Whose DCs have said the strangest things?

This one is very old. In the dream I was talking with someone when suddenly a man approached and said:

“My hearth lies in the south”

And then he walked out.

I’'ve got no clue why he said something like that, at the time I thought it might have some meaning, but haven’t deciphered it yet.

“The clock is one and it is done.”

Some random people at my grandparents’ house in a LD kept saying that like it was something super important. :huh:

DC Harry Potter to DC Crab and Goyle: “EXPECTO PATRONUM! No wait, I take that back. Silencio! Petrificus Totalus! And whatever else we use to make people behave temporarily!”

:rofl: I laughed so hard at that when I woke up.

Suddenly I was next to the trailer. It was on fire, so I ran away from it. There was a group of stores nearby. I ran towards the stores. I started looking for my family. I knew they were somewhere in the group of stores. I saw them in the parking lot, and ran towards them. I was talking to them.
Me: Sorry for taking so long. I must have fallen asleep while I was there. Either that, or, I just forgot what happened when I got there.

I rolled a ball (apparently an “earth ball”) towards some sort of ramp. I shouted “Eclipse!”

He said, “I was watching the Indians, when suddenly everyone started shouting ‘Team Rocket.’ I realized that team rocket won.”

Me: Wait just a darn minute!!!
My mom: Doesn’t it look so realistic?
Me: … ya…

I was about to eat a slice of pizza, when suddenly I feel a large burst of wind. I look into the room she is in, and she says she’s being taken by the wind spirit!

I walk up to a girl, and say, “Ummm… have you realized that there are hoboes everywhere?”

The ‘camera’ zooms in, and I see inside of the resturant. I say, “Hey! They’re eating chicken!” It appears to be true, until my father says, “No… that’s called mayflower.”

I pull one of the robot’s hair off. It gets mad and runs away. A boy walks up to me, and says, “That’s okay. She didn’t like blonde hair anyways.”

All the lights were on downstairs because a giant robot turned them on. As I turned them off, I said, “Who’s got control over the cats now?”

Epic randomness.

Once, I dreamt that Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory wrote me a card that said:
“I appreciate you,” to express our friendship. That was nice. :smile: And random.
One other time a creepy baby kept singing: “Look in the mirror” to me. :rc:

From my dj…

yup…I dont know. :tongue:

I’ve had a really strange response from a DC before. I was looking out the window, it was sunny. However, it suddenly became dark and snowy :confused: . I asked my Mom (a dream character representing my Mom, that is) why that happened, and she said, “Because your Dad went to the dentist.” :eh:
A really strange response… :bored:

I dreamt that I was at my school with a friend of mine, and then two unknown DC’s were waiting for me by my locker. I smiled friendly to them. It was a girl and a boy that stood there.
The boy: I dreamt of you tonight.
Me: Really? What did you dream?
Girl: I dreamt of you too.
My friend: Don’t you get the point?
Then I knew that the girl and the boy had the same dream about me.
Me to the strangers: Hello?
They ignored me, “didn’t hear me.”
My friend: You still don’t get it? Come, we should go.

That was strange. All that dream-talk.

Were you lucid at the time?
If you weren’t, they might be hinting that that was a dream.

I wasn’t lucid. I agree, they probably were hinting to it. And I didn’t get it. :tongue:

ME: Since when do dogs talk?
Talking dog DC: Since when do humans listen?

I formally introduced myself to a DC, a large man who had all the facial features and body profile of a negro but was very much white. He met my introduction with telling me that he was Wentz Hesselman, my ridicule chooser.

I had a dream where there was an evil dog who practically attacked me and my sister.

Me: No, don’t attack her! She’s pregnant!
My sister: What? I’m not pregnant.
Me: Yeah, but I’d like to believe you are.

I don’t talk to my dream characters often enough.

Oh yeah, and another really weird dream!

I was in this alley where there was a gang. And they all had guns pointed at me. One of them looks at me, with his gun pointed at me, and starts counting in Spanish. None of them were Spanish. It was very very random.

Funny Conversations with DC’s:

17th of May 2009 - The Tomato Conversation

Funniest FA I ever had… I wake up and a young kitten enters the bedroom. I pet it and say sweet words to it. My husband enters. He’s angry with me because I got a kitten without telling him.
“I only found out just now, we had one!”, I reply but he keeps angry and doesn’t believe me. The kitten runs away. I’m chasing the kitten through the house, but then all of a sudden the environment changes without me noticing. I’m now following a tomato with little arms, eyes and a big mouth. He’s pointing at a labyrinth.
Amaryllis: Wasn’t I awake just before? Where’s the cat I was following? And why am I following a cucumber now?!
Tomato (angry): Pay attention, will ya, I’m a tomato!
Amaryllis: Hmm. Fine. Are you really sure this isn’t a dream?
Tomato: Just follow me!
I’m following the tomato through a labyrinth. It’s some sort of jungle-kitchen garden.
Tomato: Ok, we’re here. Open your eyes.
Amaryllis: Did I have my eyes closed?
Tomato: Yes, you were dreaming!
Millions of strawberries are lying in front of me. I start eating them. There delicious!
Then an angry raspberry appears, he’s furious. He’s standing right before me and yells: TRAITOR! FILTHY THRAITOR! And he’s holding his fist to punch the tomato.
Tomato: laughs unstoppable. Finally… REVENGE!

2nd of July – The spoon conversation

There’s a fridge in the corner where the bar should be. A big white fridge, could also be a washing machine, or maybe it just changed. I find a spoon on top of it. It surprisingly has a mouth and eyes. I’m having the first task of the new challenge in mind and start talking. But I know I’m still in my bed so I lower my voice because I’m afraid I might talk out loud and wake my husband.
Amaryllis: How do you like being a spoon?
Spoon: I am no spoon…
Amaryllis: No spoon? Are you the spoon from the Matrix perhaps?
Spoon: No but we lay in the same drawer
Amaryllis: Can I meet him?
Spoon: Uh, no he’s euh… auditioning right now
Amaryllis: Ow… right… So do you like people?
Spoon: People?
Amaryllis: People, you know… What do you think of me for instance?
Spoon (thinks long): Well… (long pause) You’re no spoon that’s for sure!
Amaryllis: But neither are you
Spoon: Riiight
Amaryllis: Can I bent you?
Spoon: Beg your pardon?
Amaryllis: Bent you… like Neo does in the Matrix…
Spoon: Oh, bent me… sure, you can try… just remember: There is no spoon!
Amaryllis: Yes I know that, clever.

You know how in movies like the Sandlot theres always adults narrating about their childhood? Well that happened to me in a ND last night. Apparently I was a future Crayon maker, but in my dream I was only in kindergarten, with some older guy as the narrator. Anyway I guess I lived near a cartoonist. I took his color palette and threw it out a window and all the colors mixed into this kind of ugly brownish color. Then my DC narrator said, “…and upon throwing his concoction out the window is how I came to create the ugliest shade I have ever made: Cilantro.”

Maybe it’s not that funny but it made me laugh , it was in a ND , I wanted to plan a wedding and I said:“now i’m going to order the food for the wedding”.
any my mom DC asked :“don’t you need to find a bridge first ?”
and I still didn’t realize that I’m dreaming lol.

In one LD I had a DC tell me I was about to wake up, and showed me an ordinary piece of paper with a working countdown on it. It was about 2:30 until I woke up, according to it.
I looked around for a while, and about 2 minutes, 30 seconds after I saw the countdown, everything blurred and I woke up. :tongue:

cool !

It was pretty freaky, actually…

In my recent nightmare/ ND i was told I was dead (I was in the dream).

[community.ld4all.com/t/dreams-from-shadow-dreamer/30924/7) <---- my DJ