If you were to have a full-lucidity LD tonight...

Talk to some DCs, kiss someone pretty, FLY! … I haven’t done that successfully yet.

Tonight? I feel like something to do with nature. I’d fly over a forest, then land and walk around, trying to see as many animals as possible. Then perhaps a hunt in the tribal kind of style. Bow and arrow, spear. Something like that. I’d come across a village of cool people, learn magic from a shaman, marry a princess or whatever. Take some spiritual journey medicin to change the mood to a more mystical one, and learn some deep truths. After all that, I’d get on some war gear. A sword, and fight some random monsters.

I would go to pokemon stadium and have a big pokemon battle with the 6 pokemon of my choice :happy: and then afterwards i would jump from rooftop to rooftop in my neighbourhood. and fly around shooting fireballs at evil DCs.

i would find where my heart and soul are at ease and peace, free and joyful dancing and playing , and i would m eet my friends my soul team and ask them very clearly for all the help in the universe to get me there, and a sign the very next day as to what to do, or where to go , and i would ask for hugs

Two words… [color=darkred]KILLING SPREE[/color]

Me and my spirit guide on a booze cruise to the moon

This is what I really love about Lucid dreaming, there are NO limitations to what you can do!!!

I really don’t know. I guess I would either go flying or go riding on my dream horse!

Or maybe… I would go flying on my dream horse! Ha!

if i had my perfect LD tonight i would call my guardian and have him help me get to Sky Island where i would try to summon/have a shared dream with Ray and LDlax- we would all then go on our quest to find our Sources of Power- and we would find them! I would then go off and have a long conversation with my DG and ask questions about my SC. I would try to change the dream scene intentionally by spinning, walking through a mirror or teleporting and I would try and create my own dream land. I would see if i could confront some of my nightmare dc’s and resolve my issues with them. Then maybe i would go harrass harmless dc’s about them being a part of my subconscious lol. I would fly to outerspace and explore a different planet.

o man- i hope i have an ld tonight! lol :happy:

I’d be a pirate, or even just a sailor. I really want to see the twilight sun over the sea today.

I’d like to try out that electrical flying device I just made in my head… it’s got engines attached to both wrists and to my ankles. That’d be fun.

I’d summon my spirit guide, and ask her about my life to come. Then maybe I’d fly to a beach and just dive under the ocean and swim with the fish. :content:

I would sing loudly and freely. I need it.

IF i had a full lucidity LD tonight, i would see how much of the Dreamscape i could change using emotion and music. Or see if i could actually be able to form my own world.

At first thought I was going to say something like flying and stuff since i havent had a LD but now that I really think about it I would like to see my best friend who passed away when we were 11…Even if he wasn’t real I would still like to see him even if I am just imagining him in my dream. Hopefully I will be able to see him in a LD.

I would try to check the dreamscape out, since i’ve heard/read that it can be REALLY beautiful and amazing, and then i’ll fly around exploring this and then have sex with a sexy, cute, beautiful and good-in-bed girl ^^

if i have a full lucidity LD tonight i would search for myself. Ask questions, and then i would fight against her, just to see who’s better. Me, or my clone :tongue:

Visit my future. :content:

I’m in the middle of my WBTB right now, and i plan to go hangout with tim from lucidipedia (if you don’t him, search lucidipedia on youtube. he has some great videos about LDing, and they’re fairly entertaining) and as him if he has any tips for me on how to do WILD (i pretty much suck at it.). Wish me luck!

Grow wings and feel them. ^^

I remember becoming lucid and i get very happy and excited about it but i don’t wake up strangely, it’s like something is holding the lucid dream from collapsing, perphaps God. And talking about God, i remember that is my main goal, to meet God in my lucid dream, besides understanding life through Him.

So i start running out of that vague ND, and as i get out there, i see that the ambient is perfect, a warm feeling of the sun and a calming breeze, i look and everything is peaceful, i can be myself 100%, there is no pain, is just like heaven,
and i go on my quest…