgånrøs and dive into the image. I find myself standing in a familiar tundra and transform into an Uskin see: Uskin I spend the rest of the dream observing interactions between Kgånrøs factions, hoping to use these for story ideas

Easy, i would materialise a massive marble, gold, platinum and precious stone encrusted hall complete with full symphony orchestra, in the middle would be my dance partner, Tchaikovskys “Waltz of the Flowers” would start up andm e and her would dance in this beuatiful room as the room slowly changed showing different scenes, from red sand deserts to orbiting planets.

Afterwords we would retire to the bedchamber. End Transmission.

I have already flown, teleported and created films in my LD’s so i think that the next thing for me to do which would be cool is stop time. Hiro Nakumura Style lol

Meet my SG and see a deceased friend.